World View Perspective: Turning old fears into a stronger Faith

Fears from the past can be held in our sub-conscious and unconscious human aspects for lifetimes.  Without our conscious effort, we can harbor old hurts, fears and misunderstandings, etc., within our own bodies.  Denying they are there, hidden away from our view and self awareness for a long, long time.

If they are revealed, we can feel the fears all over again or send them even deeper, away within us, for an even longer time.  When we can muster the inner courage to look at them honestly, without judging them or ourselves or those who may have created them within us, we can make genuine progress!

People are always trying to make their way forward as they attempt to make their dreams, goals, ambitions or purposes happen.  They can hit up against us as we attempt to make ours happen, too.  Egos can hit up against egos and eruptions can occur. Consequently, bad feelings, hard feelings, negative thoughts or poor reactions can result and we can stuff them into our systems to hide them away because they hurt, are too painful or because they scare us too much.

If we are lucky enough, fortunate enough, care deeply enough, seek and find quality teachers, counselors or healers to guide us to and through it, we can bring the old fears to light and release them once and for all!

We can also heal ourselves through self-dialogue and trust in our Higher Selves.  We can unfurl the deep hold these old feelings have had on us and 'turn them over' to our much Higher Power to lift and clear them out of our systems, replacing them with a greater FAITH in our ourselves on all levels.

To develop, grow, test, feel strongly and trust our Highest Faith in our selves, our True Faith can take the energy of old fears and transform and transmute them into a greater tried and tested FAITH within us.  That FAITH can change that old vibration into a strength that no one can take from us because it becomes our ABSOLUTE CORE SENSE OF SELF!

When we KNOW we are that CORE SENSE OF STRENGTH THROUGH OUR HIGHEST FAITH, fears cannot dictate who we are or what we do anymore.  We KNOW what is correct for us and we KNOW who we are from our very core.

When we are young, vulnerable and developing, we aren't usually aware of all that affects us in a day!  We don't know the impact being around other people might have on our developing selves.  We don't know how we really feel or why we feel the way we do.  Events, situations or incidences with people can have an effect on us and we can process them a certain way until we see or experience other evidence to the contrary.  Our system may not process them correctly or maybe it does at the time but as we continue to grow, develop and evolve, a greater truth can come to light.  This new and greater truth could eradicate the past understanding that had limited information, knowledge or wisdom.

It is important to our own evolution that we revisit the past and review our past sense of self.  We can change our self-images into greater and greater concepts of our selves.  We can do this by adding more and more of our Highest LIGHT, LOVE and FAITH and by being ready to LET GO and LET GOD take away the pain, the fear, the despair and the worry associated with the past identification of who we thought we were at the time.

See it like a wine stain on a white lace table cloth.  With fast action, we can add baking soda and the stain doesn't happen or it will come out when washed.  See your FAITH the same way.  Any stains from the past can be eliminated by adding your strongest FAITH to it and allow that FAITH to take it away, feeling new again!

It might sound simple but it works . . . as long as you have the inner FAITH to release it, replacing it with a new energy and vibration of JOY, LOVE, LIGHT and CURRENT PRESENCE!  Practice this simple but loving action and feel that old fear set subside and feel a new YOU emerging.  Adding FAITH to fears and the fears cannot stay present.  'Fear knocked at the door and FAITH answered.  No one was there!'  Give TRUE FAITH a chance and lighten your life from old fears, once and for all!  Use this practice as often and as strongly as needed.  The stains of the past will go and more LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH will surface.  Your FAITH in who you really are with keep going and growing and it is G. O. O. D.


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