
Showing posts from 2019

World View Perspective: When aspects of our selves speak to us

Perhaps our happiness comes mainly through or from our own heart.  We see a baby, we touch a rose, we smell fresh baked goods or we receive a smile and we feel happy.  Yet, when we can listen carefully enough, we can hear different aspects of our selves speaking to us, begging to be heard.  These aspects also impact our happiness and even our health! It can be as if that aspect of our self has been quiet a long time; maybe repressed, depressed or suppressed, unable to be expressed yet present.  Something or someone shifts and changes our life and suddenly, that small barely audible voice speaks up.  Why now, we might wonder before we ask, what is it it needs to say to me or why does it now have to reach me or teach me? Just like a clear and pure pond, from the depths of who we are, an old rock can call to us, alerting us that it is time to see it, acknowledge it and remove it.  It has been there long enough!  It is blocking our sense of self and pr...

World View Perspective: Bringing LIGHT down into your core

LIGHT surrounds us at all times, which isn't to say we can always detect it.  Many things and aspects of life can cloud our LIGHT, casting shadows that aren't even ours.   Without our knowledge or consent, other people's energy, negative thinking, anger or unresolved anger, old traumas, stress, their deep sadness or even their illness can have an effect on our own energy systems.  We can feel just fine and be around some people and once we're home, we might not feel very well or become depressed, simply because we were around them. It isn't their conscious, active fault or ours.  It is simply what happens when we are in direct contact with other people.  If we are sensitive people, we can tune into those feelings and realize if we can feel them, we can also let them go. One technique to do that that is simple and can become a daily habit is to imagine a pure white broad LIGHT coming down to you from the INFINITE BEING and through you in the shower ea...

World View Perspective: Healing our human understanding

What our parents programmed into our thinking, behaviors and actions, as we were developing our sense of self, were useful skills in order for us to learn and to know in terms of how to function well in the family, with others, in schools and in society.  How they saw and experienced the world to be was what they believed they should show us and teach us because they saw those skills as important.  Perhaps they weren't all positive or life enhancing but if they weren't, then we learned to discern based on what we experienced. That programming plays out, over time, until we realize we have reached the end point of that working now for us in our lives.  When that happens, we must recognize another aspect of our self is likely being called forward. It is possible that aspect or two or three are not fully developed yet or perhaps those aspects have been hidden away from a previous trauma or fear, for example.  Perhaps we were born with some psychic gifts, or a strong...

World View Perspective: Our happiness and health is an inside job

Human misery is an all too common theme!  Yes, it is in the world and in our human systems and yet, true and pure spiritual J. O. Y. is an inside energy, ALWAYS accessible too.  Why then don't we utilize a most Loving, Light based, Healing inner tool when it already exists? Simple answer?  Because no one has taught us who we are and therefore what we can use to do our own healing; inspiring our own greater health and happiness. Formations, foundations, structures, businesses, education systems all become closed systems that manage and control how we think, act and behave because they can appeal to the masses.  To coordinate, control, dominate, make people follow endless rules and roles, certain factors must appeal to large groups of people to keep people moving in that direction  We all grow up watching this, learning this, following this, adhering to this until we awaken further.  That's when we realize and recognize that that simply isn't true for all...

World View Perspective: The LIGHT must win

Our core nature is LIGHT.  It is where we came from and it is where we are going.  Our human covering allows us to do what we came here to do but we are inspired by the Light within us.  Knowing that LIGHT, Loving that LIGHT, Understanding that LIGHT and Collaborating with that LIGHT is our purpose here.  The LIGHT must win during and throughout our lifetimes.  It wins by us remembering, recognizing and re-embracing who we are through how we live! Faith in OUR INNER LIGHT is what guides our ship, guides our lives, shows us the way by shining the Truth to us and through us. All our other facilities are useful to get us there, too.  A sharp intellect, an active decisive mental ability, a clear emotional nature, a feeling and perceptive psychological aspect and a strong and capable physical structure are all helpful tools and operations but to know one's own Spirit, LIGHT and SOURCE is to truly KNOW WHO WE ARE at a core level. LOVING LIGHT, LOVE and LIFE...

