World View Perspective: The only system we need to forgive is our own

When our human system is affected, effected, infected or impacted by people, circumstances, situations or incidents, we can have a reaction/response that can hurt us, harm us or confuse us.  Our instinct is to pull in, pull away, push back or recoil in some way.  By doing this, we can close down around the hurt and effectively 'hold it' in place.  

Like a tree can form a knot struck by lightening yet still grow and go around it.  By tucking that knot into us, we can store it away a long, long time. The hurt can become it's own entity and it can harbor and foster this 'wound' for a long, long time, causing us to have it build into bigger and bigger proportions.  In that hold, we can blame all kinds of people for our now built-up pain.  Yet, that anger, hurt, rage will only serve to keep us attached to those who we believe have hurt us or thwarted our development and/or our lives.  

It is important that we realize our human system is capable to fill itself with positive, healthy energy that can keep out other people's hurt and negativity towards us, while we stand strong for what we know to be true. We are capable of healing ourselves and for keeping all that positive sense of our inner self happy, fulfilled and supported by our own self-love and self-acceptance. 

How do we make this happen?  First of all, we contemplate on all the things that have impacted our sense of self.  We search through our system; checking our intellect, our mental awareness, our emotional reactions, our physical body, our psychological self and our childhoods and see what experiences, people, moments, times and relationships may have had an impact, perhaps small at the time, but something that maybe you have carried around a very long time or something that has grown in proportion. When we find anything that we have tucked away that is sending us negative messages about our sense of self, it is important to have the sense of pulling it out to release it completely. To heal it.

See it as a heavy rock in your pocket.  This rock has a feeling, a color, a sound, and a shape  You've carried it around a long time and it has been weighing you down.  Maybe it is your memory that someone else put it there.  It never even belonged to you.  Now that you are aware of it, you don't want it anymore.  You want to take it out of your pocket and toss it into a nearby river, never to be seen again.  Removal of old stuck hurts, pains, disappointments and betrayals are just like this.  We have to be brave enough to go within our own human system and pull out, pluck out any and all old stuck hurts, etc., that we are finished holding onto.  We have to know they have finished their time.  We have to know it is well within our own power to release these old moments of history that continue to hurt and affect us.

Maybe we didn't protect that part of us the best way we could have at the time.  Maybe we didn't realize how open and receptive we were for so long, maybe we were just too trusting when the hurt happened.  Maybe it was inflicted by someone close to us, who we loved.  All that matters now, is we forgive our own system for receiving the hurt the way it did.  We free up whoever affected us and therefore, we free up that bondage between us.  We let it go from our human system through forgiveness and gratitude that we are moving on.  Feel it moving on as you release the hold from the past.

In this way, we begin to heal our own human system and free it of any and all 'knots' that are not who we are or who we thought we were.  Imagine this same inner energy space, now empty, within you filling with golden light, happy light, healthy light all meant to lift you up like a lofty balloon.  A safe, sacred healing space, just meant to inspire you and lift you ever higher.  Imagine it filled with the most positive energy possible that no one can ever penetrate.  It is yours to watch over, to protect now and to keep safe.  This inner 'pond' of yours can be kept clean and clear and full, any time you want to now.  It is filled with your Higher Consciousness as a clean, clear energy of Y. O. U.

When we can release from old stuck energy from the past, we can move on.  Our human system deserves to be respected, appreciated, loved and valued for all it has provided for us, throughout our lifetime.  We need to lovingly forgive it's tendency to hold on way to tight to aspects of us that have long been outgrown.  We need to deeply value and appreciate how strong our physical bodies really are and let them know how much we respect and value their worth to us.  They want to heal and rise above old hurts.  We must trust their need to go and grow beyond where we have kept them.  We must trust they remember the truth, too, they are simply made of LIGHT, too.  Each cell, every cell, and our blood, too, contain light! When we can remember what we are truly made of, that truth will and does fill us with amazing truth of LIGHT.  And, in that LIGHT, now and always, it is all G. O. O. D.


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