
Showing posts from 2018

World View Perspective: Self Love is Infinite LOVE at it's core

Many experiences in life can throw us off our balance and make us question our existence.  Our minds can whir, our emotions can go high and low and even our physical well being can become impacted.  Yet, at our deepest core, there is an Infinite LOVE within us and it is quite capable of grounding us and, further, keeping us clear!  It is easy to feel separate and consequently, we forgot that there is a ONENESS deep within us and that is our True center.  Accessing this True Center Within, allows us to begin releasing from the pettiness of life that we might be knotted up by after years of going through some life cycles that have, perhaps, worn us down or impacted us negatively.  We can decide, for example, that we weren't a good person, that we made terrible choices, took ridiculous chances, hurt or harmed people intentionally and those belief systems can become very stuck.  Consequently, we can spend much of our life, unable to move freely out of that old ...

World View Perspective: Transforming earth energies in our self

Understanding energy is an art and one we can all master.  There are earth energies that pressure us, confuse us, use us and distract us and we can feel as if we are becoming them or we can think we have been them.  We can find it difficult to discern these energies and release their hold on us.  At times in our lives, they can appear to be necessary to foster some human outcomes or maturing aspects.  Yet, learning how to discern what they are and their effects on our human systems, allows us to find conscious peace, living in our own systems.  How they can impact us is what to become aware of.  For many of them, there is a Higher and more positive effect for change that we can consciously make happen. For example, lust energies can become Love, greed can become Grace, fear can become Faith, pain can become Peace and confusion can become Clarity through positive intention and recognition that none of the lower nature energies are who we are.  We aren...

World View Perspective: Our positive light overcomes darkness

It is a classic tale, perhaps, but also our truth!  When our mind is clear and remains clearly focused on our Highest View, remaining grounded in current moments of our lives, our whole system becomes illuminated, releasing any and all of our stuck, old, repetitive negativity!  Hidden negativity we might not even know exists. Negative thoughts and feelings that become trapped in our system can fester, causing more and more negativity, which breeds itself!  Disease can manifest because our system is out of balance with too much negativity. Again, see your emotional system like a pond!  Look and see what is in it, is it harmful, is it negative, is it toxic?  Has it been tainted, allowed to rot, has it gone unattended too long?    These can be difficult questions but without blaming yourself, the insights you can receive are most useful, especially for self-healing, when we're honest with ourselves!  When we equate our emotional body to a pond, f...

World View Perspective: The human vortex of need

When fear eats a way at us, pulling us deeper into a vortex of human need, we lose our inner way and instead look outwardly, holding onto anything that looks like it will hold us upright. We want to think we have found it in this and that, when in fact, that may not be the case at all.  What we want to think about other people, what we want to think about ourselves and what we want to think about the bigger world can be a far cry from the Truth. When we are first programmed by our parents, we will strive to copy and emulate what they have showed us.  We will align our loyalties with where they put theirs.  We will copy what they think or thought or told us to think until life shows us we can no longer go down that road. It is quite the rude awakening to realize it or to wake up to our own realities, far from what were their realities.  Remaining grateful for all they taught us, mirrored to us, guided us to see for ourselves or even showed us what not to do, hel...

World View Perspective: The voice of the HEART must become louder than the mind

For the world to change, our hearts must be louder than our minds.  Deep in our hearts lies the truth.  The truth that LOVE is the most important FORCE in the world.  We are all gifted with love, even when we doubt it the most.  LOVE is the HIGHEST FORCE because that is what brought the world into being/BEING. LOVE is found everywhere.  Watch a young child play, a flower grow, the sunlight sparkle on the water, see young people falling in love, and observe an older couple holding hands in a state of knowing the durability of their love.  Those are demonstrations of love and LOVE throughout the Cosmic realm exists, too.  Our HEART'S INTELLIGENCE reflects the HIGHEST LOVE there is in the Highest Reality. Before life existed, the power of LOVE brought the world and all living creatures into existence.  Abundance exists, too, in the cycle of life and love.  LOVE and GRATITUDE lift up our HEARTS and we fill with a greater sense of purpose, des...

