
Showing posts from 2021

World View Perspective: Healing our personal heart through Consciousness

Our personal heart goes through many cycles throughout our lifetime.  We find many ways to cover it up, comfort it, distract from it, offset it and not listen to it.  We do this often because it is just too painful to feel it.  When we see it like our own inner pond, after the sticks and stones of others have hit it over time, our own inner pond is now unclear, clouded, shrouded in falsehoods about ourselves.  When we do tune in to feel how we feel about something or someone or ourselves, often we just see and feel what isn't right.  This is because we now have a tainted inner pond. Our own inner pond can only reflect what it CURRENTLY sees. As children, we aren't taught how to protect ourselves from within our self.  Consequently, we can 'take on board', all kinds of falsehoods about our self without even realizing we are doing this.  As we grow and mature, we often can't discern that what we have taken into our self as our self is, in fact, us or if ...

World View Perspective: Self-Esteem Up in Current Day

When we have the courage to release the old thoughts and feelings from the past, that do not define us now, our sense of self can once again fly high. It can literally buoy up and help us float freely again.  It is in our own power and awareness to keep it safe and secure, especially after we realize what affected us or had a negative impact on us previously. In Light of our own Inner LIGHT, this is how we heal.  Connecting to our Highest Consciousness, allows us, invites us, encourages us to see truthfully who we are and also who we are not.  There is no need for shame, guilt, remorse or negative feelings or thoughts to still dominate us, perturb us, bother us or distract us once we realize clinging to the past simply holds us back from all we can be or BECOME in the present. When we are conscious of who we truly are and how we truly feel, we become more aware of who we aren't, which is quite useful.  We have this ongoing ability.  We can scan our system with o...

World View Perspective: Feathering out old pain

After our human systems have held onto and carried enough pain, sorrow, worry or fear, going deeper within to our True Strength and Light, we can see, know and realize that enough is enough.  We cannot discern, when we are young and developing, that when someone hurts us, on any level, we can actually heal that ourselves and, further, prevent that from happening again. Yet, as we get older and continue down our path, and begin to access our own INNER LIGHT, we can start using it to heal what is not balanced in our own system. First, we have to be aware of it. When our various organs become heavy and dense with trapped pain or energy, we can become sick, tired, sluggish, depressed and disinterested in life, people and day to day activities.  Without focusing on blaming others, which will only keep us in bondage to them, we can begin to 'feather out' any and all pain we have unconsciously held onto.  A bit like water off a duck's back!!  Imagine seeing your Light like ...

World View Perspective: When there are too many darts in our balloon

When we are growing up, learning about who we are and how our world functions, we are subjected to other people's opinions, judgements, criticisms and biases.  They have a tremendous impact on our sense of self.  As we develop, we are looking, searching, wondering and trying on different types of identifications, identities, roll, rules and ideas, seeing if they actually fit us.  The people in our world may tell us they fit when, in fact, they don't. It may take us years before we figure out, 'this is NOT who I am'!   Actual damage comes in when it feels like 'darts' from others seriously damage or even pop our inner balloons of self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth and self-love and self-acceptance, making us question ourselves, creating doubt.  Those darts from others can also alter our own inner voice, creating the self-sabotaging voice in our own minds.  In that case, the cycle of negativity is hard to interrupt, shift or change. Losing Faith in...

World View Perspective: Silencing our sabotaging mind

Aspiring to unite with our Higher Self, our True Spirituality, the Higher Consciousness that we are, takes practice, purpose and positive intention.  We must go beyond our day to day consciousness, our programming and our trained way to see things.   We must explore other thinking styles, greater perceptual realms and other possibilities. It is necessary for us to come out of the box, temporarily, to see how we can expand our thinking. To grow beyond just our thinking mind.  As we aspire to do this, one of the aspects of our personality can surface to derail our very best intentions. This sub-personality is called our sabotaging mind.  It can contain old tapes from others that were negative, hurtful, short-sighted or judgmental.  It could also be a part of us that developed after years of listening to and believing the negative thinking and reactions/responses others repeated to us.  Our mind may have grabbed onto it and our mind may have continued to feed ...

