World View Perspective: The power of 'I AM' good enough

When we understand the great 'I AM' refers to the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energies, that same Highest vibration can resonate to us and through us.  Our cells can hear it and respond to it, setting up healing opportunities throughout our human system.

To sincerely repeat, 'I Am good enough' as a silent mantra to all the traumatized aspects of ourselves that may have cleverly hidden the wounds and traumas carefully away, hidden even from ourselves, we begin to set up a newly established new, healthier, happier, vibration within us, effectively rearranging who we used to be at the cellular level.

Remembering that the LIGHT ITSELF wants us to get clear, become clean and resonate all that LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE back again to the Infinite Being, affecting all those who feel our Light as their Light harmonizes, too.

The more Love, Light and Life we can touch, feel, share and enjoy, the more the world can awaken to a Higher vibration.

To experience life, we all can be negatively impacted.  Maybe it was only in childhood, perhaps it was only slightly as a young adult, possibly it it is only now as an adult with too much responsibility on our shoulders, making us we feel off balance, traumatized or too hurt or depended on that we don't feel good enough.  This is a common theme for human beings to experience and yet, unless it is treated or healed, it can create problems for many, many years.  It may have been done to us and then we believed it, storing it away, hoping no one would ever find it.

In the Eyes of the Infinite, however, we are already WHOLE and COMPLETE, making us already 'good enough'.  It is already a given, based on the Infinite Perspective.  It is only in our sense of being separate that we can mistakenly feel we are not good enough, unless we can see or know otherwise.  This is a false belief but until we realize that, the negative impact can still be haunting and daunting to us.  Until it is healed and released, more and more things can happen that still resonate with that false belief.

This is just one example of how one vibration sets up more of the same until or unless we change it.

See it like a light bulb you have in a room.  It works but it is dim.  You can hardly see in the room.  Maybe you are used to it by now but there are LIGHTER bulbs.  Once you replace it, you can now see what was stuck and hidden, thereby releasing it and now there is more LIGHT to see everything.

Repeating 'I AM' into your cellular structure:  'I Am strength, I Am love, I Am good enough' are examples that enhance our Higher Light and activates our Higher Self.  Our Inner I AM listens and responds.  A clearing begins, a great vitality happens,  greater clarity can occur and we begin to feel our Truer Alignment.

This new vibration can helps us clear out any and all wounds, traps, bundled up hurts, etc., that are simply not who we are anymore.  Not only that, but it clears all of those who are touched by our lives, too.  When we clear, clean and upgrade our systems, all those around us, who surround us, can and do too.  It is a blessing that just keeps on giving and giving and giving.

'I AM STRONG ENOUGH, I AM LOVING ENOUGH, I AM CLEAR ENOUGH, I AM HEALING' - any of these can become your mantra to open yourself to greater and greater healing from within.  

Ultimately, it does not matter who did what to you or when they did it, the Great Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy can reset the time and the event and bring to and through the healing.  Maybe this is done over time, maybe this will happen in a second, perhaps it will take a lifetime, just fully trust the Great I AM and see what transforms in your life.  Release for Peace and let the HEALING begin!


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