World View Perspective: Being BOLD or being 'bowled over'
When we were developing into adulthood, we may have had a strong aspect to our personality. Something we knew, understood, had developed previously or had an instinct for. We may have arrived into our family of origin, carrying this strength for ourselves or the family. When we exposed or expressed this strong suit, members of our family may have pushed back, criticized, judged, rejected or devalued us, making us doubt ourselves. In that self-doubt, perhaps we stopped sharing our inherent strength because the people closest to us would not, could not hear it or accept us. We were not well received, believed or conceived of knowing anything else to be true but what they knew. Therefore, sub-consciously or unconsciously, we were instead programmed by what those before us knew. Not only knew but what they were expecting to see in us, hear in us, witness in us, reflecting their limitations. As we then played out the roles and rules imposed on us, reflecting society, our families, our ancestors to make our families proud of us and to naturally fit in, we had to sacrifice our own stronger abilities, while being 'bowled over' by those around us, surrounding us. No one consciously wants to be ostracized, especially from those who love us, support us, care about us and those who want the best for us. However, to become our True Selves, we need to get our BOLD Self back. Otherwise, the age old structure wins.
Standing as an individual self, understanding that we are ultimately not our human system's experiences, but rather the Self that knows this, we start to remember our initial strength that may have been stifled, cut off, dejected, rejected, swallowed earlier in our life. We start to remember our longing for WHOLENESS, to reconnect with those aspects of our True Self that were not wanted at the time, and therefore, repressed. We remember we were creative, intelligent, courageous, driven, expressive, able to write, speak up, expand, understand, breathe fresh air and love life every day and we remember we are ultimately ONE with SOURCE! We remember how valuable LOVE and LOVING is because we remember we were never actually separate from that ultimate SOURCE and FORCE of LOVE ITSELF!
It takes courage to open our BIGGER HEARTS to embrace that memory of our TRUE ALIGNMENT with LOVE ITSELF! That SOURCE and FORCE of LOVE ITSELF is why we are all here, in our various forms, going through our various lives at this time in history! Consequently, it is important that we begin waking up to our own POTENTIAL in this highest regard.
Many young children come in, remembering their LIGHT but very quickly, they begin being programmed away from it. Yes, early training and alignment with family ideals, expectations, desires, drives, parental wants is essential to cope, to survive, to thrive in our youth. We begin preparing for adulthood as we go to and through our schooling, meeting friends, teachers, neighbors, eventually lovers, spouses and becoming parents, professionals and responsible adults to maintain, sustain and manage our lives. All important and valuable skills, needed, wanted, applied and sought. Our conscious mind and intellect, as well as other capabilities, help us to successfully move to and through life, understanding the structure that our families first prepared us for. These building blocks are useful to enhance our lives and identify our selves with our ongoing families, work situations and society, in general. By adulthood, we have learned many, many things about ourselves and how to function correctly in life that we can apply all our developed skills for to enable a happy, healthy life going forward.
It is when we begin to wake up to other questions about ourselves and our lives that we need a greater understanding and a way to bridge that gap. A gap or divide that will be created and generated as a result of our new craving for more growth and expansion. We might be forced to go beyond our original family's imprint because it no longer fits who we are. These growth spurts can be scary, worrisome or even threatening, if we forget how necessary they are to allow our True Self to grow.
Being BOLDLY ourselves takes an inner developed courage and determination in order to come out from under being 'bowled over' by the past set of limited expectations. Forgiveness and gratitude for all that has happened before and all the past set of circumstances is quite useful, as well as truly LOVING IT ALL and OUR SELVES in the process. Coming into current day awareness, leaving others to 'fly their own kite', so to speak, so you can fly yours, helps us to release our attachments to the past, allowing us to continue moving forward towards greater growth, understanding and awareness of WHO WE TRULY ARE, and WHO WE TRULY ARE is not only wanted and needed by us, it is needed and wanted in the world. AND, IT IS GOOD!!
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