World View Perspective: The more ‘baloney’ we swallow, the more we have to stuff it

 As we grow, mature and develop, we are ‘fed’ different ideas regarding who we are or, rather, who we’re told we should be!  Most parents have a pretty clear idea of what they are expecting from their children!  We follow these expectations the best we can, until or unless, we are shown another way!  What can happen unconsciously, is we can believe we are that ‘baloney’ we were told we were!  If that happens, we can unconsciously ‘stuff’ it away into our own physical body, perhaps lying and denying its existence!  Why does this happen?  Because we fear it will hurt too much to let it out by actually feeling it again! Much like a bulging closet, though, we can only pretend it is not there for so long!  At some point, we will have to open that door, let out what is now misshapen and most likely distorted, and clear that space out!  The good news is, we now have a new space to refill with our current day recalibration about who we are!  OUR OWN GREATER LIGHT CAN NOW FILL THAT SPACE!  

As mentioned before, recalibration allows us to free up old issues and stuck places by resetting them to current day!  For example, if we were not a great student in school but now we’re an adult, if we’re still holding onto that old experience of ourself, we can consciously recalibrate to current day with us now not a student!  Poof, that old programming goes as does the old identification of ourself because we know now, we are not that!

We can recalibrate our mind, our intellect, our physical bodies, our psychological selves and our emotional bodies at any time we feel out of balance!  So, if we were ‘fed’ too much ‘baloney’ in our youth about who someone thought we were, don’t swallow that ‘baloney’ anymore!  It is possible that behaviors associated with swallowing too much baloney, will start to go, too!  Food addiction is one if we were using food to stuff in that baloney we were attached to! If we were trying to fill that space and keep it from hurting!

The best healing approach is to continually release these old, hurtful experiences to your own LIGHT!  When we are made to swallow the ‘darkness’ from others, we can sometimes identify too much with it and, thereby, unconsciously continue hurting ourselves!

Free up judgement, free up guilt and free up any blame towards others!  They didn’t know, you didn’t know but now, you can heal from it!  Use your own LIGHT to flush out the old darkness and baloney!  Guide your system with LOVE AND THE ART OF LETTING GO!  And, it is GOOD! 


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