World View Perspective: What weighs us down from our greater growth

We are seldom taught at an early age how to protect our systems from psychic battery, energetic slams or direct hits because most people don't see them, don't want to see them or people don't believe those things are real.

Everything is energy, everything.  As such it can bombard our systems all day and even night without out knowledge.  Yes, we can point to our TV's, radios, cell phone and computers as obvious items of bombardment but what about the negative energy we experience from other people.  What happens when we stand in between it, or watch a collective opinion coming towards us or we walk into a room where we have been the negative topic for a group of people right before we entered?  We feel that, even if we don't recognize what we are feeling, we have experienced it.

To illustrate a point, imagine when you were born, you had a big yellow balloon in your energy body that was your sense of self. Right around your stomach area.  It was round and full and you were happy.  Your parents loved you, your siblings loved you, your extended family loved you and teachers were positive towards you.  Yet, day by day, year after year, other people, maybe jealous, envious people were literally taking 'pot shots' at you every chance they could.  Imagine they have small pellet guns that they use to puncture or attempt to puncture your healthy balloon of positive self image.  You may not feel it, you may not let it affect you or you might have developed enough coping skills to push your way through it.  Until, over time, you realize, your balloon has actually been popped, drained, strained and diminished, maybe even without your knowledge.

Instead of a healthy, round and full balloon of positive self-image, you now have a deflated sense of self and in the place of the big positive balloon, you have a dense pile of pellets instead.  These pellets came from the 'pot shots' towards you when you weren't aware of them.  They act as heavy weights, bringing you down and making everything feel heavy, dense, tense and immovable.  Now, instead of being lighthearted, easy going, open and happy, you feel everything else instead.  Like a sadness, grief or depression that knows no bounds.  You move slower, you react slower, your responses are more belabored because these pellets have collected and the added weight of each one pulls you further and further down.

We might think this is who we are or who we have become or who we need to be but none of that is true.  What our human system goes through is not who we are!  Who we are is the witness to all of that, without identifying with it.  The truth is the pellet gun, the pellets, the shooter will only have an effect, if we allow it.  As soon as we decide none of that now or in the past, is who we are, the impact or effect of that will diminish.

In fact, we can use a simple technique to help clear our system of any and all harmful energy that may have affected it in negative ways.  We can do it as often or as much as we want/need to.  Sit somewhere still and quiet and close your eyes.  Imagine the strongest, purest white light descending into your human system and know that it contains the ability to pull out and clear any and all age old pellets that have punctured your balloon, now and in the past!  See it and feel it in your mind's eye.  Imagine it like a while river now, pulsating through that area, taking anything that doesn't need to be there.  As you see it being released and feeling it being released, see all the pellets, the pellet gun and the affect of it all going away with the white light as it now returns back from on high.  After any and all things that are negative are cleansed and cleared, imagine new light filling that space now where the pellets used to be.  Use the color pink, apricot, gold or white LIGHT to refill the space.  Once it has filled the space, gently and lovingly open your eyes, feeling refreshed and grateful.

Have a real sense that the old hurtful and harmful pellets that may have been used to 'shoot you down' are now gone.  A stronger, clearer, healing light has replaced it to help make you stronger, lighter, more capable.  Begin to notice how much clearer you feel and how much happier you are now.  Release any and all people who you may have felt attacked you, see their energy leaving you and your system as you restore it back to positive functioning order.

As we feel lighter and brighter, we are capable of seeing more and receiving more.  New energy and clarity will come and you'll feel more and more inspired!  Letting go of what weighs you down is a positive step towards reclaiming your own happiness and good health!  It helps bring you back to who you really are and helps you see yourself more clearly so you can gain clarity about why you are here and what you are here to do.  Your purpose has a better chance to reach you when you are happy, healthy and lighthearted.  Become more of who you are and you will see!


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