World View Perspective: A need for generational healing

How we were programmed to see ourselves, others and ultimately life has come down from our generations before us.  What our grandfathers did was good enough for them and therefore, it is good enough for us.  Great in principle but maybe not in practice or, in correct timing, appropriate for us.  The world is changing, evolving, growing, expanding and so is Consciousness.  Cosmic, Universal and Human Consciousness is growing and expanding because it can and it naturally does.

So, despite our best programming, what has happened before and what is programmed to follow may not fit nicely and squarely within that tight, tighter and tightest box of current time.  Consciousness itself doesn't like to do what has always been done before because it is usually quite limited and too old and structured to be as effective as before.

New generations coming in want a new, fresh say, a more creative perspective and broader view and room to move in and see who they are!  They are right to do this because they are naturally a more evolved species of us!  We should not fear the changes or stop our willingness to embrace them.  We could celebrate them instead!  

If orchids, for example, didn't stop growing and expanding by dropping their older blooms, allowing forward the new buds, how would the plant continue to expand and stay alive?  We are just like this!  We must continue our growth, expansion, evolution and consciousness; physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically, intellectually and spiritually!  How do we do this?  

Albert Einstein spoke of using a different faculty within us to solve any problem created by an other aspect of ourselves.  In other words, it isn't wise to use the same faculty that created the problem we face to heal ourselves.  If we look at the generational messages we received growing up and how perhaps they didn't have as positive an impact as we had hoped, is it not possible now to use our heart/Heart instead to heal what might have been broken from our old generational programming?  Loving our self to the core, accepting our self to the core and approving of our self at the core is one way to re-program our system to be much more open, willing and able to evolve!  We can all evolve through LOVE!

In order to solve, resolve, dissolve and evolve . . . look at what letters are all there!   L. O. V. E.  The LOVE is not just human love it is INFINITE LOVE; the LOVE that brought us all here.  Embrace that LOVE and watch how all of you can
shift, change and evolve. This LOVE can penetrate and create all through the generations, helping to usher in a much happier and healthier world for us all.  Once the stuck old thinking can go by opening our hearts, individually and collectively, the Highest LIGHT and LOVE can and will shine, not just for us, but for all of those to follow!  It starts right here, right now . . . with us and within us!  Embrace the LOVE and LIGHT you are and thereby, change yourself, the world and LET IT SHINE!


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