
Showing posts from 2022

World View Perspective: Forgiving ourselves from the past

  As we develop and grow, we shift, change and adapt to our changing circumstances!  This is usually considered maturity!  What we thought worked for us last month, may not work now!  Yet, as we get older, understanding more about how the world works in other ways, we can become less and less flexible in our thinking!  That means we can inadvertently, cling to old self identifications that are no longer who we are!  We can actually and energetically get stuck playing those same roles out, over and over, perhaps remaining quite unconscious in the process! The additional issue is, other people, most likely connected to our past, like family, can and will cling to that old identification as well!  This also keeps us feeling trapped in the past, unable to easily move forward! When we were developing and going, growing through our needed and necessary stages and ages, the skills, natural abilities, given talents and intellectual aptitudes were what we had t...

World View Perspective: Releasing the fear of the past

Looking again at the family imprint we were born into, once we can understand the family imprint and how we operated under it in terms of our behavior and our old identifications, we can release ourselves from its hold, domination and imposed structure on us!  As we begin to move forward into our ‘current day’ self, we will notice how our stuck chakras, or energy centers,  begin to shift and change as well!  Depending on how strong the family imprint was, we might feel as though any depression, repression, oppression or suppression we have experienced gets lifted!  It’s as if that heavy block has been unlocked and removed!   Our energy centers, the chakras, are located throughout our human systems!  In basic terms, the first one is below the pubic bone and is associated with the color red.  It is our grounding chakra, it connects us to earth! The second, located just above the pubic bone, is associated with the color orange and it relates to our family...

World View Perspective: Going beyond the family imprint

  As we develop within our families, we are given an imprint of some kind.  An overarching view of what’s expected.  It may or may not reflect a gender bias, a financial or educational expectation or a professional or work emphasis that scaffolds our learning and offers us a developmental push!  We might see this in all our relations because they have the same imprint!  If our path goes and grows in this direction, we will be applauded, encouraged, supported and positively rewarded through praise or frequently given attention that we are indeed a team player!  If we aren’t given to this expected nature, it could start to be a bumpy ride!  The family may start putting undue pressure on us or begin to choose other family members to get the job done!  We might go through feelings of being rejected, neglected, ignored, not loved, not wanted there or even dismissed because we aren’t living up to the imposed on us family imprint!  Our natural resis...

World View Perspective: Releasing our naïve attachments

When painful things from our past continue to haunt us, it is a sign that it is time to let go of our naïve attachment to whatever it is!  Maybe it is the past itself!  Maybe an old identification of self!  Maybe it is an old identification of a group’s idea of us!  If it is causing us any degree of emotional pain, we need to surrender our attachment to it!  That old attachment must be freed up!  It might feel like an old tug or a tightening or just a mild discomfort in our solar plexus but, when we tune into our feelings, we can sense something feels wrong when we remember or think about certain people or situations!  These are signs our bodies are clinging to something from the past and that something can go now! Often, this can be unconscious!  We may feel it or maybe not!  Maybe we just know something is off every time we visit our families or run into that old love or speak to that old friend!  What’s off is we have most likely outg...

World View Perspective: Equal to the pain, we chase the cure

When we are in pain or in fear, we might do anything to find the cure and chase it for all its worth!  Often, to extremes!  When we practice extremes of any kind, however, we get out of balance and get into unhealthy loops of behavior!     Such as a stressful day of work means extra wine at dinner!  Or a change in finances means more chocolate, as if we’re compromising!  What we want is to heal, to rebalance, to find a way to feel better!  To not lean this way or that, but rather to find, maintain or sustain that middle ground!  To ground ourselves back to who we are! To be in a human physical body means we have many experiences to go through for our maturity, growth and expansion!  We are, after all, here to learn! Not all our experiences are pleasant or worth repeating and it may be years later that it occurs to us, maybe we shouldn’t have gone that direction at all! Waking up from this process may mean judging ourselves harshly, condemning...

World View Perspective: Allowing our Inner Light to heal us

  Accessing our Inner Light allows us to broaden our perspective of who we are and how to heal who we aren’t! When we go through stages, phases and ages of who we aren’t, we usually have to let go of those in order to grow and go forward!  We can surrender them with gratitude and forgiveness and by now, focusing on current day!  Shifting, changing and adapting is how we continue to evolve!  It’s through holding on too tight to the past and the past sense of self that we can lose our way, staying in a repetitive cycle of pain! Repetition might make us feel safer and more in control but new growth opportunities help our very soul to expand!  It’s important to be discerning, of course, but with an open and trusting mind, many new opportunities for growth can reveal themselves!  Accessing our Inner Light means we will work in Union to progress! We must learn to trust the process and not judge it too quickly!  Many things move at their own pace and with the...

World View Perspective: When we remember we are LIGHT

  When we remember we are LIGHT, we will remember we are the WHOLE of MANKIND.  We are not separate from the COSMIC SOUL, the INFINITE BEING, THE SOURCE OF ALL THINGS!  Therefore, how can we harm any other individual without also harming ourselves?   The mind divides but the HEART UNITES.  OUR LOVE IS THE LOVE OF THE INFINITE BEING OF PURE LOVE AND PURE ENERGIES.  We all have an inherent right to be here on this lovely planet, full of abun dance, rich beauty and always the LOVE and LIGHT and TRUTH. Yes, when we are driving a car, for example.  We are responsible for knowing and implementing the rules of the road, to keep everyone and our selves safe behind the wheel.  To expand right then and there into our vast HEART of LOVE and LIGHT might not only be inappropriate but also not wise.  We have to keep our human mind and brain and actions on the road ahead in that instance. Yet, when it comes to how we treat people, treat earth, treat ou...

