World View Perspective: We are not what the world shows us
Our parents do us a great service, whether they meet all our needs or not. They have the responsibility to teach us how best to survive in the world, based on what they know, understand and have experienced themselves. If they are limited to just basic information, knowledge, experience or education, whether it is due to gender limitations, financial restrictions or based on their parents and their limitations, they cannot offer more than what they know. Gratitude and forgiveness for what they provided is essential for our growth and, in many cases, our current health and happiness and certainly for our healing.
As adults, one of the greatest gifts we can receive is the developed ability to discern what was 'fed' to us by others, beginning in early childhood when we were not able to discern for ourselves. As we grow and develop, we play out all the expectations, assumptions, self-images, imposed needs, old hurts, old anger, old resentments from those around us, whether subconsciously or unconsciously, because we want to survive and because we have seen these things modeled before us. None of these 'energies' are necessarily who we are, in fact, most of them, if not all, are not, despite how it feels to us.
They are like gathered leaves in our yard during a wild wind storm. They have come around us, scattered, broken, confused and not truly belonging to us. The problem and glory is that we can identify with them or not, just allowing them to blow on without us. We can even carry them on us or in us as us for twenty, thirty, forty years until we wake up and realize that these old leaves never belonged to us at all and we are done carrying them in any way!
Yes, play these illusions of yourself out but also know yourself within and when you realize you are that instead, allow these old leaves to go. Allow the old 'spoon fed' identifications, reactions, responses and attachments go while inviting in your True Self, allowing it to grow and go! At the same time, Love it all, Forgive it all, and BE grateful for it all because it all got you to where you are RIGHT NOW! This is the BEST MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE!
The world outside us has a lot to say and show us but when we know who we are within, we will realize how little recognition we actually receive for all we know we can be. This is mainly because all the people we know want to survive, too, and they are focused on themselves, their marriages, their families, their children, their friends, their money, their own sense of self, not to mention where they are trying to get to to fulfill who they think they are!! Egos are huge drivers for us all!
Mothers in the animal world take care of their babies, while teaching them how to survive, too. They teach them how to gather food, ensure safety, where to build their homes and how to function out in their environment. The younger animal learns to copy their mother and carry out the innate instincts. After they mate and give birth, the same cycle is repeated over and over, ensuring beavers, bears and birds, etc., continue.
Our parents do the same and even with their best efforts, achieving absolute perfection isn't easy to come by. Even if it is, it may not be who we are meant to be. Appreciating their efforts, forgiving their missteps, keeping what works for you and letting go of what doesn't is a value and useful practice. Like trimming the plant from old, unnecessary branches or leaves that no longer flower fresh. Now the plant can thrive once again because what is no longer useful has gone, keeping true to the core!
'To Thine Own Self Be True', is an important gift for us all. When we know who we are, we wouldn't want war, angry arguments or to do harm to any living creature because we would know we are always our WHOLENESS as is every living thing. It is in this state of WHOLENESS that shows us who we are and soon, it begins releasing all our falsehoods that we took in when we couldn't discern them. Many of our inherited negative energies are impossible to digest because they aren't ours to begin with. Let those old leaves fly back into the wind and embrace your inner sun instead. In that way, your True Love and LIGHT can finally shine! It can shine into all the old dark corners that were never YOU to begin with! Trust that Ultimate LOVE and LIGHT you are and watch what happens! More LOVE and LIGHT ITSELF will say Y. E. S.
As adults, one of the greatest gifts we can receive is the developed ability to discern what was 'fed' to us by others, beginning in early childhood when we were not able to discern for ourselves. As we grow and develop, we play out all the expectations, assumptions, self-images, imposed needs, old hurts, old anger, old resentments from those around us, whether subconsciously or unconsciously, because we want to survive and because we have seen these things modeled before us. None of these 'energies' are necessarily who we are, in fact, most of them, if not all, are not, despite how it feels to us.
They are like gathered leaves in our yard during a wild wind storm. They have come around us, scattered, broken, confused and not truly belonging to us. The problem and glory is that we can identify with them or not, just allowing them to blow on without us. We can even carry them on us or in us as us for twenty, thirty, forty years until we wake up and realize that these old leaves never belonged to us at all and we are done carrying them in any way!
Yes, play these illusions of yourself out but also know yourself within and when you realize you are that instead, allow these old leaves to go. Allow the old 'spoon fed' identifications, reactions, responses and attachments go while inviting in your True Self, allowing it to grow and go! At the same time, Love it all, Forgive it all, and BE grateful for it all because it all got you to where you are RIGHT NOW! This is the BEST MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE!
The world outside us has a lot to say and show us but when we know who we are within, we will realize how little recognition we actually receive for all we know we can be. This is mainly because all the people we know want to survive, too, and they are focused on themselves, their marriages, their families, their children, their friends, their money, their own sense of self, not to mention where they are trying to get to to fulfill who they think they are!! Egos are huge drivers for us all!
Mothers in the animal world take care of their babies, while teaching them how to survive, too. They teach them how to gather food, ensure safety, where to build their homes and how to function out in their environment. The younger animal learns to copy their mother and carry out the innate instincts. After they mate and give birth, the same cycle is repeated over and over, ensuring beavers, bears and birds, etc., continue.
Our parents do the same and even with their best efforts, achieving absolute perfection isn't easy to come by. Even if it is, it may not be who we are meant to be. Appreciating their efforts, forgiving their missteps, keeping what works for you and letting go of what doesn't is a value and useful practice. Like trimming the plant from old, unnecessary branches or leaves that no longer flower fresh. Now the plant can thrive once again because what is no longer useful has gone, keeping true to the core!
'To Thine Own Self Be True', is an important gift for us all. When we know who we are, we wouldn't want war, angry arguments or to do harm to any living creature because we would know we are always our WHOLENESS as is every living thing. It is in this state of WHOLENESS that shows us who we are and soon, it begins releasing all our falsehoods that we took in when we couldn't discern them. Many of our inherited negative energies are impossible to digest because they aren't ours to begin with. Let those old leaves fly back into the wind and embrace your inner sun instead. In that way, your True Love and LIGHT can finally shine! It can shine into all the old dark corners that were never YOU to begin with! Trust that Ultimate LOVE and LIGHT you are and watch what happens! More LOVE and LIGHT ITSELF will say Y. E. S.
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