
Showing posts from 2024

World View Perspective: As Our Light Shines Deep

As we trust our Light to shine deeper, more of what has held us back can come to the surface.  For example, if our ego was caught up in dramas or traumas for years, trying to make sense of it all with no idea why we can't progress, with more Light shining into our deeper aspects, finally clues can surface.  Why does this happen?  Carl Jung's work offers us a way to understand everything.  Just like day and night, left and right, female and male, young and old, opposites need each other for  balance.  If we think in terms of WHOLENESS as a goal, we need to see, understand, accept and integrate both sides of any equation. So, aspects of us that have been held down in the dark unconsciousness, the only way to see them and feel them again is by making them conscious.  By allowing, inviting, encouraging them to feel safe enough to surface.  Perhaps an abuser has died, maybe a toxic person has moved away or a group of people have disbanded now. ...

World View Perspective: For the Love of Source

After we have grown up, developed into the adult version of ourselves, tried out our best skill sets, personality styles, preferences, a whole myriad of relationships, valued our parents, grandparents and maybe had families we love and provided all we could, our introspection can take us to deeper levels.  We might begin to question who we are, separate from what we have been told we are, we may pursue a different point of view we find so curious or interesting and we may start on spiritual journey of discovery. We have been taught to look outside ourselves for love, understanding and acceptance.  To seek where our comfort and soothing lies.  Maybe we have found it in a parent, a child of ours, a spouse, a grandparent, co-workers or a partner who is there for us. We attach to this person, or group of people, to define who we are. When this shifts and changes, we go through emotional, personal pain due to attachment and can become confused about where to fin...

World View Perspective: Until we resolve the past we can't evolve into the future

  Our human system holds a great deal of energy and information. Memories are held in our cells, in our minds, our hearts and our emotions.  We might think we have thought everything through from the past but it isn't just a mental exercise.  The saying, "We must feel in order to heal' is real.  If there has been abuse, major distrust, extreme betrayal or out and out attacks, we can harbor those negatives thoughts and feelings for years, bound up in our own system.  We might even attach, identify or constantly react/respond as if that is who we are.  In TRUTH, that is not WHO WE ARE! The TRUE SELF that we are is not our accrued experiences. The TRUE SELF is the ONE THAT KNOWS.  To get to the HEART of the TRUE SELF, however, we must release through gratitude and forgiveness and emotion, like rage, what we have held into our system, unconsciously or consciously.  We all have darkness and Light within us.  To become aware of both aspects and ele...

World View Perspective: Inner Illumination as a Means of Healing

After we find our own INNER LIGHT and the causes for any wounding along the way, an awareness arises.  We are NOT actually the Wound or the responding LIGHT.  We are aware of them both and how one may have facilitated the other.  Like any two extremes, the middle road will appear and it is the one to travel.  The middle road is our emerging SELF, the one who knows.  This Self of the Soul carries the wisdom of both aspects of what we have ultimately experienced in our life.   The wound is often the friction that polishes the stone.  From birth to adulthood, we are carried like waves on the surf.  Parents are usually our first and best teachers and the ones who have agreed to carry us along with love, affection, care and feeding.  We learn to color inside the lines and to shift and change and adapt to their ways, their expectations and their ideas of who THEY think we are.  They provide the context and structure for us to define ourselves ...

World View Perspective: How abuse can be a double edged sword

When our human system is impacted by abuse, whether it is physical, emotional, mental, intellectual or even spiritual, we not only feel the impact but then we can become it.  We can absorb the impact and let it fester away for a long, long time.  In that case, we are, in effect, lying and denying how it actually affected us. Not only that, but we can turn it in on ourselves and let it further torture us, fearing that we deserved it, made it happen, so we may actually become the abuse and it's consequences.  This is an easy unconscious thinking and feeling pattern after experiencing it but it not the truth.  We can certainly feel like it is true.  It was a true experience for us, to us, hurting and impacting us, possibly changing our behaviors, sense of self and even our  natural ability sets that we naturally use as we naturally operate. Think of a wood bee.  The wood bees find a worn out area in the wood, perhaps on a wooden deck railin...

World View Perspective: Our initial emotional programming

When we are young, we are initially programmed by our parents.  They see a male child, certain programming comes into play.  They receive a female child and perhaps another set of programming happens.  This is, of course, based on what the parents and grandparents before them have known, learned and experienced. For example, if the family has always owned a farm.  Generations have, in fact, owned that farm.  The males have most likely been operating the heavy equipment, putting in the long days and working tirelessly.  The females have had the children, cooked the meals and kept the household running.  The children for generations have witnessed this division of labor and most likely been programmed to follow suit in some way or form, based initially on their biology, their sexual identification. Often, this could be unconscious. As we grow and develop and look for our path in life, with all that parental programming, we usually follow suit unconscious...

World View Perspective: Making the Unconscious Conscious, a matter of healing

Our wonderful, wonderful human physical bodies are extraordinary.  How our parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, neighbors, extended family and friends mirror to us, throughout our development, and scaffold our learning about how to use, further develop, modify and create with our mental, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and psychological aspects as we embrace, enhance, utilize all we have come into this 'earth walk' with is all extraordinary.  At many times and points in the life, we can always stop and find gratitude for all that life has shown us and how we have grown. Yes, life can also send us barriers, heart break, confusion, devastation, deep hurt, profound loss and great fear.  Cruelty, abuse, intended harm exists in this world, too.  Lust, greed, false power, hatred, rage, violence, too.  Energetically, they can all be the 'friction that polishes our rock' until we emerge our strongest, most resilient selves.  They can also have an affect, e...