World View Perspective: Bringing Faith into fear

  Our abilities to become conscious of our own LIGHT, means we can illuminate all that surrounds us and is around us, including our planet and all living things!  Creating the VIBRATION and TRUTH of ONENESS. Imagine standing in an open field with sunlight streaming down through your crown chakra, feel it filling your system with LIGHT and your cells holding onto that LIGHT while it nourishes you at every level.  Now imagine that every particle of fear that you may have ingested, digested at any point in your life is being released by all your LIGHT that you are allowing into your system.  See it released to the wind, see it wave off you like the ocean, pretend to throw it into a fire to be burned away!  Have the sense that it isn't ok to carry it anymore.  To become conscious of our own LIGHT, allows the LIGHT to become us and Earth and Mankind can transform into that very same LIGHT, just as we can.  It can be a very spontaneous, collaborative  e...

World View Perspective: Shining our light into our darkness

  Understanding that we carry our own LIGHT, we can use that LIGHT to flush out our own dark corners and the hidden places where we have put painful aspects of our lives and selves.  No one comes here to live a so called perfect life all the way through.  We are here to grow, shift, change, develop and mature so we can enhance our understanding all along the way. As things affect us or impact our system on any level, (physically, emotionally, mentally, intellectually, psychologically or spiritually) we can easily stuff those old thoughts, feelings and actions away for safe keeping.  Maybe not revisiting them for years, if ever.  Yet, as we work with our own expanded LIGHT, we can begin to use it to shine into those stuffed old dark corners, especially to heal and rebalance, what we have put there. With FAITH in our own LIGHT, we can have the old stuff revealed so we can see what may have occurred that we can now heal.    Think of it as taking a flashli...

World View Perspective: Clarity from conformity and distortion

Our human journey goes through so many shifts, changes, adaptations and adjustments throughout our lifetimes. We are all programmed at an early age to see life through the lenses of our early providers; parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, cousins, neighbors, teachers and friends and their families.  We begin defining ourselves through their reactions and responses to us and this becomes how we identify ourselves.  As we go through our schooling, we broaden our concepts of ourselves through our learning and understanding, too.   Once we are out on our own, we use all the skills, talents, abilities, ideas, personality traits we have accrued to begin carving out our own lives.  Often, these lives still mirror our influential adult figures and when we follow in their footsteps, we can receive applause, praise, appreciation and encouragement to continue.  We can actually feel as if we won their accolades because we have effectively become them....

World View Perspective: Fear of lack versus Faith in plenty

In the human mind, fear of lack seems everywhere.  A perceived lack of money, a perceived lack of love or a fear of lack of natural resources.  We are most often brought up to think this way.  We tend to fight against this fear by controlling everything and everyone around us.  This is largely an ego-minded approach for one's own gain and not a path of Spirit or Higher Consciousness.   If we go with the Highest Vision of Our Individual and Collective CONSCIOUSNESS of LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH, we see beyond our own human ego-mind and we realize we are all the same within and we are not as divided as our six senses would tell us.  The human mind divides but the HIGHEST HEART UNITES! When we release our own human fear of lack, we allow in our Higher Faith in plenty.   We can receive Higher Understanding, Higher Clarity, and then what is truly ours can come to us.  The clarity and space allows for this to happen as long as we are sincerely aspi...

World View Perspective: Finding our human core sense of ok-ness

When we have the courage and determination to feel, face and clear our old identifications of self in order to find our True Self within, we can locate and tap into our core sense of ok-ness.  The INNER TRUE SELF that aligns with our Higher Consciousness.  That True Self that is not (knot) what the outside world has made us think we are.  No degree of sticks and stones from others can have a negative impact on our self or our life once we know who we TRULY ARE WITHIN.   Higher Consciousness that surrounds us and is around us always wants nothing more than to collaborate with our TRUE INNER SELF.  That alignment, that UNION, that ability to connect to our HIGHEST LIGHT, enables our human form to find it's way to it's TRUE PATH and TRUE PURPOSE in this world. That is what our HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS wants.  It seeks us just like we seek it until there is UNION. Whatever we have been through in our lives, whether it is family issues, domestic or marital pro...

World View Perspective: Becoming Collectively Confident

When we speak of becoming balanced, utilizing all the different aspects we are, when we add our greater LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH, learning how to work with those aspects, too, we can become Collectively Confident.  Understanding our own LIGHT, LOVE and TRUTH allows us to use that energy to transform, heal, rebalance all the aspects we know about our selves into those aspects we don't know.  In essence, illuminating them so nothing is hidden from us.  In order to shift, change and clear our shadow selves, past hurts, old wounds or falsehoods about our selves or anything else that is in our way of becoming fully confident, using our Higher Aspects is most useful because they form a strong collaboration for our rebalance. LIGHT and CONSCIOUSNESS is in everything and everyone.  We cannot be separate from it.  It is the SOURCE and FORCE of LIFE ITSELF as are we.  We simply have to remember that and begin to invite the awareness of it back into our life.  It ha...

World View Perspective: Highest Love is our True Freedom

When our current self-esteem is up because our past thinking and feeling has been released, we can openly link to our Highest Love through our own self-love.  The collaboration between the two is what fills us with the LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH that we are within us.  Our Highest Consciousness wants the Highest Collaboration within us.  We can flush ourselves with LIGHT every day, if we are willing to do so.  Our Highest Consciousness wants us current, present, and valuing all the aspects that we are, within us and outside us.  The more aware we are and the more mindful, the more we can and will positively impact those we love, those around us and those who surround us.  All things are evolving, including all of Mankind, Mother Earth and all living things around us.  We are all in this together, as an evolving species for greater expansion and growth.  Without continued growth, we can not expand our thinking, our feeling or our individual or collectiv...