World View Perspective: Making the Unconscious Conscious, a matter of healing
Our wonderful, wonderful human physical bodies are extraordinary. How our parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, neighbors, extended family and friends mirror to us, throughout our development, and scaffold our learning about how to use, further develop, modify and create with our mental, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and psychological aspects as we embrace, enhance, utilize all we have come into this 'earth walk' with is all extraordinary. At many times and points in the life, we can always stop and find gratitude for all that life has shown us and how we have grown.
Yes, life can also send us barriers, heart break, confusion, devastation, deep hurt, profound loss and great fear. Cruelty, abuse, intended harm exists in this world, too. Lust, greed, false power, hatred, rage, violence, too. Energetically, they can all be the 'friction that polishes our rock' until we emerge our strongest, most resilient selves. They can also have an affect, effect and infect our human systems to the point of trauma; unexpressed, repressed rage, creating self-hatred, poor self-worth, low self-respect, regret and deep blame towards our own sense of self.
Society usually teaches us to stuff all these old, negative experiences and feelings away and hide the tears and fears that may accompany them. 'Never let them see you weep' kind of a message. Yet, over time, denying, lying and pretending we don't feel the hurt, anger, fear, disgust, rage, abandonment, rejection or shame way down deep has consequences. It has a direct affect on our physical and emotional health and well being. This is because we can falsely attach to it, identify with it and react and respond to it AS IF IT IS REAL AND AS IF IT IS WHO WE ARE!
Until or unless we remember WHO WE TRULY ARE (which is our LIGHT), we can remain stuck in this false sense of self. When we go beyond the boundaries of 'we are just who we are in the physical form and therefore who others define', to remembering OUR OWN LIGHT, we can invite, encourage, consciously ask OUR OWN LIGHT to shine into these old dark, trapped, hurtful, harmful places and ferret out those age old falsehoods.
Carl Jung famously said, 'When we make conscious the unconscious, it can never be unconscious again.' Meaning energy we have stuffed away into our human system because we were too embarrassed or humiliated to express it or discuss it because it was too harmful, hateful or hurtful, all of that energy can become part of the unconscious self, which can negatively affect our human system for as long as it is stuck there. When we consciously ask OUR OWN LIGHT to show us what it is, where it came from, why it is still there and please to show us how to make it conscious so we can become aware of it, realize it and release it, we ALLOW the unconscious to come up from the darkness to transform into LIGHT, once again! OUR OWN LIGHT wants this exchange, this dialogue, this deep connection with us so we can use it to heal us again into WHOLENESS, which is the integration of darkness and light through awareness. That awareness is that we all carry both extremes. All opposites are there to create a balance. If we aren't aware of the opposites and our need for an integrated balance, we cannot become WHOLE and heal what is out of balance.
The positive result of this practice is we are able to know that all that stuffed down old stuck energy is definitely NOT (knot) who we are and consequently, we begin to feel free again to go and grow into our WHOLENESS. We are now 'armed' with the TRUTH that we are not ultimately our thoughts, feelings, experiences or limitations of the human physical body. Instead, we are OUR OWN LIGHT in a state of rebalancing ITSELF, aware of it all and yet not that awareness. We are a much deeper sense of Self; one that knows the wisdom.
This is the state of healing. We remember OUR OWN LIGHT, we use it like a flashlight to see what we haven't yet had the courage to see and then we allow that unconscious self to show itself, in order to offer it to the LIGHT with the clear intent to clear it, transform it and allow it to be a lighter, brighter awareness of what we are truly NOT anymore.
Trusting this process is essential. Working consciously in COLLABORATION with OUR OWN LIGHT enables us to move to and through this process with conscious care, compassion and self-love, transforming all aspects into a most positive and useful new state of SELF. The SELF that knows! And what it KNOWS IS REMARKABLY WONDERFUL, AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL. AND SO IT IS!
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