World View Perspective: Accessing our Inner Sun
When we remember our True Nature is Light, we remember the aspects of Self-Healing. Which means we can be like a miner, who puts on his mining light to go deeper into the mine to see what he needs to see. We can easily imagine bringing our own Inner Light into our human system to use our own discernment to detect what needs to be lifted up, cleared up, released, relieved, let go of or eliminated through forgiveness, gratitude, acceptance and Grace. We are taught and shown how to hold on tight, often too tight, to old stuck emotions, ideas, concepts and notions, even dreams, that may ultimately be hurting, harming or distracting us rather than truly assisting us in our growth and expansion.
Our human system goes through a great deal of programming all through our lifetimes. The programming is useful and helpful at different stages on our journey and that recognition is important. Yet, the continuation of growth, expansion, spiritual development and awareness of energy is also important as we continue to evolve as a species. Remembering who we really are serves to enhance the world around us, including the Earth Herself.
If we stand back and view the Big Picture, we can see the Great Cosmic Soul; The INFINITE BEING OF PURE LOVE AND ENERGY coming to and through us into Earth Herself with Earth Herself beaming back to the INFINITE BEING again through us, setting up a NEW VIBRATION ultimately for Mankind. Technically, that might sound or seem daunting, or perhaps, too much pressure or too much responsibility. That is just a human thinking construct. It is our Higher Self that can enable this to happen and our human aspiration to do it. Our real reason for coming here is to remember who we are. We are here to remember the LIGHT we are and to consciously connect back to it. We are here to integrate that LIGHT back into our human system (synergy-stem) in a conscious way so we consciously collaborate with it. Seeing that LIGHT like our own INNER SUN, allows us to work with it to first heal our own system; awakening, opening, making greater space for more Light. It happens when we remember we cannot be separate from this COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. It isn't so daunting when we remember it is ultimately WHO WE ARE, too. Only our limited mind will tell us it is something to fear.
It is important to be discerning, however, because we are in human systems, too. See it like driving a car in that respect. Even if we'd like to go faster, we have the rules of the road to also follow. We have to check the gas, use our turning signals, check our speed, the other cars and certainly always know where our keys are to start with before we can use the car. When we are conscious of the rules of the road, we can then relax our minds, enjoy the drive, knowing we're fine, sitting in the driver's seat, grounded in earth plane reality and yet enjoying other aspects of the ride. This is the integration process. This is how we learn to collaborate with our own INNER SUN and continue healing our human systems while expanding our awareness.
This balancing process is important for every aspect of life. Just like we see on our planet. Too much fire, too much air, too much water or too much earth or not enough of any of the elements and everything can get off balance. Our job as human beings is to keep our own center and balance our lives, too. Our mind, body, heart and soul needs to healthy, happy and balanced to keep us moving forward on the earth plane. When we are out of balance, our health can be impacted. Using our own INNER SUN helps us to keep that balance as we remember, too, the needed and necessary rules of the road.
Awareness of current day and who we currently are also assists us in releasing the past and the past ties that bind us. What has gone before has served us in some way to be and become who we are now. In that LIGHT, we can always be grateful. Maybe we just needed strengthening in some regard or more compassion or greater understanding or enhanced wisdom or higher knowledge first. Maybe we won't ever understand why we had to go through something yet we can still benefit from what has happened in the past through forgiveness and gratitude. Love it all, forgive it all and thank you for it all as we continue to go and grow.
Our own INNER SUN is our constant LIGHT and as we evolve, it will always evolve with us, as US. It connects to LIGHT ITSELF and LIGHT ITSELF IS WHO WE ARE. AND, IT IS GOOD!
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