World View Perspective: Spiritual liberation

When we go on a spiritual journey or path to understand our own inner Light, we can still have a sense of being separate.  Yet, in the wholeness of who we truly are, that LIGHT becomes who we are in our fullest awareness.  In the field of existence, the energy of ONENESS is who we are.

Our Light or Spirit serves as our inner guidance, reminding us who we are, without the ego's identification of separation.  In that 'spirit' of truth, we realize we can expand well beyond any boundaries or limitations that our human mind, or the minds of others, might impose on us.  To trust our inner light, to let it guide us, to allow it's ultimate Love and Life in us, as us, sounds daunting, to be sure.  Yet, it is that Union with our Spirit or Light, that will guide us correctly because of the mutual benefit and purpose.

Our Light or Spirit only wants what is best for us.  The more Light or Spirit we can carry and shine, the more we transform ourselves into a Higher Vibrancy.  To recognize our True worth and value is our awareness of our Light and we expand our sense of self to Higher dimensions.  Our Light goes way beyond our ego's idea of itself until our ego finally merges with it and the Light becomes who we are!  Surrendering to our Light enables more Light to reflect back our Truth that we are the same LIGHT.

Most of our struggles in life are due to our ego's investment in itself and it's desires and wants.  We can become so angry when those desires, those false senses/images of self or personal wants go unattended, ignored by others or not adhered to.  We become angry because we were driven to have those things happen by our ego. The ego's drive, while valuable in it's own right when and while it is needed and necessary, needs to be ultimately released to our Light so that we become liberated in time.

To be spiritually liberated means that we are not (knot) hung up by ego's demands, priorities or preferences any longer.  We trust our own inner Light, at that point, to guide us to and through anything and everything as we need to get to and through it.  We let go of ego's impulses, ego's temperament and ego's many ideas about itself.  In that way, many locks and blocks in our human system start to go.  Things like old traumas, old negative memories, old hurtful/harmful situations or relationships.

Once our Light and the Infinite LIGHT recognize each other, there is no fear, no lack, no separation and our human system is spiritually liberated.  We are not (knot) blocked by ego anymore.  We see Love, Light, Truth, Grace and much, much Clarity.  The hold of the past, the emotional fear of others, the hesitation of all possibilities begins to go and LOVE and TRUST remain and continue to flow like a river or stream of endless consciousness.  We begin to KNOW we are THAT THAT IS in all it's Beauty, Grace and Connection to the BIGGEST LIGHT of ALL.  The Cosmic Truth that the Great Cosmic Soul and our soul is ONE.

The JOY that flows is testimony itself that we are truly just that vast ONENESS, too.  How then can we hurt another, how then can we inflict pain on others or anything alive without, on some level, inflicting that same pain on us?  We can't because by then we are so aware of our ONENESS.  All that we know then is LOVE, LIFE and LIGHT because our human system has become that as well.

Seek to understand your spirit and soul as the Bigger Spirit and Soul and experience that most wondrous connection.  Trust that on your Highest Level, you, too, are that!  In that Spirit, we can heal ourselves back to WHOLENESS in collaboration with the LIGHT ITSELF, filling our own inner bucket with just the LIGHT ITSELF, feeling and living that Truth; a Truth that allows us to see though any and all falsehoods now that we are truly and Lovingly spiritually liberated.


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