World View Perspective: Clearing the old shadow skirts

When we have been gossiped about, judged, accused, criticized in the past or bullied, those old memories can remain with us, swirling around our thoughts, interfering with our feelings and causing us to continue to think we are those old experiences.  The truth is we are not.  They are simply old shadow skirts, hanging about in the shadows, skirting around our current, present self, acting as great distractions!  See them as old, black webbed skirts that you have outgrown.  Have a clear sense of removing them, tossing them away and instead circling around you fresh new light.  Using gold, silver, white or pink light will act as protection and encourage current day energy, not the negative influences of the past!  It is easy for these old shadow skirts to visit us and negativitely influence our thinking and feeling and even actions.  When we learn how to clear them and keep them off, we will feel happier, healthier and receive greater clarity.  A p...

World View Perspective: When we forget we're Light

When we forget we are Light, we get lost in the dark.  We cannot see life and LOVE clearly and we have lost our way.  When distraction, illusion, separation, anger, fear, doubt or systematic programming seize our system, blinding us from who we are, we can lash out, become cruel, punitive and small.  We can hurt, harm, destroy, alienate or crush other people and life itself. The main human aspect that blinds us and binds us is ego.  Once our ego versus our Bigger Heart/Soul Self runs the show, we can all be plunged into deep darkness, fighting our way back to the LIGHT to UNITE with our TRUTH! When we remember our Inner LIGHT, we will naturally realize how we are all connected.  Consciousness is everywhere, like a vast web of LIGHT that connects us to the Cosmos, the Universe, all living things and the most amazing Earth we live on.  There is Beauty, Love, Truth, Grace and LIGHT in this web and we are all that, carrying a most truthful inner connection ...

World View Perspective: Accessing your own Inner Light

If we can imagine a pond in us, which is like our personal emotional nature, we can see it is possibly full of rocks, stones, old debris, unnecessary leaves, dark murky water.  All of which may be the result of old buried hurts, misunderstandings, confusion, traumas and dramas, perhaps all experienced or played out long ago!  It is no longer current but because it has not been cleaned out or released, it will continue to taunt us and daunt us.  It will make us feel heavy, depressed, held down and back and possibly unwell, until or unless, we begin to clear it and cleanse it, refilling it with new Light. We have all been taught that we have to suck up our pain, hurts, anger and strife  instead of transform it, heal it and truly let it go.  Yet, the art and practices of forgiveness, gratitude and being present in current day tell us and teach us to be loving towards ourselves and others and letting go is actually a gift! At the bottom of our inner emotion...

World View Perspective:Transforming being miserly, to misery, to mystery, to mastery

When we hold onto money as a way to define who we are and clamp down on being generous, we are effectively telling the Universe we don't believe in Abundance.  When all we do is bargain, we energetically 'bar-gain'.  Trusting that we will have all we need as we need it or trusting the right opportunities will show themselves when and as we need them, too, shows a greater faith in the Law of Abundance and in the Universe for providing what's needed. People who are too miserly bring misery into their lives due to fear!  In that mind set, we fear others will take what we have, we fear loss of what we are clinging to and worse of all we fear the loss of our definition of self.  We shut ourselves off to other possibilities and potentialities because we want what we have for ourselves. Once the misery sets in due to our fear based actions, many things can start to go wrong; a health crisis, a sudden loss that requires a financial output, family members in need, a sick ...

