World View Perspective: Balancing the Elements
When our Heart, Mind, Body and Soul is out of balance, we don't function as well as we should. In our human systems, it is important that our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects are in harmony and balance. With our natural elements of earth, water, air and fire, too much or too little of any of them, and our health and well being is impacted. To maintain good health and our natural state of well being, we have to monitor our own system to keep it balanced.
The Earth Herself is going through this right now, too. There is too much fire in some places, too much water in others, earth is drying up here and there and our global air has ben impacted, too. She is currently heavy with imbalance.
The recent pandemic has affected us greatly in terms of sadness, fear, grief, concern and anger. The excess of any of these emotions, reactions and responses, can throw our systems out of balance, making our overall health more problematic. These emotions can stay stuck in our systems for longer than necessary, causing blockages, physical pain, psychological distress and mental anguish and despair. When this happens, it is important to think and feel in broader terms. It is most valuable to offer these heavier energies up to a Higher, Brighter and Lighter part of yourself.
You might think this will not impact Mother Earth or those around you but, in fact, it does. Our energies are part of the world around us. When we are clouded with doubt, confusion, fear and carrying a troubled mind or unsettled emotions, all of that energy is going out of us towards our families, our friends, our neighbors and our work places. How can it not have an impact on our environment?
Remembering that we are ONE, along with Mother Earth, the Universe and the Cosmic Consciousness, helps us to remember to keep our energies clear, despite what may have impacted us. Feel it, yes, then heal it, Y. E. S.
Our human systems are amazing, miraculous, incredible miracles in which we navigate life here. To love them, applaud them and appreciate their subtle features is a good practice and yet, our human systems can also hold onto negative programming so tightly, that we cannot free it long enough to heal it. Through time, then, these 'knots' can continue to manifest as 'nots' and we stifle and limit our own growth and expanded thinking. Consequently, our elements get out of balance and our health; physical, emotional, mental or spiritual can become imbalanced and we continue to be negatively impacted.
If you can imagine standing in the center of a crystal clear white spider's web of PURE LIGHT, and any of these strings of LIGHT can be pulled down to shine into any area of your system to lift off any and all falsehoods, clearing your system of any old stuck blocks to help you heal and feel better, would you be willing to do that? This giant clear spider's web is in fact your true nature of SPIRITUAL LIGHT, and it is available to you at any time to learn to HEAL YOURSELF. It wants that UNION and that TRUE CONNECTION with you to enlighten, to uplift, to inspire, to take you higher and to expand your thinking and perspective.
There is an Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies that we are all a part of and it pulsates LIFE ITSELF. We can not be separate from IT because we are a part of IT. This BEING wants to collaborate with us as us because then there is more LIGHT, more LOVE and more positive LIFE on EARTH. This ultimate UNION allows everything and everyone to HEAL and be RESTORED, which brings back the happy peaceful, health balance we all crave and we all know must exist. It does exist and every time we cleanse, clear, rebalance our systems, we help this process to happen. It becomes a sincere offering of LOVE for the Collective.
Life is such a gift and to keep growing and going is an ongoing gift back to life. We have the inherent ability to make this beautiful and wonderous process of collaboration happen when we choose to keep our human systems balanced and to use our expanded LIGHT, LOVE and LIFE to be CONSCIOUS of the process. Gratitude and forgiveness are amazing tools to keep feeling, healing and finding that new and precious balance, remembering in the end, IT IS ALL GOOD! And so it is . . . LOVE IS ALWAYS THE PATH!!
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