World View Perspective: Faith in our core Self

When we imagine a core sense of self/Self within, we can imagine how that core self feels.  Maybe we imagine all the old hurts, confusions, distractions, anger, sadness popping up like animals in some arcade game.  If we allow all those images to transform, disappear, fade, leave or dissolve, we can begin to feel a Light shining through.  A sense of core 'ok-ness', a sense of wonder, a sense of Grace and an even deeper sense of Being One with the Universe and Cosmic realms.  As if the Biggest LIGHT and TRUTH is shining to us and through us, as us, and it is our TRUE anchor and our TRUE GOODNESS!

When we allow our deepest HOPE, FAITH and LOVE to open us back to ourselves, we begin to heal everything that has harmed us in some way or anything our self believed it was, although it wasn't!

It is like a portal into a much more vast TRUTH realm and an active sense we are not separate from it and never could be.  It links us to LOVE, Self-Acceptance, Self-Respect and Self-Compassion.  It allows our humanness to connect to our Divinity by bringing us back to our SELF.

A SELF that is beautiful, strong, clear, comfortable being itself.  

It can be easy to imagine living Consciously outside our self in some safe protected space, adrift in the Universe, surrounded by fairies, angels, personal guides, etc.  It can be experienced that way for certain yet, to be truly effective on earth in our own system is a much more powerful and effective way to bring about positive change.

It has been said that someone's life fell apart and consequently, they sought God.  They met God and God guided them back to their self.  The self/Self was now stronger, clearer, more present and much more Loving, forgiving and accepting of their self and others.  In that way, when we are TRUE to our core SELF, we shine back to the very LIGHT that brought us here!  The very LIGHT we carry and the very LIGHT we truly are!

If our Highest LIGHT can have Faith in our core self/Self, how is it we cannot?  We must actively, consciously clear any and all old blocks that have prevented us from feeling the beauty, joy and clarity of our core Self.  That is our connection, our way home and the way to live our TRUTH!

Faith in our core SELF, is FAITH IN OUR HIGHEST TRUTH AND CONNECTION!  We are connected to Earth and we need to be grounded in Earth within our human bodies.  Yet, surrounding us in our LIGHT, LOVE and TRUTH, and our connection to it, is to and through our core SELF WITHIN in our own human body!

Our core self/SELF will not leave us, fool us, harm or hurt us in anyway.  It believes in us so we need to believe in our core SELF.  Stand for it, maintain it and put your faith in it and watch what unfolds for you and your life.  It is present and it is GOOD!


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