World View Perspective: Our greatest Faith answers our greatest fear

When we know in our core that we are not separate from the Great Cosmic Soul that is existence Itself, then that level and layer of FAITH is all we need to offset any fears that have been lodged into our human systems.  The world around us can be cruel and full of confusion, as we grow and develop our ideas about our selves.  To cope, handle it and survive our lives, we might end up developing ideas about ourselves that are false, misinformed, negative or self-depreciating, filling us with self-doubt and fear to be ourselves.  That self-doubt can become our shadow self, or our sabotaging self, that cuts us down internally at every turn.  This pattern of thought can literally work against us then and we never get ahead.  It means we have internalized any and all negative ideas about ourselves from others, unintentionally. Instead, when we look within ourselves for answers, through prayer, contemplation, meditation or spiritual study, for example, we begin to f...

World View Perspective: Turning old fears into a stronger Faith

Fears from the past can be held in our sub-conscious and unconscious human aspects for lifetimes.  Without our conscious effort, we can harbor old hurts, fears and misunderstandings, etc., within our own bodies.  Denying they are there, hidden away from our view and self awareness for a long, long time. If they are revealed, we can feel the fears all over again or send them even deeper, away within us, for an even longer time.  When we can muster the inner courage to look at them honestly, without judging them or ourselves or those who may have created them within us, we can make genuine progress! People are always trying to make their way forward as they attempt to make their dreams, goals, ambitions or purposes happen.  They can hit up against us as we attempt to make ours happen, too.  Egos can hit up against egos and eruptions can occur. Consequently, bad feelings, hard feelings, negative thoughts or poor reactions can result and we can stuff them into o...

World View Perspective: Faith in our core Self

When we imagine a core sense of self/Self within, we can imagine how that core self feels.  Maybe we imagine all the old hurts, confusions, distractions, anger, sadness popping up like animals in some arcade game.  If we allow all those images to transform, disappear, fade, leave or dissolve, we can begin to feel a Light shining through.  A sense of core 'ok-ness', a sense of wonder, a sense of Grace and an even deeper sense of Being One with the Universe and Cosmic realms.  As if the Biggest LIGHT and TRUTH is shining to us and through us, as us, and it is our TRUE anchor and our TRUE GOODNESS! When we allow our deepest HOPE, FAITH and LOVE to open us back to ourselves, we begin to heal everything that has harmed us in some way or anything our self believed it was, although it wasn't! It is like a portal into a much more vast TRUTH realm and an active sense we are not separate from it and never could be.  It links us to LOVE, Self-Acceptance, Self-Respect a...

World View Perspective: When we know we aren't the wounds or the comfort

Being human, we can identify with the wounds we have experienced and attach to the comforts we seek because of the wounds we are aware of.  It becomes a cycle of self-fulfillment to continue being identified with both extremes.  However, these are human experiences and not the truth of who we are. Our truth lies in the center of those two extremes.  It lies in the balance of heart, mind, body and soul.  It lies at the center of our being/BEING self.  The true core of who we are within us. There is a core self within us who is clear, clean, Loving and pure.  It is our inner witness to the life we are living.  It doesn't judge, criticize, condemn or treat us badly.  It is an inner Presence.  It is our individual soul self, connected to the Great Cosmic Soul, the Eternal, Living Presence.  It is always within us, clear and Conscious, even though we can forget it, stop listening to it, ignore it and yet, it remains Present and Pure. Wh...

