World View Perspective: When the Masculine Mountain gives way to the Feminine Fountain

The structure of old must give way to a new building momentum.  It is the way of harmony and balance.  It is the way forward, not just for one but for all!  When a dam breaks, everything gets flooded and new growth will come.  We are very similar.  Sometimes our 'walls' must crack and break or new forward motion and growth cannot move on.

Fear tends to dam us up, blocking any and all new possibilities because we don't know what to expect!  Consequently, we tend to resist what we don't know because it might just erase what has kept us stable and strong.  Yet, maybe, the changes have come into our life and happened because we need to shift and change and move on.  Maybe we need a new creation so we have new space to expand into who we are and where we are going next!

We hold onto ideas, concepts and images of ourselves because they have worked in the past.  We cling to old roles, too, because they made us feel good about ourselves.  We tend to do what we have always done because those activities make us feel like ourselves and they have worked in the past.

Yet, just like a plant that recycles it's old leaves, making room for the new ones to keep the plant growing, we must not fear change, we must embrace it.

The old Masculine Principle paradigm that has held us all in check in the Mind, must begin to allow for the space of the Cosmic Feminine Principle.  Both are Cosmic Forces, to be sure, and needed for life and Earth's harmony and balance.  The Masculine Force keeps things in order and keeps the structure strong.  In general, it uses it's energy for support, protection and it provides for the safety and security of the family and foundations.  The Feminine Force is typically nurturing, supportive, loving, protective and allows for and invites in new growth, expansion and creative ideas!  The Feminine Force is much more associated with the Heart.  The two forces can collide or they can constantly seek greater harmony and balance to and through each other.  Where one is weak, the other is strong and when the other slows down, the other speeds up.  Just like the Yin and Yang principle, the harmony and balance must be maintained.  When it is out of balance, we all suffer!

All the changes we are seeing globally and with climate change makes it obvious that a re-balance is needed and necessary.  Female voices are speaking up and attempting to make a difference because it is an important time for the Cosmic Feminine Principle to be heard.  It is a valuable VOICE and it is the incoming new CHOICE for change.  Women tend to flow and remain fluid, whereas, the masculine tends to just remain standing, strong and stable.  The balance is what works.  Women are more like air and water which rises, soothes, and moves as it needs to and men are more like the fire and earth, which drives things to happen and keeps things stable, consequently, it is harder for them to move forward in harmony and balance with the feminine.  

The image that comes of the opening for the Feminine Principle is a volcano.  The mountain is holding still and is stable and structured.  The fire within it finally builds up to a higher height, needing expression, and then the lava comes.  The Feminine VOICE is like the lava.  It must keep pushing forward to be heard and to keep life flowing forward as it should.  Once it does come up and out, it takes over the mountain, creating a whole new path forward.  This is akin to what is happening now on Earth.  We must listen to the Cosmic Feminine Force, which is seeking new growth, new expansion and new space for others to shift, change and grow.  It is time.  It is important and it is needed and necessary for the peace, harmony and balance we all seek to find.  We all have both feminine and masculine energy within and to seek to find the expression and experience of both, and to re-balance in equal measure, is what will create a happier, healthier world for us all to live in and enjoy, paving the way for newer and newer generations to have their VOICES and HEARTS heard, too.


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