World View Perspective: Feathering out old pain

After our human systems have held onto and carried enough pain, sorrow, worry or fear, going deeper within to our True Strength and Light, we can see, know and realize that enough is enough.  We cannot discern, when we are young and developing, that when someone hurts us, on any level, we can actually heal that ourselves and, further, prevent that from happening again. Yet, as we get older and continue down our path, and begin to access our own INNER LIGHT, we can start using it to heal what is not balanced in our own system. First, we have to be aware of it.

When our various organs become heavy and dense with trapped pain or energy, we can become sick, tired, sluggish, depressed and disinterested in life, people and day to day activities.  Without focusing on blaming others, which will only keep us in bondage to them, we can begin to 'feather out' any and all pain we have unconsciously held onto.  A bit like water off a duck's back!! 

Imagine seeing your Light like a feather duster.  See any and all pain coming up to the surface to be 'feathered off', released completely.  Applying your Light gently, but in a focused manner, allow both the dusting and the old energy to do it's work.  Feel like you are completely finished with carrying this old stuck stuff around or in your kidneys, your liver, your skin, your bones, on your back and on your shoulders.  Ask your physical body to let go of any and all old energy it no longer needs, wants, doesn't belong to you or it no longer finds useful.  Tell it it is time to allow in clearer, stronger, healthier energy and it needs the space to do so.  When you have finished dusting with your feather duster, stand still, eyes closed and have a sense you are now filling with LIGHT.  This LIGHT is a Higher aspect of you and when we are in Conscious Collaboration with it, it wants to lift us up and inspire us to aim for a Higher Union with it.  The more Light, the more we see!

This practice of healing our own system can be done as often as we want and, as often as we need to do it.  To be a balanced and WHOLE person, old pain, wounds, hurt, blockages and fear must be cleared so more of our TRUE NATURE can fill those gaps.  Feeling gratitude for all our lives have been to date also allows for the healing to occur. Forgiving the past and focusing more on current day also helps.

We can shift and change our own energy so our health and well being improves.  We go through a great deal as we grow, develop and live our lives.  Just like seals swimming with sharks, we take our hits but we keep on swimming.  We survive to swim another day.  :) 

When we add our own INNER LIGHT to help us navigate through the rough waters, we will see how to do it much more effectively and assuredly.  Our own INNER LIGHT wants us to succeed.  It wants collaboration with us to fill us with more and more LIGHT, LOVE and CLARITY.  Seeking and aspiring to be in UNION with our own INNER LIGHT is always a worthwhile pursuit.  

Feathering out the old to replace the space with the new will rejuvenate, replenish and restore your energy and your inherent strength.  It will also enhance your UNION with that Higher aspect of you and that is a positive step forward towards healing your WHOLE system once again.  The more LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH we can hold and work with, the better!  And, on it goes and it is GOOD!


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