World View Perspective: Unlocking our system's fears

The continual conscious, active work of collaborating with our human consciousness and the BIGGER CONSCIOUSNESS is an ongoing evolution.  Our very cells carry LIGHT and they can be renewed with positive intention to activate that inherent LIGHT!  That LIGHT is capable of shining all the way back to and through the Universal and Cosmic planes of existence. That LIGHT is also capable of engaging our human system to lighten and brighten our self and our world and others in our world and also, it is useful in erasing and eradicating our collective and individual fears. Fears can be big or small or hide, never appearing at all!  They can be imaginary, real, projected, fed, created in childhood, handed down from parents, consciously or unconsciously, or a small seed can become a great big living tree within or it can be a continual fear or a continual condition, causing perpetual fears.  Finding the fears to clear them or cancel them in order to function better within ...

World View Perspective: The Consciousness of Wholeness

Imagining a very large white circle of white light standing up and we are in the center of it, we can imagine a reflection of white light, beaming through it as a picture of us in our WHOLENESS STATE!  We can feel that image, see that image and know that image as TRUTH. While we are holding that image in our mind, we might notice in the vision of it any sense of divide, separation or confusion.  Like a different energy has pierced our purified white light image.  If we consciously, actively release that sense of the different energy into the vibration of WHOLENESS, the wholeness energy, our True Vibration, will bring it up to the surface.  It is like a thorn rising out of the totally healed arm so that any interference is removed.  It is like having the falsehood lifted right up and taken away! It is like shining a flashlight into a darkened corner, suddenly all is illuminated.  This is the memory of being WHOLE and COMPLETE!  We are already our WH...

World View Perspective: When we make the heart and soul the priority

Our individual heart and soul is connected to the Cosmic HEART and SOUL.  In that pure relationship, we are connected to a much bigger picture and experience.  In that UNION of unions, we understand and are so much more. When we can stand in our own 'open field' without blame, shame, ill will, negativity from or towards the past and we can fully experience that depth of True Connection. When we make the heart and soul the priority in us, we open to the Collective Humanity in us all, as well as connect to the Great Cosmic Soul we came from. We see life in our WHOLENESS, instead of the fragments life and others have shown us and decided we are or were, without question.  We release the judgments towards us or judgments towards ourselves or our own judgments towards others.  The walls of judgement cannot stay in LIGHT OF OUR WHOLENESS. It is all part and parcel of our growth from human experiences into our Greater Divine Nature.  The overall goal is to expa...

World View Perspective: When we fill our own inner bucket

Our human development encourages us to look outside ourselves to receive the definitions of ourselves.  To use all those around us as mirrors to reflect to us who we are.  Society does it, our families do it and our closest friends do it.  Yet those same people, consciously or unconsciously, can poke 'holes' in our own inner bucket or worse, draining out our more positive sense of self.  Maybe not meaning to or wanting to but it happens on the energetic plane.  The holes could be gashes, gnashes, scraps and major punctures and we have no idea it is even happening.  We may just not feel well after a meal with them or even just standing for family pictures and yet, because they are family, our parents or our own children, we can sometimes just tolerate it for the sake of connection.  Maybe even tolerate it without question for years, unaware of the energetic damage it is causing. If we can imagine our own 'inner bucket' of Light, Love, and Self-Accepta...

World View Perspective: We are not what the world shows us

Our parents do us a great service, whether they meet all our needs or not.  They have the responsibility to teach us how best to survive in the world, based on what they know, understand and have experienced themselves.  If they are limited to just basic information, knowledge, experience or education, whether it is due to gender limitations, financial restrictions or based on their parents and their limitations, they cannot offer more than what they know.  Gratitude and forgiveness for what they provided is essential for our growth and, in many cases, our current health and happiness and certainly for our healing. As adults, one of the greatest gifts we can receive is the developed ability to discern what was 'fed' to us by others, beginning in early childhood when we were not able to discern for ourselves.  As we grow and develop, we play out all the expectations, assumptions, self-images, imposed needs, old hurts, old anger, old resentments from those around us,...

