World View Perspective:Transforming being miserly, to misery, to mystery, to mastery
When we hold onto money as a way to define who we are and clamp down on being generous, we are effectively telling the Universe we don't believe in Abundance. When all we do is bargain, we energetically 'bar-gain'. Trusting that we will have all we need as we need it or trusting the right opportunities will show themselves when and as we need them, too, shows a greater faith in the Law of Abundance and in the Universe for providing what's needed.
People who are too miserly bring misery into their lives due to fear! In that mind set, we fear others will take what we have, we fear loss of what we are clinging to and worse of all we fear the loss of our definition of self. We shut ourselves off to other possibilities and potentialities because we want what we have for ourselves.
Once the misery sets in due to our fear based actions, many things can start to go wrong; a health crisis, a sudden loss that requires a financial output, family members in need, a sick child. Now we need the mystery to step in. We take all our self-imposed misery from being too miserly and ask God for help, guidance, support and healing or clarity.
The Great Mystery hears our plea and often sends opportunities to mirror our actions to improve our perspective. It sends a way to be supportive towards someone, it provides a means to be generous, it sends a sudden opportunity to help out a situation. The Great Mystery is a beautiful Teacher, bringing us back to a sense of perspective. When we want patience, the Great Mystery will send an opportunity to be patient, when we need to let go of money fear, we'll be given a way to release those fears and when we need to remember to apply Love or Light, the Great Mystery will bring us a situation that enhances that reminder.
Once we have undergone these steps, our awareness clears and we develop the gift of mastery. We've transformed our old mind set into a more heart based perspective and become a more positive person, who has developed a greater compassion for others. We are more open, more caring, more understanding and more flexible with our thinking! We come to recognize that holding on too tight brings us misery and small minded thinking. We are more willing to flow with life and to trust it.
Yes, protecting and discerning what is ours and how to value and respect it is useful but being miserly with all things and people in our lives is harmful; both to the person and ourselves. It makes us someone we are not and it vibrates with and attracts greed. Once we are seized by greed, it is a very difficult energy to let go from as it can color our whole healthier perspective and taint us with dark confusion and distraction. Greed based and fear based people are miserable because they have forgotten faith in a Higher Perspective and Understanding. They have forgotten that they are not separate from the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy. They have left out their own Light and Higher Clarity.
Once we gain mastery over our own thinking and feeling, always seeking the Higher Path and viewpoint, forgiving our past actions and seeing life through positive Loving eyes, we have evolved past the past, going passed our past actions and passed the past sense of self. We are then in our current present moment, remembering who we are and becoming that LOVE and CLARITY ITSELF. Our Greater HEART opens and when and how we can be generous, we are and through that renewed generosity, we see, know and trust, where and how we can be most giving and forgiving to others and our life and that transformation, IS GOOD!
People who are too miserly bring misery into their lives due to fear! In that mind set, we fear others will take what we have, we fear loss of what we are clinging to and worse of all we fear the loss of our definition of self. We shut ourselves off to other possibilities and potentialities because we want what we have for ourselves.
Once the misery sets in due to our fear based actions, many things can start to go wrong; a health crisis, a sudden loss that requires a financial output, family members in need, a sick child. Now we need the mystery to step in. We take all our self-imposed misery from being too miserly and ask God for help, guidance, support and healing or clarity.
The Great Mystery hears our plea and often sends opportunities to mirror our actions to improve our perspective. It sends a way to be supportive towards someone, it provides a means to be generous, it sends a sudden opportunity to help out a situation. The Great Mystery is a beautiful Teacher, bringing us back to a sense of perspective. When we want patience, the Great Mystery will send an opportunity to be patient, when we need to let go of money fear, we'll be given a way to release those fears and when we need to remember to apply Love or Light, the Great Mystery will bring us a situation that enhances that reminder.
Once we have undergone these steps, our awareness clears and we develop the gift of mastery. We've transformed our old mind set into a more heart based perspective and become a more positive person, who has developed a greater compassion for others. We are more open, more caring, more understanding and more flexible with our thinking! We come to recognize that holding on too tight brings us misery and small minded thinking. We are more willing to flow with life and to trust it.
Yes, protecting and discerning what is ours and how to value and respect it is useful but being miserly with all things and people in our lives is harmful; both to the person and ourselves. It makes us someone we are not and it vibrates with and attracts greed. Once we are seized by greed, it is a very difficult energy to let go from as it can color our whole healthier perspective and taint us with dark confusion and distraction. Greed based and fear based people are miserable because they have forgotten faith in a Higher Perspective and Understanding. They have forgotten that they are not separate from the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy. They have left out their own Light and Higher Clarity.
Once we gain mastery over our own thinking and feeling, always seeking the Higher Path and viewpoint, forgiving our past actions and seeing life through positive Loving eyes, we have evolved past the past, going passed our past actions and passed the past sense of self. We are then in our current present moment, remembering who we are and becoming that LOVE and CLARITY ITSELF. Our Greater HEART opens and when and how we can be generous, we are and through that renewed generosity, we see, know and trust, where and how we can be most giving and forgiving to others and our life and that transformation, IS GOOD!
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