World View Perspective: When we forget we're Light

When we forget we are Light, we get lost in the dark.  We cannot see life and LOVE clearly and we have lost our way.  When distraction, illusion, separation, anger, fear, doubt or systematic programming seize our system, blinding us from who we are, we can lash out, become cruel, punitive and small.  We can hurt, harm, destroy, alienate or crush other people and life itself.

The main human aspect that blinds us and binds us is ego.  Once our ego versus our Bigger Heart/Soul Self runs the show, we can all be plunged into deep darkness, fighting our way back to the LIGHT to UNITE with our TRUTH!

When we remember our Inner LIGHT, we will naturally realize how we are all connected.  Consciousness is everywhere, like a vast web of LIGHT that connects us to the Cosmos, the Universe, all living things and the most amazing Earth we live on.  There is Beauty, Love, Truth, Grace and LIGHT in this web and we are all that, carrying a most truthful inner connection of Purity to ALL THAT IS!

That is our LOVE, that LIGHT and that LIFE that is possible.  We have to remember our LIGHT, especially in times of darkness and deep confusion.

A great story I read once told of a man driving up a winding road in Italy when a man driving down the hill stretched out his window, shaking his fist, screaming 'PIG, PIG'!  Upon hearing this, the man shouted back, 'Hey, who are you to call me a pig?  How dare you!' He remained shouting, right as he came around the corner and hit a pig in the middle of the road.  (the pig was not hurt!)  If he had stayed open minded and trusting, instead of over-reacting, assuming the man had ill-intent, he might have felt gratitude and paid more attention, thereby, missing the pig altogether.  If we don't suspend our negative minds, that have forgotten our LIGHT, we are not going to see, understand, think or act clearly.

Our Light is an aspect of the INFINITE LIGHT in human form.  We can LOVE this LIGHT, we can be in relationship with this LIGHT and we can heal our WHOLE SYSTEM, using this LIGHT!  This energy of Pure LOVE and Pure LIGHT we carry wants UNION with us to become us, adding more LIGHT to ALL WHO SURROUND US and are AROUND US!  This LIGHT is COMPASSION, TRUTH, GRACE and when we remember, it is always WITHIN US!

No one usually teaches us about this in our early development or as we are maturing, preparing to live life on our own.  There are spiritual teachers in the world, who we can meet, offering INNER KNOWLEDGE, DEEP INSIGHT, GREATER UNDERSTANDING, all of which can be very valuable indeed!  What we really need to be able to hear, however, is our very OWN SOUL.  It knows the LIGHT because it is LIGHT; a LIGHT that shines within us as us.  It has not forgotten who we are or how we can shine!  It waits quietly within, until we are ready to hear it.

To realize we are LIGHT, expands our thinking and takes us beyond our self-imposed or society imposed limited ideas about ourselves!  It allows us, invites us, encourages us to see beyond what prevents us from understanding who we are within.

To realize we are LIGHT, we see that hurting others, harming any and all living things, destroying earth or life in others, is wrong because it creates an imbalance.  Our world needs kindness, understanding, compassion and LOVE if we are going to survive and thrive.  And it needs it NOW!  Accessing our LIGHT NOW would be most useful for us all to begin genuine healing.

Help yourself and your system by turning on your OWN INNER LIGHT and let it shine out from your HEART, have a sense of it touching all of life, all of LOVE and all of Earth, even touching the Cosmic and Universal energies.  Feel the purity radiating back to you ten fold, too.

We all can make a difference, as long as we remember our OWN INNER LIGHT and by releasing the fear of letting it SHINE!  Find your INNER LIGHT and surrender anything to it that isn't LIGHT, your LOVE and LIGHT will expand and grow instead!  Collaboration with YOUR INNER LIGHT enables and supports your spiritual growth, guiding you on a most amazing inner journey, a journey of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE!  It is definitely a journey worth taking.


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