World View Perspective: Happiness and Health at our core

If we can imagine our core sense of self/Self by looking deeply within and begin to feel the depth of happiness and health we could ever experience, coming from there, anything not that or in the way of that could go.  Why is this?  Because when we know who we are based on who we are not, the 'knot' begins to give way, and our True Self begins to emerge. Imagine a beautiful daisy or any other flower you are drawn to developing from within your core.  As this lovely perfected flower begins to open and grow with your own awareness, know that that center of the flower cannot be penetrated or negatively affected by anyone or anything, ever.  Know that this inner flower is strong and clear and it is you at your essence. This golden center of the emerging flower contains within it the perfect vibration of Health and Happiness for you.  Know that it can and will discern what is best for you and your system to gain and maintain your perfected balance of mind, body, ...

World View Perspective: When we go against our heart, we suffer

Our human heart connects us to our bigger, expanded Heart, which links us directly to the HEART of the COSMIC SOUL.  When we can hear it, acknowledge it, understand it, listen to it fully and let it guide us, we align more fully with who we really are! Our ego mind takes us on a journey, too, with it's drive, it's need for self-fulfillment, self-acknowledgement and self-identification.  Yet, it is up to us and our lifetime and life cycle to realize what aspect of us we are aware of, listening to, following and what desires we are hoping to fulfill.  Not to mention, what others around us want and need or expect from us, too.  There are also life forces that can play on us and distract us away from listening to, understanding and following our hearts. When our Heart speaks, we are wise to listen and begin an honest dialogue with it, respecting it's direction and LOVE for us.  Our HEART of Hearts will always guide us to the right and perfect situation for us, w...

World View Perspective: The real key to our positive health and happiness

The real key to our most positive health and happiness is the integration of heart, mind, body and soul.  The four aspects of being human and spiritual need to be balanced, harmonious and whole in order for us to receive the greatest energy and joy for our most inspired and uplifted lives.  This is what ensures PEACE is experienced throughout our human systems. Our Highest aspects want to guide us there so we wake up to our true and highest potential of being human.  If we are not naturally gifted to have everything already balanced and harmonious, we can be guided to where that new learning can take place.  Perhaps there are classes we can take, experiences we can have, people we can meet or partners we can go through life with and learn from to integrate that needed and necessary balance. Working with our spirit and soul aspects will help us to seek the inner LIGHT, LOVE and CLARITY needed to collaborate with our sincere efforts to become healthier and happi...

World View Perspective: Freedom from our past wounds

If we imagine a thorn going into our arm from a rose bush outside our selves and it buries itself deep into our arm, we can imagine the pain we'd feel.  However, if we don't take immediate action to remove it, that thorn can dig deeper into our arm and we can forget it is there! Perhaps over time, with even greater infection, then it can render our arm useless.  Maybe we don't want to remember it went into our arm, maybe we don't want to remember where it came from or maybe even consider why it might be there.  We might just want to forget about it even existing. Yet, gone untreated, that nasty torn can become our own undoing because we denied it ever existed.  We might feel like it is our own fault it is even there.  However, if it goes unchecked, the long term havoc that it can ensue is tremendous! The thorn can be likened to people's attitudes towards us in terms of their anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, bias, a need to get ahead or just plain rudeness but ...

World View Perspective: Our basic freedoms

To exercise our basic ongoing happiness and health, four basic freedoms invite the ease of this continued self-loving effort for our basic shifts and changes to support greater evolution.  They are: our freedom to think freely, freedom to feel freely, freedom to express ourselves freely and freedom of movement and motion.  When we have and exercise these four freedoms, our health and happiness increases because we literally feel safe to be and feel like ourselves. These freedoms also allow and invite us to deeply value who we are as ourselves.  When our sense of self-value and self-worth are strong enough, consistent enough, applied often enough, we begin to heal on the most fundamental and spiritual levels. The world may not have reflected value or worth in us as we are because of the structure of life and what most people believe is inherently human.  We all tend to follow the footsteps of those who came before us and consequently, we feel safer and more secure...