World View Perspective: The Consciousness in our cells

In our every day lives, we may not think about our cellular nature.  Maybe when we exercise, eat consciously or think about our breathing, we do.  Yet our cells are alive and living and they carry the Consciousness of life itself.  Breathing fresh air, drinking fresh clean water, meditation, joyful thoughts and feelings affect our cells in positive ways and create positive health and well being in our systems.  They replenish our soul, too.  

When we spend time in a day exercising, a practice that is most useful is to touch base with our body in terms of a friendly exchange.  Feel your heart open and get in touch with your loving thoughts and gratitude.  Now start at either the top of your head or the bottom of your feet and begin thanking each body part you have.  Include the organs, limbs, blood, muscles, tendons, the movement of the arms, legs, head, emphasize the spine, the heart, your lungs and reproductive body parts and when you are done, imagine the cells.  Imagine all the energy, vibrations, negative messages, illness, anger, frustrations or worries and fears they may have carried, held or stored.  As you do, begin imagining them clear, clean and robust with positive energy and joy.  Imagine them full of Consciousness now and vibrating back into you and through you amazingly CLEAN, CLEAR and BOUNDLESS LIGHT!

Feel them all LIGHTING UP with the Highest Consciousness you can imagine.  Imagine a large PURE WHITE LIGHT descending down to and through them also filling them full of healing LIGHT.  If you prefer blue, or pink or gold, work with those colors.

Imagine, too, that any stuffed, old, stagnant, negative filled cells can also release the old energy into this PURE WHITE LIGHT and as this PURE WHITE LIGHT ascends, see it taking away any and all energy out that blocks the cells restoration, carrying it back to where the LIGHT came from, leaving the cells rich and full and vibrating this wonderful, refreshed PURITY of LIGHT!

Again, like a dirty window, which, has now been cleaned and made clear again, feel the changes to your own vibration and see if your human system doesn't feel better and is of a Higher vibration now.  Thank your cells for all their wonderful work.

This practice is easy and can be done as often as needed or necessary.  Our cells reflect how we have been feeling, living, where our Consciousness has been and how uplifting or not our thoughts and feelings are!  They are potent and positive and helpful by nature so when we consciously, actively fill them with LOVING, POSITIVE thoughts, actions and feelings, they respond to that same vibration.

Imagine all the LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE contained in your every cell and let your LIGHT, your Deepest, Highest LIGHT shine to and through them and see how much lighter and brighter you feel.  They will be grateful and so will you!  Just as we can have a relationship with our own soul and our own Consciousness and Spirit, we can also have a relationship with our own cellular nature.  Let that inner relationship lift you and your nature up and let it SHINE all the way through you . . . as YOU!


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