World View Perspective: Bringing Faith into fear

 Our abilities to become conscious of our own LIGHT, means we can illuminate all that surrounds us and is around us, including our planet and all living things!  Creating the VIBRATION and TRUTH of ONENESS.

Imagine standing in an open field with sunlight streaming down through your crown chakra, feel it filling your system with LIGHT and your cells holding onto that LIGHT while it nourishes you at every level.  Now imagine that every particle of fear that you may have ingested, digested at any point in your life is being released by all your LIGHT that you are allowing into your system.  See it released to the wind, see it wave off you like the ocean, pretend to throw it into a fire to be burned away!  Have the sense that it isn't ok to carry it anymore.  To become conscious of our own LIGHT, allows the LIGHT to become us and Earth and Mankind can transform into that very same LIGHT, just as we can.  It can be a very spontaneous, collaborative  event.  All we need is a true and pure aspiration for UNION with our OWN LIGHT.  It is through this pure aspiration that OUR LIGHT responds.  What we seek UNION with is seeking us, too, for UNION.

FAITH is a very LIGHT-HEARTED pursuit!  Remembering we are our OWN LIGHT lightens up our heavy burdens and makes walking on this Earth that much LIGHTER, TOO!  Fear, on the other hand, is a very heavy and tiring human experience.  It doesn't have FAITH at it's root. When we can access our HIGHEST FAITH and our HIGHEST TRUST in our own HIGHEST LIGHT, that LIGHT becomes our GREATEST INNER GUIDANCE and allows for the most positive changes to occur.  Fear cannot last in light of LIGHT!

Fear is a learned behavior, whereas, FAITH is an inside perspective!  Our INNER NATURE is LIGHT ITSELF.  We can have and remember that PURE UNDERSTANDING and know that it is us!  It certainly is amazing GRACE!

The human mind knows no end of fear.  Fear of lack, fear of losing what and who we love, fear of not being there, fear of never having enough!  We can live a whole life of fear based thinking without ever stopping it or reframing it or reconsidering if we even need it.  We can absorb all the fears our parents had without being conscious we have done so.  FAITH in our OWN INNER LIGHT and the LIGHT that surrounds us is the FORCE that allows the fear to diminish.  

Our human minds have often forgotten about our own INNER LIGHT.  We react and respond to our human training, our old programming and our old ways more than we push, encourage or inspire ourselves to grow, expand or continue learning.  When we truly aspire to remember our LIGHT, our limited minds can open more and more to it, illuminating our thoughts and therefore our selves.  

In all our life circumstances, having Faith offers profound changes, changes that assist us, guide us, enable us to see and receive more FAITH fully!  FAITH expands who we are instead of our minds giving into fear, which limits us.  We have many choices being human and choosing FAITH in our OWN INNER LIGHT will always lift us up and take us further.

The more FAITH we have, the better we see life and ourselves and isn't that a view worth having, for LIFE!?


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