World View Perspective: Utilizing our LIGHT to reveal what's hidden

Seeking, finding and understanding our own inner and surrounding LIGHT, we can  develop an awareness to receive clarity and consciousness, which enables us to understand even more about life, love and ourselves.  Another feature of our own LIGHT is to uncover our own shadowy idea of our self; which enables us to see what we may have stuffed away, hidden from ourselves and others.  This may have been due to a wound, a trauma, family denial, old ancestral pain or deep confusion regarding the past. 

According to Carl Jung, the Swiss Psychologist, once our unconscious self comes to LIGHT, it cannot return to the darkness again.  He goes on to discuss archetypes that we may have adopted to get to and through our life.  Perhaps we are acting them out because we adapted to them to help us cope and survive.  We also have sub-personalities that we may have created, too, based on our personalities.  For example, if our parents loved our sense of humor and therefore it was reinforced by our family so we adopted this archetype ourself.  Yet life introduces us to a deeper, heavier personality aspect, we might have to truly work hard to bring our humor back to life, within the family. The pressure to become that old comical self might be too much, given our new sense of self and identification. Maybe now, we are wiser and older, so we are more authentic now to ourself.  Or, we might remain true to an old idea of self, which has outlived itself but we still identify with it, so it is still present and operational.  

When we collaborate with our own LIGHT, our LIGHT can show us what we can release and let go of now because we have outlived any of our old senses of self. See it as clothing. We would not assume to keep wearing our 8th grade clothing, given that we have matured and grown beyond it.  As we grow and develop intellectually, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually, we will shift and change as we evolve.  It is a natural phenomenon, which allows us to become more and more of who we really are.

Our TRUE HEART, TRUE SOULS and TRUE SELVES can aspire to expand our understanding through greater consciousness and awareness, which enables our growth and healing.  Living our own lives, we can accidentally collect incorrect self images, false ideas about ourselves from others in our environment and even psychic attacks from those closest to us. These events can affect us, impact us and affect us and our health and energy in negative and harmful ways.  We can easily identify with this misleading energy; thinking, feeling or believing it is us. Until or unless, we use our own LIGHT to detect these old stuck energies and false self identifications, often, we can't and they can't move on! Our LIGHT is intelligence ITSELF and, consequently, it can find ways to bring new energy into our systems, enabling our own healing.  We might meet a healer, a spiritual teacher, a psychic, a medium, an intuitive medical healer or reader, just as examples, who are there to assist our current day growth and expanded awareness.

The more LIGHT we can consciously manifest for ourselves and others, the more we can actively, consciously evolve into OUR TRUE SELVES.  Realizing, removing, clearing any and all old sense of a darker energy or hidden self, teaches us and reaches us in ways that fill us with LOVE, LIGHT, GRACE and POSITIVITY.

It is well worth the journey to discover who we truly are because who we truly are is GREAT!

Shine on and allow your own TRUEST LIGHT to show you the way through all the darkness or confusion, which is just waiting to help you clear out the past and allow you back into the SUNLIGHT of YOU in current day!  TRUST THIS, TRUST YOUR LIGHT AND TRUST YOURSELF and you'll arrive, just on time.   


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