World View Perspective: Spiritual liberation

When we go on a spiritual journey or path to understand our own inner Light, we can still have a sense of being separate.  Yet, in the wholeness of who we truly are, that LIGHT becomes who we are in our fullest awareness.  In the field of existence, the energy of ONENESS is who we are. Our Light or Spirit serves as our inner guidance, reminding us who we are, without the ego's identification of separation.  In that 'spirit' of truth, we realize we can expand well beyond any boundaries or limitations that our human mind, or the minds of others, might impose on us.  To trust our inner light, to let it guide us, to allow it's ultimate Love and Life in us, as us, sounds daunting, to be sure.  Yet, it is that Union with our Spirit or Light, that will guide us correctly because of the mutual benefit and purpose. Our Light or Spirit only wants what is best for us.  The more Light or Spirit we can carry and shine, the more we transform ourselves into a Higher V...

World View Perspective: Loving the Light we are

Underneath our human traumas, our human fears and sadness, under our old programming and our sense of failing, we have a Light that is connected to the LIGHT ITSELF.  It is just as conscious, it is just as knowledgeable, it is just as wise.  How can it not be, it is the LIGHT within us. This Light is our Highest Consciousness, it is who we are and it shines whether we are aware of it or not!  To find it, access it and to feel it we must uncover it through Love and Forgiveness.  It is like looking for a hidden gem in a forest.  We have to use our intuition, our sense of adventure, our sense of inner knowing to seek where we think it must be.  We must love and forgive anything and everything that may have stood in the way!  Those blocks have been in our way to overcome. There are spiritual teachers who can help teach us, there are shamans who know and there are healers who can guide us in removing the layers and levels of what we use to cover up our ...

World View Perspective: The Consciousness in our cells

In our every day lives, we may not think about our cellular nature.  Maybe when we exercise, eat consciously or think about our breathing, we do.  Yet our cells are alive and living and they carry the Consciousness of life itself.  Breathing fresh air, drinking fresh clean water, meditation, joyful thoughts and feelings affect our cells in positive ways and create positive health and well being in our systems.  They replenish our soul, too.   When we spend time in a day exercising, a practice that is most useful is to touch base with our body in terms of a friendly exchange.  Feel your heart open and get in touch with your loving thoughts and gratitude.  Now start at either the top of your head or the bottom of your feet and begin thanking each body part you have.  Include the organs, limbs, blood, muscles, tendons, the movement of the arms, legs, head, emphasize the spine, the heart, your lungs and reproductive body parts and when you are ...

World View Perspective: We are our truth, not our coping skills

We have all developed human coping skills that help us get through each day when life gets too demanding, too tiring, too stressful or too painful for us.  Most coping skills are acceptable, most we understand in each other, most of them appear harmless and we think they will be temporary.  Some, however, can become addictions that hurt us more than we realize, having negative impacts on others and those we love and they can begin to define us. Coping skills can also mask our greater Truth, which is more about how we really feel towards our relationships, our current situations, our past and our self.  To go beneath the reason we need coping skills is most often quite painful because we have escaped from the real reason, adopting instead, coping skills that cover up what we don't want to face.  Personal emotional, mental, psychological or even physical pain is difficult because we think that pain is us.  We can't discern that it is not us! The world is a won...

World View Perspective: I AM my Light

By understanding we are the Light of Spirit and we are the Light of Soul, we can also understand we are not separate, except what our limited human perspective tells us through our five senses.  We have a separate human physical self to care for and maintain for the sake of our soul, of course, but our LIGHT far out shines our limitations to be in this world. When we expand our Consciousness to that Higher realm, we realize our Light can actually help us heal and reveal areas within us that need healing, better health and support.   Our cells in our human system are like windows.  They can be dirty, broken, shut down or open, clean and refreshed.  They can be moved by Higher Consciousness to reflect our Light, too, enabling us to receive healing and a greater inner awareness of Truth.  They can rejuvenate us to seek greater health and happiness practices, enabling our human systems to re-charge themselves. Our Light is within us to assist us to grow, ...

