World View Perspective: Healing our human understanding

What our parents programmed into our thinking, behaviors and actions, as we were developing our sense of self, were useful skills in order for us to learn and to know in terms of how to function well in the family, with others, in schools and in society.  How they saw and experienced the world to be was what they believed they should show us and teach us because they saw those skills as important.  Perhaps they weren't all positive or life enhancing but if they weren't, then we learned to discern based on what we experienced.

That programming plays out, over time, until we realize we have reached the end point of that working now for us in our lives.  When that happens, we must recognize another aspect of our self is likely being called forward.

It is possible that aspect or two or three are not fully developed yet or perhaps those aspects have been hidden away from a previous trauma or fear, for example.  Perhaps we were born with some psychic gifts, or a strong intuition, a highly developed perception or an ability to see the truth through all the falsehood.  Maybe we tried to express that part of our self and had it repeatedly shot down, dismissed, discouraged or we were plainly told to keep it quiet.  What if we chose then to stuff it way down deep and forget about it because it clearly might cause trouble for our selves at some point.  Yet now that our other 'programming' has ended, subsided or integrated, maybe it is time to heal our greater human understanding.

How do we do this?  We make time to dig a bit deeper into our current life and see what we have missed.  We ask the LIGHT that surrounds us to show us where we might have hidden who we really are and what we really know away either to disguise it, pretend it wasn't there or to appear normal to our selves and others.

Psychic gifts, awareness and an inner knowing are given to us to enhance our human understanding.  The more aware we can be of who we are, what we are capable of and what we deeply know to be true can help us overcome obstacles.  They can assist us to see beyond what everyone clings to, identifies with, and/or responds/reacts to and further, what is preventing us from becoming more of the LIGHT we are inside.

Our self-images need to shift and change in order for us to grow, expand, learn and become more aligned with our purpose here.  If we just write poems for our family, for example, and never attempt to submit them elsewhere to see who else they might positively impact is to limit our natural given gifts.  Yes, some testing of the water before we jump in is useful, certainly.  Yet, to hide our LIGHT away is not be of actual service to the LIGHT that gave us the gifts to begin with!

Fear can be a useful experience when we are being directly threatened.  We need to pay attention then and take appropriate action but when it holds us back to the past or to a past fear, how can we ever begin coming forward?  When we can dig down deep enough into our own psyche and begin allowing that deeper understanding to come forward, whether it is developed or not, we will also begin to see how best to use it for the greater good.  We might just be lead to greater development first but, at least, we are on our way.

Healing our greater human understanding is what is called for now.  Letting our core LIGHT out to enlighten our self, our world, others around us and all living things is essential.  The Collective HEART of Mankind must begin coming forward from our very Collective Human Heart with LOVE as a force for GOOD, leading the way!  ONE SOURCE and ONE FORCE OF LOVE unites us with the INFINITE BEING OF PURE LOVE AND PURE ENERGY and with that much LIGHT, we can ALL SEE the ONE SOURCE AND FORCE that carries us and cares for us ALL . . . ALL THE TIME!  And with that much LIGHT, the world can see it's way forward, no longer held back and away by the shadows of the past!  Shining on through LOVE from our core is how we heal, how we feel and what we can make real!


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