World View Perspective: As Our Light Shines Deep
As we trust our Light to shine deeper, more of what has held us back can come to the surface. For example, if our ego was caught up in dramas or traumas for years, trying to make sense of it all with no idea why we can't progress, with more Light shining into our deeper aspects, finally clues can surface. Why does this happen? Carl Jung's work offers us a way to understand everything. Just like day and night, left and right, female and male, young and old, opposites need each other for balance. If we think in terms of WHOLENESS as a goal, we need to see, understand, accept and integrate both sides of any equation.
So, aspects of us that have been held down in the dark unconsciousness, the only way to see them and feel them again is by making them conscious. By allowing, inviting, encouraging them to feel safe enough to surface. Perhaps an abuser has died, maybe a toxic person has moved away or a group of people have disbanded now. If there have been aspects of us who we could not share, could not express or could not reveal, maybe the situation has changed significantly now to allow it back into our awareness. Maybe we have had no clue something like this has even happened. Maybe that aspect ran and hid without our awareness, it just knew it wasn't safe. With our Highest Inner Light, we can ask to have these aspects revealed to us, to bring them back into our active consciousness. Which would never let them be unconscious again, as Carl Jung tells us.
With these hidden aspects revealed, we can begin to heal these parts of ourselves. We can now accept them back into our own open arms to love them, listen to them, embrace them and tell them with assuredness, they are safe! They have had an experience, which means they have knowledge, awareness and understanding to offer.
See it like a buoy from down deep in the ocean. It became entangled by ropes, fishing lines, seaweed, floating debris, etc., and consequently, it was not able to follow its nature so it sank to the bottom. Now it is a useless buoy due to the weight on it. It would have to be dragged up by something and have everything cut off it that is not the buoy. Once the release of the bondage happens, the buoy is free to lift up and become a buoy again, which floats above the water. Not hidden any longer and certainly not weighed down by anything. Now the old, hidden aspects are free to be integrated by us, accepted back into us and welcomed back into the fold of SELF-LOVE! Then, our Heart and Soul SELF can feel more like itself and we gain many steps towards HEALING, HEALTH and WHOLENESS.
Forgiving ourselves and others enhances this process as does becoming aware of all the attachments we have had to others, other places, other relationships and other ideas about who we have been. Not to mention other people's attachments to us. Consciously loving all these parts of us, all the old attachments, identifications and roles we've played, as we untie the knots and strings to them, allows them to become floating, flexible ribbons, not extremely tight and knotted up attachments any longer. See everyone in your life as flying their own kites, just as you are free to fly yours!
Allow your HIGHEST, BRIGHTEST LIGHT to shine into your system and see what comes to the surface to heal and be integrated back in with LOVE and ACCEPTANCE! Invite those aspects to reveal themselves to you and to become conscious. It is a useful, healing, beneficial and ongoing practice. Let your OWN INNER LIGHT buoy up your aspects of self to SELF and be set free of any and all old burdens that are no longer serving you and your growth and expansion. AND, LET IT BE GOOD!
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