World View Perspective: When what tainted us, 'taint' ours!
When we are born, our human systems are fresh and new, untainted. We are innocent and open, in a pure form! As we grow and develop, however, we begin to take on the taint of those around us and, in time, we begin to think that is who we are because we feel it as us.
Think of a fresh, clean open pond. You have just cleaned it out and put in fresh water, a new filter and scraped off anything old and unnecessary. You see it as fresh and sparkling. The next day, you get up and look outside and now there are sticks, rocks and leaves in it. What has happened is your cleaned out area is now tainted by what has affected it! It needs cleaning, clearing out again so it can return to its natural clear state and full function as a pond.
We are the same. When we have been tainted by the taint of others, as found in ancestral pain, for example, we can be cluttered up by another's taint, which does not belong to us. Maybe our families have alcoholics, maybe drug users, perhaps bank robbers or child molesters, perhaps just lots of pent up, unresolved anger, frustration, hurt, irrational thoughts or feelings or undiagnosed mental illness or major confusion. It may just be theirs to cope with, process or face but if we are in that environment, we are impacted or affected, effected or infected by it, too.
When a child has been abused, on some level, that child might believe it deserved it. They might push it deep into their psyche, hoping to forget it about it, deny it happened or lie to themselves that everything is fine. Yet, at some point in their life, if they are lucky or willing and able to do deep self-healing work, that stuffed aspect of experience will surface in order to be lifted up and out and replaced by a new energy that is much more useful, positive and able to assist the person in current day! Self-Love, Self-Empowerment, Self-Esteem and valuing oneself more deeply assist to fill that new space much more appropriately.
We clean out our closets from season to season and size to size and as we age. We do this to replace items that no longer serve us or are currently not useful. Once done, we can add items that reflect who we are now, that fit us now and items that will actually be used. Our physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, spiritual and psychic bodies are just like this. Tainted thoughts, ideas, suggestions, notions and feelings from others can occur, hitting our lives and our selves hard, sometimes when we aren't even aware of them. These negative energies are NOT who we are but if they get into our layers or levels of awareness, we can unconsciously allow them to fester, sometimes for many, many years, undetected. They can build up and develop into sub-personalities and convince us we are 'stupid, ugly, unloved, incapable or undeserving of success', for example. Untrue messages but we might not be aware of how false they actually are to us.
We must, therefore, have useful techniques to clean our inner pond and keep it 'taint free' of other energies that may have ill intent to deflate, defeat, diminish, delete or discount us for someone else's ultimate gain. Maybe the 'attack' was subtle, maybe as a side-effect, perhaps because they had been hurt that way before so that is all they know or unfortunately, they are just cruel or brutal themselves. As long as we stay mindful to clear our 'ponds', all aspects, especially our emotional, personal selves, the 'taint' of others cannot affect, affect or infect us. Using our LIGHT, the LIGHT that surrounds us, is around us and within us, we can literally flush out that that we are KNOT!! When age old taints from others have hit our systems and had an affect on us, we can easily KNOT up with that negative energy. It can even turn in on ourselves and have a negative affect on our health and well being, especially if held onto, over time.
Our HIGHEST LIGHT wants the very best for us. It is the best HEALING and REBALANCING FORCE and SOURCE in the Universe and COSMOS. Give it your deepest pain, confusion and anything tainted and see what happens. Sincerely and dearly be prepared to let it go. Allow yourself to be HEALED and REBALANCED and CLEAR! AND IT IS DONE, AND IT IS GOOD! Allow LOVE to fill that empty space and ALLOW THAT LOVE TO RENEW AND BE YOU!!
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