World View Perspective: Forgiving ourselves from the past
As we develop and grow, we shift, change and adapt to our changing circumstances! This is usually considered maturity! What we thought worked for us last month, may not work now! Yet, as we get older, understanding more about how the world works in other ways, we can become less and less flexible in our thinking! That means we can inadvertently, cling to old self identifications that are no longer who we are! We can actually and energetically get stuck playing those same roles out, over and over, perhaps remaining quite unconscious in the process!
The additional issue is, other people, most likely connected to our past, like family, can and will cling to that old identification as well! This also keeps us feeling trapped in the past, unable to easily move forward!
When we were developing and going, growing through our needed and necessary stages and ages, the skills, natural abilities, given talents and intellectual aptitudes were what we had to work with at each point! Yet, once we have successfully individuated from our parents, we can continue with our interests, friends, work situations and additional education as driven and able to do so! This might mean leaving some of our older, no longer useful, identifications behind!
The trick may be identifying what should be kept and developed further and what no longer suits or fits us! In other words, keep what and who we are now and let go of who we no longer are! And, also stay mindful, there will be people who will unconsciously or subconsciously want you to stay being those aspects of you, you have released from! In these cases, it is usually because they don’t want you or themselves to change! Or they have been able to be superior or ahead of you or feel like the victor at your expense!
In this case, it is important to define yourself by your own standards and definitions. To stand back from their attempt to hold you to the past and be the you you are NOW! Do so gently and with respect but stand up for your definition of YOU now!
It is our true nature to grow into who we truly are! We have the essence of Love, Light and Truth within us! We are our Inner Light and awareness, operating as us , until and as we transform into more and more of that Light itself! Spiritual growth is important and something to value! It is an excellent teacher because it always has our best interests at heart!
We might not have the words to explain this growth and expansion we are going through to others but eventually, it will come full circle! When truly guided, we need to trust it . . . please!
So, yes, no need to fear the release of your past selves, in order to shift, change and adapt to grow and develop into your new version of YOU! Your best version of you, using your own understanding, experience and awareness to date!
Trust yourself to be your most positive self now and trust that your own Inner Guidance will and can get you there!
And trust, that it is GOOD!
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