World View Perspective: Highest Love is our True Freedom
When our current self-esteem is up because our past thinking and feeling has been released, we can openly link to our Highest Love through our own self-love. The collaboration between the two is what fills us with the LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH that we are within us.
Our Highest Consciousness wants the Highest Collaboration within us. We can flush ourselves with LIGHT every day, if we are willing to do so. Our Highest Consciousness wants us current, present, and valuing all the aspects that we are, within us and outside us. The more aware we are and the more mindful, the more we can and will positively impact those we love, those around us and those who surround us.
All things are evolving, including all of Mankind, Mother Earth and all living things around us. We are all in this together, as an evolving species for greater expansion and growth. Without continued growth, we can not expand our thinking, our feeling or our individual or collective WHOLENESS. Remembering our greater abilities means opening our minds to a newer, brighter way to think. When we aspire to know our Highest Consciousness, understanding we are that that is within us and, further, begin using our LIGHT to heal our self, bringing us into our current day, we see how much we are evolving.
Trust is certainly involved. Using our own intuition is certainly involved and sincerely aspiring for our Higher Connection is also certainly involved. It is our True, Highest Nature to seek our own Highest Understanding and to become that. Our Highest Consciousness wants this conscious UNION and active COLLABORATION so, in essence, LIGHT is working with LIGHT to enlighten us all.
Being human at this time in life comes with an amazing array of possibilities, a WHOLE NEW WAY TO THINK AND A WHOLE NEW WAY TO FEEL as well as to communicate OUR WHOLENESS with others.
Our human heart and LOVE ITSELF are ONE in essence and when they CONSCIOUSLY, ACTIVELY combine, we KNOW a NEW FREEDOM because that is the Essence of the HIGHEST LOVE there is! Our personal, individual soul also knows the GREAT COSMIC SOUL and when we are CONSCIOUS of that UNION and CONNECTION, we fill with Light, Love and Truth. It flows and grows within us and carries us wherever we need to be and WE BECOME THAT THAT WE ARE! AND, IT IS GOOD! OUR HIGHEST LOVE IS OUR TRUE FREEDOM and that FREEDOM TO BECOME THE LOVE KNOWS NO BOUNDS!
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