World View Perspective: Inner Illumination as a Means of Healing

After we find our own INNER LIGHT and the causes for any wounding along the way, an awareness arises.  We are NOT actually the Wound or the responding LIGHT.  We are aware of them both and how one may have facilitated the other.  Like any two extremes, the middle road will appear and it is the one to travel.  The middle road is our emerging SELF, the one who knows.  This Self of the Soul carries the wisdom of both aspects of what we have ultimately experienced in our life.  

The wound is often the friction that polishes the stone.  From birth to adulthood, we are carried like waves on the surf.  Parents are usually our first and best teachers and the ones who have agreed to carry us along with love, affection, care and feeding.  We learn to color inside the lines and to shift and change and adapt to their ways, their expectations and their ideas of who THEY think we are.  They provide the context and structure for us to define ourselves and that gives us the needed and necessary foundation on which to continue creating and living our lives.  We evolve through this early structure as we develop our sense of self, our sense of purpose and our understanding of life itself.  Manners, rules, proper social behaviors, etiquette and most likely, gender appropriate patterns that they have known and followed, too, are taught to us or demonstrated for us.  In essence, they teach us what they know.

Once we become adults and create lives of our own, we can continue growing and going on our own path and process, as we feel prompted to do.  This may mean leaving behind what we have modeled after, learned, copied, imitated or identified ourselves as being.  We have to learn and accept that new and merging self, even if others in our lives fail to do that as well.  Yet, if and when we have accessed our Own Inner Light, we can now do our own Inner Illumination so we can see more of what is ahead of us and within us. 

When we live in a human system, we cannot become the Inner Light any more than we are that old wound.  Those two living experiences become the opposites of each other, which means we need to now integrate them into our emerging sense of WHOLENESS.  Just like how we accept daylight and night, winter and summer, young and old.  We go through both extremes by accepting our own CENTER as we do.  What is at that Center is the Self of the Soul; The One Who Knows.

The wisdom we gain by accepting our greatest low and our greatest High as two sides of the same coin, the better able we are to be and stay centered in the SELF.  This awareness and consciousness is how we heal and understand the journey.  We can only develop discernment when we understand what moves us this way and that and how things resonate with us or not as we feel it in our human system.  Therefore, we cannot abandon our physical self but rather work to integrate the experience and awareness of both extremes into it.  This provides the expansion into our Higher Self.

As the Self emerges, we will see and understand even more about the current state of our awareness and the joy of being (BEING) fully present in our own human form, with the full knowledge of WHO WE ARE!

The Inner Illumination, our Own Inner Light, is needed to see and bring forth our TRUTH and to highlight all that we have learned from this 'Earth Walk' by those who were there at the very beginning.  Ancestral appreciation, understanding, awareness, presence, and often patience, has all come together to show us the way, even if that way was not ultimately what we, ourselves' would choose or have actively chosen.  Still, it was there for a reason.  Forgiving it and being grateful for it, and those who offered it, is a blessing.

Our Worth, our Value, our True Esteem and our LOVE has always been within us, just waiting for our own development to catch up to it.  Allow it to come forward!  Invite it to be like the flowering bulb, who has had enough dark soil, sunlight, water to now blossom.  Allow YOUR OWN INNER LIGHT to show you, the human being, how to get there.  There is where YOU want to be!  


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