World View Perspective: The power of 'I AM' good enough

When we understand the great 'I AM' refers to the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies, that same Highest vibration can resonate to us and through us.  Our cells can hear it and respond to it, setting up healing opportunities throughout our human system. To sincerely repeat, 'I Am good enough' as a silent mantra to all the traumatized aspects of ourselves that may have cleverly hidden the wounds and traumas carefully away, hidden even from ourselves, we begin to set up a newly established new, healthier, happier, vibration within us, effectively rearranging who we used to be at the cellular level. Remembering that the LIGHT ITSELF wants us to get clear, become clean and resonate all that LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE back again to the Infinite Being, affecting all those who feel our Light as their Light harmonizes, too. The more Love, Light and Life we can touch, feel, share and enjoy, the more the world can awaken to a Higher vibration. To experience life, we a...

World View Perspective: What weighs us down from our greater growth

We are seldom taught at an early age how to protect our systems from psychic battery, energetic slams or direct hits because most people don't see them, don't want to see them or people don't believe those things are real. Everything is energy, everything.  As such it can bombard our systems all day and even night without out knowledge.  Yes, we can point to our TV's, radios, cell phone and computers as obvious items of bombardment but what about the negative energy we experience from other people.  What happens when we stand in between it, or watch a collective opinion coming towards us or we walk into a room where we have been the negative topic for a group of people right before we entered?  We feel that, even if we don't recognize what we are feeling, we have experienced it. To illustrate a point, imagine when you were born, you had a big yellow balloon in your energy body that was your sense of self. Right around your stomach area.  It was round and ful...

World View Perspective: When the soul strength of women open the true hearts of men

The Earth has withstood the test of time and all living things have been a part of the evolution on Earth.  To meet, in fact, greet the incoming, upcoming new era being ushered in, the collective soul strength of women must help to open the true hearts of men.  We have both been cast in limited roles and in a limited light as the old paradigm demanded. Not to be too critical of what had to occur the way it had too occur, we can all move past this into a bright, fresh new era of positive, welcomed change.  The Earth Herself will delight in it because we all move together on this planet. The WHOLENESS of WOMEN must come forward to heal the old and torn fragments of the past and to awaken the True Hearts of Mankind.  Men need healing, too, after generations of them have carried the burdens of the money stress, keeping the families sustained, maintained, protected and provided for while not able to express their burdens openly, in healthy ways, or ask for needed and ...

World View Perspective: Standing as our True Selves

No matter what has happened to our human physical systems, no matter what happened in the past, no matter how it makes us feel now, we can shift and change it, going forward!  We have that ability to be miraculous and to make a difference in our systems, our lives and the lives of others.  Yes, we have to be brave, daring, and determined but we can do it. Why go through all the trouble?  Because we can, we need to, we should and it is time.  What makes it time?  There is a new Force descending.  A new Consciousness is coming in and it has been descending for awhile.  It is subtle, it is Grace and it is coming to restore the balance and the harmony by clearing out the old so the new can come.  It is like planting after the snow clears so a whole new world of color arrives and new growth is obvious and beautiful! It is calling our True Selves to stand up and come forward.  It is asking us to remember our Light, our Love and our genuine desi...

World View Perspective: Handing it to the Light in Love

No matter how burdened we feel at any time in our life, we can hand it over to Light through Love.  We just have to remember that we all contain the Light and Love within us.  The bigger Force of LOVE and LIGHT is always accessible and with us and consequently, we can Love what we are going through as lessons and learning for us and yet hand it over to the greater pure forces we have all around us. Have a sense of how any burdens feel to you.  Are they heavy, weighty, too big to see around, too uncomfortable, too old, too stagnant or do they belong to someone else?  No matter how you feel, if it doesn't feel like you or yours, you can release it back to itself. Imagine you are standing in a brilliant white spot light, a circle big enough for you, allowing plenty of space around you.  Now imagine and feel a giant pure white light descending down to you, all the way down below where your feet are standing.  This giant white light has the capacity to clear...