World View Perspective: How abuse can be a double edged sword

When our human system is impacted by abuse, whether it is physical, emotional, mental, intellectual or even spiritual, we not only feel the impact but then we can become it.  We can absorb the impact and let it fester away for a long, long time.  In that case, we are, in effect, lying and denying how it actually affected us.

Not only that, but we can turn it in on ourselves and let it further torture us, fearing that we deserved it, made it happen, so we may actually become the abuse and it's consequences.  This is an easy unconscious thinking and feeling pattern after experiencing it but it not the truth.  We can certainly feel like it is true.  It was a true experience for us, to us, hurting and impacting us, possibly changing our behaviors, sense of self and even our natural ability sets that we naturally use as we naturally operate.

Think of a wood bee.  The wood bees find a worn out area in the wood, perhaps on a wooden deck railing.  They drill into the wood on the railing.  As they drill into it, it will weaken the railing over time.  Once into the wood, they lay their eggs.  Once those eggs hatch, there are now multiple wood bees, still going in and out to bore through more wood. Eventually, through their destructive habits, the wood on the railing cannot defend itself so it gives way.  Now with the obvious weakened wood, the deck railing has lost its strength and strong hold, thus making it a non-reliable deck railing. It is failing it's own integrity.

This is what the trauma of abuse does.  It works it's way into us, like a hole boring it's way into who we truly are, until it renders us unable to function correctly.  It lays eggs of doubt, old hurts, low self esteem, poor self worth, slowly rendering our viable self more disabled, more weakened and losing strength to maintain and sustain who we are.

This harmful, hurtful situation must be rectified.  We must not be people who have been hurt who now hurt others because of our own hurt.  We must find other ways that are healing, positive, and useful to offset actions and consequences that have had such a negative effect.

Ancestral impacts can come down family lines, and we can unconsciously continue playing these age old patterns out in real time. Or, we can find healers, counselors, shamans, spiritual teachers or someone else you trust who will show you or teach you about your true worth and value.

Accessing our own LIGHT within is another path to illuminate that we are not ultimately this abuse, found and experienced in our human system.  We are in fact the heart and soul within us, and we are the SELF; the one who knows.  To collaborate with our own INNER LIGHT, is to find a way forward, out of the cycle or cycles of abuse.  To offer up our sense of a broken self, who was mistreated in some way so those pieces can be replaced by the TRUE LOVE AND LIGHT that LOVES US unfailingly.  Our LIGHT has no need for us to hold onto the old energies, people, relationships and situations that affected us and our well being so negatively. As soon as we recognize and realize we are NOT that that has impacted us. we can safely move into a Higher Understanding about who we truly are, allowing the past to go. 

See it as cleaning out a closet.  We need the LIGHT on, the willingness to let go, the ability to clear things that are no longer useful and further, to allow the new fresh space to be created.  It is in that fresh new space that we can invite in something much more suitable for who we truly are in the here and now.  Then a brand new start can come, along with a changed and new sense of our self, too. One no longer attached, identified or reacting as if they are the old abuse and it's consequences.

Forgiveness is a great place to start!  Forgiving the abuser and forgiving ourself for having to accept an unacceptable behavior in others. Forgive ourselves for being too young to not fend it off, forgive ourselves for holding onto it for so long and forgive ourselves that we could't make it stop!  Any form of self-blame cannot be there, any form of holding onto it cannot be there and any and all of the fear needs to go. You are NOT that experience, you are someone who is much, much stronger than what has happened to them. You reflect your own INNER LIGHT, a LIGHT so strong it can flush away any and all darkness, especially darkness that clouds our own LIGHT and, especially any darkness from the past that we are now through with.  This may take practice but it will release in time.  And when it does, more of your OWN LOVE and LIGHT will and can rush in to fill those spaces.  And, it is GOOD!


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