
Showing posts from May, 2017

World View Perspective: Self Love is God Love

To truly love our self is to accept God's Love for us.  Simply put, Loving our self like God Love's us aligns us with LOVE as an active, powerful force.  Simple in concept, perhaps difficult in practice! Imagine an Infinite Being Loving and Accepting you on all levels and in all ways. Naturally, we would adjust our attitudes, our outlook, our self-forgiveness and we'd naturally begin to let go of traits that no longer serve us.  We'd realize we aren't the past and we would feel the release of those age old bonds that we have outgrown.  It would be a natural letting go! We can love the past, be grateful for the past, realize our lessons from the past and shine all the way through to the current moment. If we imagine the Purest Love Loving us all the way through, we'd realize that Love is the Love of the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy beaming right into us that that we already are within.  Any and all old 'knots' that we aren't will