World View Perspective: When there are too many darts in our balloon
When we are growing up, learning about who we are and how our world functions, we are subjected to other people's opinions, judgements, criticisms and biases. They have a tremendous impact on our sense of self. As we develop, we are looking, searching, wondering and trying on different types of identifications, identities, roll, rules and ideas, seeing if they actually fit us. The people in our world may tell us they fit when, in fact, they don't. It may take us years before we figure out, 'this is NOT who I am'!
Actual damage comes in when it feels like 'darts' from others seriously damage or even pop our inner balloons of self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth and self-love and self-acceptance, making us question ourselves, creating doubt. Those darts from others can also alter our own inner voice, creating the self-sabotaging voice in our own minds. In that case, the cycle of negativity is hard to interrupt, shift or change.
Losing Faith in ourselves, makes it difficult to trust what we feel and why we feel it. Having Faith in a Cosmic Soul and our soul being ONE is not only true but it is how we can heal our own system. Our OWN INNER LIGHT and LOVE can heal our broken or hurt system; our damaged inner balloon.
First, we must actively, clearly, cleanly release all the past darts in our balloon. See them, feel them, understand where they came from and let them go. As a visual, see it like a child's wading pool. It is filled up, full of water, the child is happily sitting in it, feeling all the water around it, maybe floating in it. Now a neighbor begins shooting darts at it until all the air empties and the water drains out of it. The child's happy demeanor begins to fade and all their fun has been drained out of them because someone else targeting their happy sense of self. They can't refill it now because the wading pool has been damaged by someone else. What the child in this scenario must do is create a new, stronger wading pool and stand up against any more incoming darts from others because the child now knows he/she is stronger than those previous bullies with the darts.
And what do we use to fill our old, maybe damaged, balloon or wading pool? FAITH. FAITH in ourselves to protect and defend and to keep it full of our OWN INNER LIGHT. Our OWN CONSCIOUSNESS that WE ARE ONE with LIGHT ITSELF. We cannot be separate. When we are aware of our ultimate UNION with CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF, our COLLABORATION with OUR OWN SPIRIT, we can conquer those who have the darts, the mental bullies, and no longer feel as if we are being punctured and drained. When we work with OUR OWN INNER LIGHT, we work for our own GREATER GOOD every time.
Going through the process of realizing who we are NOT, we can keep going to REALIZE WHO WE ARE, as long as, we are willing to let go and LET GOD, along with our own courage and determination, through the assistance of our own CONSCIOUSNESS, OUR OWN LIGHT and OUR OWN AWARENESS.
Too much fear weakens the system but FAITH can refill it! Pulling those past darts out, allowing time for forgiveness and gratitude for surviving and thriving through it, and then CONSCIOUSLY refilling yourself with all positive thoughts, feelings and current day awareness of WHO YOU ARE, in COLLABORATION WITH SPIRIT or SOURCE or YOUR HIGHEST LOVE and LIGHT, then watch how your life changes. Keeping your own INNER BALLOON full of LOVE, LIGHT, SPIRIT and SOURCE will lift you and gift you back to BEING YOURSELF! It is how healing works. AND IT IS GOOD!
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