World View Perspective: Clarity from conformity and distortion
Our human journey goes through so many shifts, changes, adaptations and adjustments throughout our lifetimes. We are all programmed at an early age to see life through the lenses of our early providers; parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, cousins, neighbors, teachers and friends and their families. We begin defining ourselves through their reactions and responses to us and this becomes how we identify ourselves. As we go through our schooling, we broaden our concepts of ourselves through our learning and understanding, too.
Once we are out on our own, we use all the skills, talents, abilities, ideas, personality traits we have accrued to begin carving out our own lives. Often, these lives still mirror our influential adult figures and when we follow in their footsteps, we can receive applause, praise, appreciation and encouragement to continue. We can actually feel as if we won their accolades because we have effectively become them. Perhaps this is a win for us in some respects but it could also mean, we have simply conformed to their wishes and we have become them and not true to ourselves.
Conformity in some respects is a valuable tool. Conforming to traffic laws and rules is advisable and so is paying taxes. Yet, in terms of knowing how we think and how we feel and what we truly believe in or to value what know and understand within us, it can actually become a trap to our ultimate freedom, which is truly knowing who we are! There are times to use our conforming mind to adapt to others or to situations that require it. What can also become trapped in our need to conform too strongly, however, is distortion.
Distortion comes when our sense of our self in current day is being strongly influenced by the untrue picture others have of us and our holding on too tight to any old, outdated programming. It is untrue because their own thoughts about us mirror their own distortion and it is untrue because it is not us in current day! What can distort human thinking is too much fear, too much ego, too much mimicking or attachment to the past, an abundance of pain and a false and overpowering sense of lust, greed or power. We can be tempted to feel these different aspects of being human but they end up coloring our true understanding about our selves. They also don't allow for our LIGHT to truthfully guide us forward. Distortion more likely mirrors our shadow self or the shadow selves of others.
Conformity and distortion can truly cloud our HIGHER VIEW of life. Contemplation and/or meditation help us restore our clarity. Trusting we have a HIGHER SELF, a HIGHER LIGHT, the ability to have a HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS and we can access a HIGHER LOVE that offers us that clarity is most valuable for realizing WHO WE ARE!
We can forget these HIGHER ASPECTS when we are busy playing out our roles and rules for others. Yet, if we carve out INNER TIME to sit quietly, maybe out in nature or with a candle burning and soft music playing, we can connect again to who we TRULY are and find that inner and outer balance once again.
The clarity we can gain when we understand the effects conformity and distortion can have on our most positive sense of our TRUE SELVES; OUR SELF that is in UNITY with our HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS and LIGHT, we begin to truly aspire to connect with this part of our self that keeps us TRUE to who we are!
Sometimes, the falsehoods take us over and become part of our path. We have to go to them and through them in order to grow, expand and make fresh new choices that align more closely and completely with our TRUE SELF. It is often how we learn to discern the most effectively. It should not be seen as a 'shame or blame game'! Just like cleaning out our closets. We know when we have outgrown something, it is time to let it go! This is true with our old self-identifications.
Accessing our own HIGHER LIGHT, HIGHER LOVE and HIGHER TRUTH enables us to gain greater perspectives and the time and space to grow on all levels, enhancing our own HIGHER UNDERSTANDINGS and PURPOSE.
We are ultimately connected to The GREAT COMIC SOUL and the INFINITE BEING of PURE LOVE and PURE ENERGIES. Carving out time and space for ourselves to remember that is one of the most beneficial and useful things we can do for our own HIGHER HEALING AND FEELING, not to mention, greater UNITY.
We all have specific paths and ways to get there and respecting them all is key. To continue going and growing is important, too, to avoid non-stop conformity and distortion. Just like the seasons, there are a variety of days we encounter through life: rainy, windy, snowy, cold days, cloudy and sunny days throughout the winter, spring, summer and fall. They all have their time and place and importance throughout all the necessary cycles. Without them all, the balance would not be maintained.
Seeking clarity and HIGHER PERSPECTIVES are worth aspiring for and feeling ourselves grow and expand our thinking is paramount to healing all aspects of who we TRULY are within and also out into the world.
It is not only possible but it is essential to aspire for PEACE and CONTENTMENT in our selves and in the WORLD! And, it is GOOD!
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