World View Perspective: Silencing our sabotaging mind
Aspiring to unite with our Higher Self, our True Spirituality, the Higher Consciousness that we are, takes practice, purpose and positive intention. We must go beyond our day to day consciousness, our programming and our trained way to see things. We must explore other thinking styles, greater perceptual realms and other possibilities. It is necessary for us to come out of the box, temporarily, to see how we can expand our thinking. To grow beyond just our thinking mind.
As we aspire to do this, one of the aspects of our personality can surface to derail our very best intentions. This sub-personality is called our sabotaging mind. It can contain old tapes from others that were negative, hurtful, short-sighted or judgmental. It could also be a part of us that developed after years of listening to and believing the negative thinking and reactions/responses others repeated to us. Our mind may have grabbed onto it and our mind may have continued to feed this to us as if it is real.
Because it was so convincing, perhaps we were too eager to trust it, we couldn't discern it as a voice we should not truly listen to. It just felt like us so it must know us or, at least, be willing to guide us along. It may not be until or unless it truly stops that we can realize we need to put an end to this negative aspect of us that beats us down unnecessarily.
The more we can consciously, actively silence it and let it know we will no longer listen to it, the more we can gain a higher, more positive perspective of our self and our truer intentions. Intuitive, higher messages from our Higher Selves do not carry such a negative intention or leave us with a sense of failure or despair or dread. There is no intention to mislead us or destroy our sense of self. Instead, that Higher Guidance lifts us, inspires us and encourages us to aim HIGHER.
Learning to discern on our spiritual path is important. It is just like life in that there are traps, false starts, deceptive aspects and confusion. Asking for clarity is useful as is testing the various steps we take, understanding that we can be fooled without discerning what is truly real for us. Maybe we simply have lessons to learn or greater things to experience so we must keep going. Whether things are right for us or not does take our own inner discernment, along with truthful guidance we can trust.
Weeding out our own sabotaging mind, telling it to stop using negativity to prevent our own spiritual growth, is powerful and a positive step closer to becoming who we are! Knowing it will surface is useful as is understanding it's purpose. It's purpose is to distract us from our WHOLENESS when we will not need any aspect of negativity working against us to become all of who we can ultimately be.
We are made of Love and Light and Truth. Our True vibration and ESSENCE is POSITIVITY. Our spirit aligns with the SPIRIT of LIFE. Until we know this to be TRUE, the sabotaging mind can and will attempt to pull us off course and to distract our HIGHER INTENTION. It is up to our individual consciousness to eradicate this harmful aspect to our ultimate spiritual growth. When told to go silent, it can and it will and we will continue on our path to greater and greater inner growth and development.
We can empower ourselves to detect this aspect of ourselves and tell it to go and to stop it's harmful voice and influence. Our ESSENCE and CONSCIOUSNESS is stronger than that!
Loving ourselves, valuing ourselves and trusting ourselves is important on our spiritual path. Anything that does not support that must be reviewed and reconsidered and eliminated, gently and lovingly, if necessary, especially, if it is preventing us from moving forward. This includes any and all negative aspects of us. We can eliminate the sabotaging mind within by acknowledging it exists. We can listen for it and tell it to stop. We can replace it with the most positive loving inner voice we can find!
We are LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH and nothing should ever prevent us from remembering that. That is GOOD!
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