World View Perspective: Self-Esteem Up in Current Day
When we have the courage to release the old thoughts and feelings from the past, that do not define us now, our sense of self can once again fly high. It can literally buoy up and help us float freely again. It is in our own power and awareness to keep it safe and secure, especially after we realize what affected us or had a negative impact on us previously.
In Light of our own Inner LIGHT, this is how we heal. Connecting to our Highest Consciousness, allows us, invites us, encourages us to see truthfully who we are and also who we are not. There is no need for shame, guilt, remorse or negative feelings or thoughts to still dominate us, perturb us, bother us or distract us once we realize clinging to the past simply holds us back from all we can be or BECOME in the present.
When we are conscious of who we truly are and how we truly feel, we become more aware of who we aren't, which is quite useful. We have this ongoing ability. We can scan our system with our own LIGHT to check out how we are doing at any time. If something or someone has hurt us, distracted us, sent us negative messages, etc., we can clean it off our system right away, restoring our confidence and self-esteem, as well as empowering our self in the moment.
Whispering to our self, 'Self-Esteem Up in Current Day', and feeling our self lift back into a True Stand for our self, going forward, we begin to see how we can empower our self in any situation, at any time.
Life takes a lot of courage and determination to survive and thrive. We are thrown into a variety of situations throughout our lives. Family, friends, siblings, co-workers, bosses, children, grandchildren, lovers, teachers, other students, etc., can all have an impact on our inherent sense of self. It shows no weakness to have momentary questions or concerns about how we feel about our selves. It is quite normal, truthfully! We are quite capable of mid-course corrections when we realize someone or something in our life is actually hurting or damaging our core sense of self. It is within our own power and Inner Light, to fix any imbalance that might be going on. We must first acknowledge our own participation in what has occurred. It is only through that acknowledgement, we can make any long term and lasting changes.
We increase our own self-empowerment when we take ownership for what has occurred, even if it was a parent when we were too young to stand up for our self. We must learn not to blame others for how we have reacted, even if they took the inappropriate action or chose the hurtful words. It is about how we responded and reacted and that is where we can make the needed and necessary changes. Our own INNER LIGHT is strong enough to stand with us against anything that threatens our own sense of self. It is our greatest healing tool and, further, it enables us to not react too strongly or inappropriately. We can surround our selves with this LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH and prevent our selves from being hurt, affected negatively or impacted in any harmful way. Our INNER LIGHT is fearless. It is the nature of our own INNER LIGHT to be there with us, always. It is us, we cannot be separate from it.
In fact, our own INNER LIGHT, wants us to be clear about who we are so we can become it. It wants to collaborate with us to ensure, we are as clear as can be. The more we practice this, the more we can all evolve. This reinforces our own strength and determination and helps us monitor our own growth and awareness.
Healing our human imbalances is a very useful practice. When we are balanced in heart, mind, body and spirit, many things that used to impact us, no longer carry that same trigger or reaction/response. We have literally learned to go and grow through what used to perturb us, leaving it behind. A very useful skill to have and one that is support by our growing sense of collaboration with our own INNER LIGHT.
'Self-Esteem Up in Current Day', is a valuable mantra to have and to practice, noticing how you feel. You are sending yourself a valuable message and application. We truly can heal our own system, thereby, setting up a dialogue of healing and positive vibration. We are then, creating the real self we are and creating the necessary space to go to and through it to get there.
Remembering we are the Highest Love and Light we are and therefore, it aids us in our human form, too, is miraculous. The more we work with this level of Consciousness, the more we grow. This is what we fundamentally seek and this is what responds because ultimately, and in Truth, we are this that heals us.
And, it is GOOD!
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