World View Perspective: Self Love and Self Acceptance in Current Day Light of Truth

  At our very core, in the Light of Truth, we are the LOVE and LIGHT as LIGHT ourselves.  Our human covering is such a strong overcoat, we have easily forgotten this.  Instead we attach, identify and react/respond as if we are the overcoat and not the Bigger, Higher Truth. We do have to operate in the world as if we are just our human form for many years until or unless we begin to wake up to WHO WE TRULY ARE!  Once we do wake up, we can begin to collaborate with our HIGHER LIGHT to heal, to feel, to clear out the past and recreate a newer, Higher, Brighter vibration.  This serves our WHOLENESS in many ways.  We can easily forgive ourselves and others that may have impacted our system in negative ways.  We can refill our own inner pond with LIGHT and LOVE, thereby, shifting and changing our own very cellular nature. As we shift and change into our own HIGHER vibration, we uplift all of those around us, surrounding us and the planet Herself.  We ar...

World View Perspective: The only system we need to forgive is our own

When our human system is affected, effected, infected or impacted by people, circumstances, situations or incidents, we can have a reaction/response that can hurt us, harm us or confuse us.  Our instinct is to pull in, pull away, push back or recoil in some way.  By doing this, we can close down around the hurt and effectively 'hold it' in place.   Like a tree can form a knot struck by lightening yet still grow and go around it.  By tucking that knot into us, we can store it away a long, long time. The hurt can become it's own entity and it can harbor and foster this 'wound' for a long, long time, causing us to have it build into bigger and bigger proportions.  In that hold, we can blame all kinds of people for our now built-up pain.  Yet, that anger, hurt, rage will only serve to keep us attached to those who we believe have hurt us or thwarted our development and/or our lives.   It is important that we realize our human system is capable to...

World View Perspective: Accessing our Inner Sun

When we remember our True Nature is Light, we remember the aspects of Self-Healing.  Which means we can be like a miner, who puts on his mining light to go deeper into the mine to see what he needs to see.  We can easily imagine bringing our own Inner Light into our human system to use our own discernment to detect what needs to be lifted up, cleared up, released, relieved, let go of or eliminated through forgiveness, gratitude, acceptance and Grace.     We are taught and shown how to hold on tight, often too tight, to old stuck emotions, ideas, concepts and notions, even dreams, that may ultimately be hurting, harming or distracting us rather than truly assisting us in our growth and expansion. Our human system goes through a great deal of programming all through our lifetimes.  The programming is useful and helpful at different stages on our journey and that recognition is important.  Yet, the continuation of growth, expansion, spiritual development and a...

World View Perspective:. Evolving our emotional selves

When we think of enlightenment, we might just think about opening our minds and expanding our thoughts!  The mind certainly can expand its viewpoint and perspective and evolve yet our growth should not stop there!  Our overall human system must continue to open, shift and change to receive everything on high in order to grow into our fuller to fullest potential. In our emotional selves or in our emotional nature, we can hold and harbor negative old stuck emotions that are from a different time, attached to our former selves, through old memories or past vibrations of something that occurred but are not related to you now or any part of you in current day!  When anything happens to us now, this stuck energy can snap us back in time, until we're lost there, acting or thinking that is still who we are!  Sometimes, it might even feel like we can't become anything different at all because those memories are so strong.  This is the case for evolving our emotional selv...

World View Perspective: Balancing the Elements

When our Heart, Mind, Body and Soul is out of balance, we don't function as well as we should.  In our human systems, it is important that our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects are in harmony and balance.  With our natural elements of earth, water, air and fire, too much or too little of any of them, and our health and well being is impacted.  To maintain good health and our natural state of well being, we have to monitor our own system to keep it balanced. The Earth Herself is going through this right now, too.  There is too much fire in some places, too much water in others, earth is drying up here and there and our global air has ben impacted, too.  She is currently heavy with imbalance.   The recent pandemic has affected us greatly in terms of sadness, fear, grief, concern and anger.  The excess of any of these emotions, reactions and responses, can throw our systems out of balance, making our overall health more problematic....

WORLD VIEW PERSPECTIVE: Leaving fear behind for wholeness

We are coming out of a year of fear.  It has effectively put us on hold and prevented us from greater progress and forward motion.  It has limited family life, work life, school life and halted some key developmental growth aspects for many. And yet, it has encouraged us to stay home, care more about those we love, rethink things we were doing that we might now shift and change for our own empowerment and personal growth.  We've had to revisit survival for ourselves and for those we love and value!  As with anything in life, when we look hard enough, we can find the positive in it! One of the positive aspects of the global pandemic, we had more alone time to possibly connect to Higher aspects of ourselves!  To make time to be grateful for our lives and value what we do have on deeper levels!  Love as love is came more to the surface and caring and compassion towards those less fortunate was shown and demonstrated everywhere!  Love and kindness became e...