World View Perspective: Fear of lack versus Faith in plenty
In the human mind, fear of lack seems everywhere. A perceived lack of money, a perceived lack of love or a fear of lack of natural resources. We are most often brought up to think this way. We tend to fight against this fear by controlling everything and everyone around us. This is largely an ego-minded approach for one's own gain and not a path of Spirit or Higher Consciousness.
If we go with the Highest Vision of Our Individual and Collective CONSCIOUSNESS of LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH, we see beyond our own human ego-mind and we realize we are all the same within and we are not as divided as our six senses would tell us. The human mind divides but the HIGHEST HEART UNITES!
When we release our own human fear of lack, we allow in our Higher Faith in plenty. We can receive Higher Understanding, Higher Clarity, and then what is truly ours can come to us. The clarity and space allows for this to happen as long as we are sincerely aspiring to receive. Our own LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH wants what is best for us but we must release our fear of lack to perceive it and receive it.
We came from the LIGHT and it is this LIGHT that still carries us, surrounds us and is us on the Highest levels. Yes, we are in human form but we are here on earth to remember this Highest Consciousness and to embrace it, becoming it. It can come down to and through our human system, enlightening our whole system and restoring it to WHOLENESS. Our own cells can reflect this LIGHT and heal our human system.
Having Faith in this LIGHT lifts us beyond the human fear in the mind, which oppresses, depresses, suppresses and represses us. LOVING SOURCE, the SOURCE of all of life, is what we are also here to remember. It is also why we are here. It responds to OUR LOVE and we can collaborate with it to form a UNION, operating as ONE.
Consequently, we set up an energy around us and within us of LIGHT and CLARITY, a KNOWINGNESS that allows us to make positive choices going forward. It inspires us to understand and to trust that we are in good hands. Life might be a challenge at the time, but it is with this FAITH, that we can trust the correct outcome and that we are being guided correctly.
Without expanded understanding about WHO WE TRULY ARE, how can we see beyond our own human ego? How else can we realize we are not (knot) the fear of lack?
It is this fear of lack that leads us into war, war on any level. War with each other, war within ourselves, war with our neighbors and more and more divide. UNITY, true UNITY takes HEART. LOVING SOURCE FROM DEEP IN OUR OWN HEART links us to this HIGHEST LIGHT and GREATER CLARITY! It is through the HEART, we can see most clearly our WHOLENESS and UNITY, OUR ONENESS AS HUMAN BEINGS!
By choosing FAITH in plenty, sincerely and dearly, we open ourselves to receiving that most natural LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH. And, as we open and receive, we see and understand all the BEAUTY, MAGIC and LIGHT the world holds so dear! Treasure your own LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH and watch how your own world and the world opens up!
THAT WHOLENESS and ONENESS begins with our sincere effort to aspire to remember our own HIGHEST NATURE and to begin living it from a deep place of INNER KNOWINGNESS! And, it is GOOD!
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