World View Perspective: Our initial emotional programming

When we are young, we are initially programmed by our parents.  They see a male child, certain programming comes into play.  They receive a female child and perhaps another set of programming happens.  This is, of course, based on what the parents and grandparents before them have known, learned and experienced. For example, if the family has always owned a farm.  Generations have, in fact, owned that farm.  The males have most likely been operating the heavy equipment, putting in the long days and working tirelessly.  The females have had the children, cooked the meals and kept the household running.  The children for generations have witnessed this division of labor and most likely been programmed to follow suit in some way or form, based initially on their biology, their sexual identification. Often, this could be unconscious.

As we grow and develop and look for our path in life, with all that parental programming, we usually follow suit unconsciously until or unless, another path shows itself and we are guided to go in that new direction. We start out wanting and needing to impress and please our parents because we have needed to do that to survive. If our mom or dad is happy, pleased, proud of us, we will continue to be supported. If we have done something too far afield, we run the risk of being rejected, left out or no longer wanted. We might be left to fend for ourselves too early, which our sense of survival doesn't want to experience.

So, following this early programming becomes essential and maybe even preferred so one fits into the family and continues to please and impress the parents. All may be well and good because it is known to the child, who has now become an adult.  That initial programming is strong and meant to keep the child safe, well, able to fit into society and, of course, the family and further, to be repeated generation after generation.

Once we have hit certain life time markers, we are usually able to stop, review and rethink our original plans and often, review our programming to date.  With careful self study and review, it is possible we can see that, although, their notions, plans, ideas for us were useful or, at least, reflective of them at the time, we might just want/need to go beyond those original limitations.  We might choose to pursue additional teaching, receiving, healing and a deeper understanding of who we really are, not just the roles we found necessary to play out.

We may choose to expand our sense of self in order to grow and go beyond what was imposed on us by even well meaning parents.  So, seeking higher knowledge, wisdom, understanding, clarity, greater independence and deeper interests becomes essential.  That personal pursuit can sometimes come at a cost.  Those who did the original programming might pull back and not (knot) approve, other family members might do the same and, as a group, the family, might now consider you 'not one of them'!  That sense of rejection, isolation or disregard can be quite painful, especially, if the others do not stay open to who you are or who you are evolving into.  Because we were so programmed by our parents and their inherent limitations, sometimes, those limitations and programming hold ourselves back, too. We may wish to go beyond them, to let them go, to be braver than those ties, but until or unless, we surrender that limited programming, we can struggle to move on.

Let's say that a woman was programmed to just marry well and have the babies only.  Yet, some time in the future, she now wants to go out and generate income.  The children have grown, the husband may have died, the house might be empty so she thinks this is her chance.  Yet, she seems unable to move forward.  It could be her initial emotional programming that is keeping held down and back to the house, still caring for her family and feeding the babies.  Nothing more was encouraged or promoted or inspired in her all this time.  Now, she wants to be more but there is nothing to draw from, energetically, but the old worn out initial, limited emotional programming, even though, it has now been completed.

Digging deeper within herself, or receiving new training, and surrendering the old programming, she would be able to rise out of the old stuck place and begin again to progress.  To grow in a new direction, to develop a newer identity, to gain greater skills and enhance what she already enjoys.  She can continue to learn and rebuild herself from that greater understanding.

When we choose a spiritual path, seeking our own INNER LIGHT to show us the way, we are often guided to let go of the old, stuck ways we have already walked.  Forgiveness and gratitude for all that has gone before us is a useful place to start.  Sometimes, too, we have to recognize we have actually completed all we were first programmed to do. That means, we are going to now choose for ourselves what matters most for our greatest good and personal, spiritual growth.  New faith in ourselves, and our INNER LIGHT, is the best way to move forward. It encourages a brighter, more truthful collaboration.

Our parents had no intention to make our lives so challenging or difficult or to inhibit our greater growth and expansion.  They often did their best, at the time. It is up to us to continue that growth, expansion and deeper awareness, consciousness and understanding.  It is now up to us to motivate, cultivate and expand our ourselves and our awareness.

Keep asking your OWN INNER LIGHT to show you the way.  Have faith in surrendering the past attachments, identifications and reactions and that no longer serve you well.  Allow and invite yourself to grow.  See what is waiting for you next!



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