World Wide Perspective: The Center of the Wisdom of the Soul

As we grow, develop and mature as human beings, we are under the influence of our parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, neighbors and teachers.  They help  scaffold our learning and awareness.  They can become the friction that polishes our rock, so to speak!  They carry our rocks downstream, until we can stand on our own two feet! They get us to the goal, which is independence and a sense of freedom, secure that we have the skills, knowledge and maturity we need, going forward. Once on our own, we take that accrued and applied wisdom, knowledge and awareness and continue on our own towards even greater development and awareness, if we remain open and willing to learn!  We can unconsciously or  subconsciously become our parents ideas of us or become what we think they would prefer until or unless we continue to transform through greater growth and aspiration. As we go, we can attach and identify with various aspects of ourselves that will most likely re...

World View Perspective: Our Conscious Trains of Thought

Our minds are capable of a lot of thoughts that can speed through at any given time!  Maybe our minds have gone spinning through our past, have raced ahead into our future, has decided to visit old foes just to play out some kind of continued rage!  If we aren’t aware of what our minds are capable of doing or thinking or functioning as, at any given time, how can we possibly understand that we can actually train our brain to behave itself! We are actually not our minds, we are the presence that is aware of it! That presence that we are, is capable of disciplining our minds when our ‘trains of thought’ have pulled out of the station and are taking us along on their journey!  When we focus on the current day, centered and focused, it is easier to request the mind just stay put!  Relish in our freedom to not be directed by it! As we grow and develop, we can unconsciously pick up thinking styles from our parents and other adults in the environment!  A worries mother...

World View Perspective: The more ‘baloney’ we swallow, the more we have to stuff it

  As we grow, mature and develop, we are ‘fed’ different ideas regarding who we are or, rather, who we’re told we should be!  Most parents have a pretty clear idea of what they are expecting from their children!  We follow these expectations the best we can, until or unless, we are shown another way!  What can happen unconsciously, is we can believe we are that ‘baloney’ we were told we were!  If that happens, we can unconsciously ‘stuff’ it away into our own physical body, perhaps lying and denying its existence!  Why does this happen?  Because we fear it will hurt too much to let it out by actually feeling it again! Much like a bulging closet, though, we can only pretend it is not there for so long!  At some point, we will have to open that door, let out what is now misshapen and most likely distorted, and clear that space out!  The good news is, we now have a new space to refill with our current day recalibration about who we are!  OU...

World View Perspective: Recalibrating the Rings of Fear

When we have experienced trauma, it is like a tree being hit by lightening.  Many of the rings in the tree are affected, effected and impacted.  The trauma is experienced at the time.  It can prevent the tree from growing and going in its right direction and even halting the expected  growth of the tree from it's roots. Theses 'rings of fear' can go out and traumatize the tree for years to come unless and until we consciously go in and recalibrate the trauma and the consequent fear. We do this by becoming as conscious as we can of our trauma.   Even digging through the emotions of it as far as we can.  Think of getting a sliver of wood in your arm.  It hurts at the time and maybe we forget about it or ignore it or dismiss it.  So it continues to go deeper so now we hide the arm from others and begin to think we did something wrong.  We'd rather deny that sliver got in there to begin with than to turn and face it.  Now, maybe it...

World View Perspective: Being BOLD or being 'bowled over'

When we were  developing into adulthood, we may have had a strong aspect to our personality.  Something we knew, understood, had developed previously or had an instinct for. We may have arrived into our family of origin, carrying this  strength for ourselves or the family.  When we  exposed or expressed this strong suit, members of our family may have pushed back, criticized, judged, rejected or devalued us, making us doubt ourselves.  In that self-doubt, perhaps we stopped sharing our inherent strength because the people closest to us would not, could not hear it or accept us.  We were not well received, believed or conceived of knowing anything else to be true but what they knew.  Therefore, sub-consciously or unconsciously, we were instead programmed by what those before us knew.  Not only knew but what they were expecting to see in us, hear in us, witness in us, reflecting their limitations.  As we then played out the roles and ...

World View Perspective: Utilizing our LIGHT to reveal what's hidden

Seeking, finding and understanding our own inner and surrounding LIGHT, we can  develop an awareness to receive clarity and consciousness, which enables us to understand even more about life, love and ourselves.  Another feature of our own LIGHT is to uncover our own shadowy idea of our self; which enables us to see what we may have stuffed away, hidden from ourselves and others.  This may have been due to a wound, a trauma, family denial, old ancestral pain or deep confusion regarding the past.  According to Carl Jung, the Swiss Psychologist, once our unconscious self comes to LIGHT, it cannot return to the darkness again.  He goes on to discuss archetypes that we may have adopted to get to and through our life.  Perhaps we are acting them out because we adapted to them to help us cope and survive.  We  also have sub-personalities that we may have created, too, based on our personalities.  For example, if our parents loved our sense of humor...

World View Perspective: When what tainted us, 'taint' ours!

When we are born, our human systems are fresh and new, untainted.  We are innocent and open, in a pure form!  As we grow and develop,  however, we begin to take on the taint of those around us and, in time, we begin to think that is who we are because we feel it as us. Think of a fresh, clean open pond.  You have just cleaned it out and put in fresh water, a new filter and scraped off anything old and unnecessary. You see it as fresh and sparkling.  The next day, you get up and look  outside and now there are sticks, rocks and leaves in it.  What has happened is your cleaned out area is now tainted by what has affected it!  It needs cleaning, clearing out again so it can return to its natural clear state and full function as a pond. We are the same.  When we have been tainted by the taint of others, as found in ancestral pain, for example, we can be cluttered up by another's taint, which does not belong to us.  Maybe our families ha...