World View Perspective: Becoming Collectively Confident
When we speak of becoming balanced, utilizing all the different aspects we are, when we add our greater LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH, learning how to work with those aspects, too, we can become Collectively Confident. Understanding our own LIGHT, LOVE and TRUTH allows us to use that energy to transform, heal, rebalance all the aspects we know about our selves into those aspects we don't know. In essence, illuminating them so nothing is hidden from us. In order to shift, change and clear our shadow selves, past hurts, old wounds or falsehoods about our selves or anything else that is in our way of becoming fully confident, using our Higher Aspects is most useful because they form a strong collaboration for our rebalance.
LIGHT and CONSCIOUSNESS is in everything and everyone. We cannot be separate from it. It is the SOURCE and FORCE of LIFE ITSELF as are we. We simply have to remember that and begin to invite the awareness of it back into our life. It has the answers we seek as do we when we look within. All of life is connected. Our senses usually tell us otherwise. Using more 'spiritual eyes' we begin to see the WHOLENESS and CONNECTIVITY of all of life.
This is why as we shift, change and transform, we are helping ourselves to grow and develop more LOVE and LIGHT, which awakens more around us, which assists the planet and all of LIFE. The saying, 'As Above, So Below, As Within' applies here.
To become Collectively Confident, we must acknowledge our TRUE LOVE and LIGHT and allow it to move to us, through us and we must TRUST OUR COLLABORATION with it. We can become friends with our expanded LIGHT, opening up to speak to it, listen to it and even test it. Feel what it might be saying to you. Intuit what it means. Notice what it may be pointing out or trying to show you, teach you and how it is TRULY trying to reach you. Trust it surrounds you in every way, every day because, IN TRUTH, it is Y. O. U.
Becoming Collectively Confident means we acknowledge our own Higher LIGHT and continuously allow it in to work with us through our GREATER TRANSFORMATION! That we are awakening all the time to realign with our own LIGHT, LOVE and TRUTH. The world and all living things need this shift and change because the WHOLE WORLD IS CHANGING, just like everything does.
Opening up to our HIGHER and HIGHEST aspects allows for our greater and greater growth and enhances our opportunities to become ALL WE CAN BE and IT IS GOOD! When we expand and LET THE LIGHT IN, all things around us, surrounding us will and can do the same! It is our best way, most positive way to affect positive change in yourself and in the world.
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