World View Perspective: Bringing LIGHT down into your core
LIGHT surrounds us at all times, which isn't to say we can always detect it. Many things and aspects of life can cloud our LIGHT, casting shadows that aren't even ours.
Without our knowledge or consent, other people's energy, negative thinking, anger or unresolved anger, old traumas, stress, their deep sadness or even their illness can have an effect on our own energy systems. We can feel just fine and be around some people and once we're home, we might not feel very well or become depressed, simply because we were around them.
It isn't their conscious, active fault or ours. It is simply what happens when we are in direct contact with other people. If we are sensitive people, we can tune into those feelings and realize if we can feel them, we can also let them go.
One technique to do that that is simple and can become a daily habit is to imagine a pure white broad LIGHT coming down to you from the INFINITE BEING and through you in the shower each day. See this LIGHT as broad as you need to. Let it descend from on HIGH and encircle you with all of it's LIGHT coming from the top of your head going past your feet and deep into ground. Let it come to a stop there.
Sensing it like a tube of LIGHT with a stopper, now let it fill with all new LIGHT to reverse the process. Now imagine the LIGHT lifting all old, stuck, negative energy back up to where it came from to clear your inner self and outer self of all energy that is not you. It can be big enough to also clear your environment as well. As the old energy is removed, ask that it be transmuted and transformed into a fresh new bubble of LIGHT for you to walk in and talk in all day. Inside the bubble, you can also add fresh new red light, followed by orange, next yellow light, then green, blue, purple and white, which will refresh your energy levels throughout the body. If you imagine those lights clearing your energy levels as you walk in this new bubble of LIGHT all day, adding positive energy to your system, your energy will be enhanced. Make sure you stay grounded in this process. This technique is to just clear your system, not in any way, to produce a 'spacey' effect. These energy bodies you are enhancing are known as the chakras.
This technique offers us reassurance that we won't hold onto any energy that is not ours, doesn't belong to us and that we don't need. It releases energy without judgment , restoring us back to a much more balanced, healthy and whole system, bringing back our joy and appreciation for life and all it's wonder.
We are LIGHT at our core but given all we experience, live through and do in our day to day lives, our energy can become effected, affected or infected in harmful ways that could impact our health and well being.
Most of this energy happens unconsciously or subconsciously and most of it is not intentional. It isn't anyone's fault. There are ways and techniques to clear it and restore our healthy, happy balance. The above example is just one.
Given that we are surrounded by LIGHT, that LIGHT can collaborate with us for our own maximum benefit and gain and integrate the LIGHT back into our lives. The recognition of that collaboration enhances our spiritual connection. The LIGHT we are wants that acknowledgement and recognition and ultimately for us to work with it for our clarity, improved lives and ultimate health and well being. It is the ultimate gift that just keeps giving.
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