World View Perspective: Equal to the pain, we chase the cure

When we are in pain or in fear, we might do anything to find the cure and chase it for all its worth!  Often, to extremes!  When we practice extremes of any kind, however, we get out of balance and get into unhealthy loops of behavior!   Such as a stressful day of work means extra wine at dinner!  Or a change in finances means more chocolate, as if we’re compromising!  What we want is to heal, to rebalance, to find a way to feel better!  To not lean this way or that, but rather to find, maintain or sustain that middle ground!  To ground ourselves back to who we are!

To be in a human physical body means we have many experiences to go through for our maturity, growth and expansion!  We are, after all, here to learn! Not all our experiences are pleasant or worth repeating and it may be years later that it occurs to us, maybe we shouldn’t have gone that direction at all!

Waking up from this process may mean judging ourselves harshly, condemning our past actions or being deeply buried in shame!  None of this is useful behavior!  What’s needed is heart felt compassion for yourself!  Asking for a greater understanding of what may have driven you to take that action at the time!  When we go deep enough to learn more about ourselves, we begin to see how perfect we are in our own imperfections!  More self-awareness occurs and more self-love, which also helps us heal!  We were no doubt searching for something to make us feel better from outside ourselves, not from within!

Intuitively, we know we can be happy and healthy in every moment as we align more with our truth!  If we are not fulfilled from within, it is most likely due to mental, emotional or psychological blocks from the past or our own imbalances from trying to heal, and therefore, going to extremes to offset the pain or fear we may have accidentally created or generated in the past!

Self-forgiveness and self-acceptance are beautiful ways to honor ourselves to restore harmony and healthy balance in the self, especially profound and useful in the current now moment! Our past is behind us and feeling grateful for all it contained is another way to heal! There were no doubt necessary lessons learned from the past!

Using our inherent Light, our connected to everything Light, to ask to understand and to restore what might not be balanced within the self brings us the peace we know is possible!  And that PEACE, is GOOD!


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