World View Perspective: Self Love and Self Acceptance in Current Day Light of Truth

 At our very core, in the Light of Truth, we are the LOVE and LIGHT as LIGHT ourselves.  Our human covering is such a strong overcoat, we have easily forgotten this.  Instead we attach, identify and react/respond as if we are the overcoat and not the Bigger, Higher Truth.

We do have to operate in the world as if we are just our human form for many years until or unless we begin to wake up to WHO WE TRULY ARE!  Once we do wake up, we can begin to collaborate with our HIGHER LIGHT to heal, to feel, to clear out the past and recreate a newer, Higher, Brighter vibration.  This serves our WHOLENESS in many ways.  We can easily forgive ourselves and others that may have impacted our system in negative ways.  We can refill our own inner pond with LIGHT and LOVE, thereby, shifting and changing our own very cellular nature.

As we shift and change into our own HIGHER vibration, we uplift all of those around us, surrounding us and the planet Herself.  We are connected to the WHOLENESS of LIFE ITSELF so our healing affects everything around us.  

As we grow, develop and mature as a person, we go through lots of experiences that affect our sense of self.  Like stones thrown into our positive pond, they may hurt us, distort our thinking, degrade our self confidence or lead us down paths that aren't for our greatest good.  People we assume will treat us with respect, may instead, consciously or unconsciously, harm our sense of being a positive person.  We may not even realize or recognize this has happened for years.  In order to regain our human balance, we can engage our own Spirit to shine a LIGHT on any and all blocks to our greater growth and personal enhancement.

Our Spirit seeks to support us and help us shine.  Collaborating with it, helps us re-establish WHO WE ARE because it seeks to clear anything that WE AREN'T once we put our FAITH in OUR OWN SELF AND SPIRIT.

What it wants from us is our own FAITH IN OURSELF, too.  How do we do this?  We go deep within and find our own SELF-LOVE and SELF ACCEPTANCE.  This can be going back through the past, freeing up those old stuck self-images, or just LOVING and ACCEPTING OUR SELF for WHO WE ARE IN CURRENT DAY!  Doing this is useful practice on it's own and, if you add, IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH, you'll see Spirit step in to illuminate that TRUTH from within.  Like a light coming up through our pond of old stuck confusion and old pain to show us how to clear it, restore it and shine a new light through it.

What we are likely to face in this process is our own old stored fear.  Fear has a funny way of blocking us in and keeping us servants of the past regardless of our better intentions.  To go through life as a human being means we have all swallowed a certain amount of fear to get as far as we have in life.  Our parents often teach us what they fear, with or without, us being conscious of that. A certain amount of fear is useful to drawn on and be mindful of but too much unnecessary fear can lock us in place and thwart our greater growth and enhancement.  Working towards Self-Love and Self-Acceptance most likely means facing our past fears, real or imagined.

This is again when Spirit can be our best INNER GUIDE to illuminate this in our human system, in order to set it free.  That is OUR OWN INNER LIGHT OF TRUTH!  It is our best HEALING TOOL and the best way to access our GREATER WHOLENESS, which allows us to affect positive change all around us, uplifting the planet, too.  

If we don't experience some friction, how do our 'stones' get polished?  Being grateful for all our experiences, all wisdom and all knowledge is powerful along with forgiving all of those who have hurt us, harmed us, cheated us or stolen from us.  This frees us and frees them and our WHOLENESS is restored.  It is this happy balance that promotes SELF-LOVE and SELF-ACCEPTANCE in the current day LIGHT OF TRUTH.  This is good for us on all levels and those we know and love and it extends far beyond us to all LIVING THINGS, including MOTHER EARTH HERSELF.

Love is the most powerful FORCE there is and knowing we contain it and can sustain, through collaborating with our own Spirit, sets us free to BECOME IT . . . and IT IS GOOD!


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