World View Perspective: Releasing our naïve attachments

When painful things from our past continue to haunt us, it is a sign that it is time to let go of our naïve attachment to whatever it is!  Maybe it is the past itself!  Maybe an old identification of self!  Maybe it is an old identification of a group’s idea of us!  If it is causing us any degree of emotional pain, we need to surrender our attachment to it!  That old attachment must be freed up!  It might feel like an old tug or a tightening or just a mild discomfort in our solar plexus but, when we tune into our feelings, we can sense something feels wrong when we remember or think about certain people or situations!  These are signs our bodies are clinging to something from the past and that something can go now!

Often, this can be unconscious!  We may feel it or maybe not!  Maybe we just know something is off every time we visit our families or run into that old love or speak to that old friend!  What’s off is we have most likely outgrown that situation, group, collective activity or person!  By holding on, we are staying attached to it so the pain will continue!  

The best way to let go is to imagine a bungee chord attached to you and the other situation!  One ‘hook’ is in you and the other ‘hook’ is in that situation! Seeing them both in your mind’s eye, count to three and see them both releasing at the same time!  Imagine the freedom both sides are feeling and breathe deeply!  Feel the experience of releasing all that old energy and, where those chords were attached, have the sense of brand new healing energy pouring in to refresh the old space!  Picture this in both parties!  Maybe imagine breathing in new love energy and pink light as you now feel grateful for all the lessons and learning this created through time!  Now see the freed up space between you and allow that to fill with pure love and pink light, too!  You are freeing both aspects in you and also in that other situation!  Now there is new energy for you both to work with!  The old attachment is now gone and so is the pain associated with it!  If you find yourself thinking and thinking about the way it used to be, do the process again!  Or, just send the situation more pure love and light!

Any thing or situation that is still ours to have, to face or to deal with, will stay ours but when old situations are ready to go, to move on, to have forward motion, the release of naïve attachment to them is quite useful!  

With new and renewed energy, a whole new situation or circumstance can happen now and many more possibilities exist!  This release work can occur as often and as frequently as needed or wanted to any situation, relationship or circumstances that have unnecessarily tied us to a painful past or, at least, one we have now outgrown!

Adding our love and light to that renewed space and place allows us to move onward and upward and that new growth is always GOOD!


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