World View Perspective: The real key to our positive health and happiness
The real key to our most positive health and happiness is the integration of heart, mind, body and soul. The four aspects of being human and spiritual need to be balanced, harmonious and whole in order for us to receive the greatest energy and joy for our most inspired and uplifted lives. This is what ensures PEACE is experienced throughout our human systems.
Our Highest aspects want to guide us there so we wake up to our true and highest potential of being human. If we are not naturally gifted to have everything already balanced and harmonious, we can be guided to where that new learning can take place. Perhaps there are classes we can take, experiences we can have, people we can meet or partners we can go through life with and learn from to integrate that needed and necessary balance.
Working with our spirit and soul aspects will help us to seek the inner LIGHT, LOVE and CLARITY needed to collaborate with our sincere efforts to become healthier and happier through integration of heart, mind, body and soul. We can take that LIGHT and ENERGY from the COSMIC SOUL and bring it down to and through our system to affect, effect positive shifts and changes as needed and necessary.
This is the definition of True Yoga. It is UNION of heart, body, mind and soul. It is the conscious, sincere effort to become whole, happy, healthy and CONSCIOUS of who we are and all we can become at any age and in any lifetime.
It is a way to release all toxicities, blocks, locks and falsehoods we have carried throughout our lives, without our awareness we were doing so. It is what CONSCIOUSLY PRACTICED can shift our awareness and allow us to receive greater opportunities to grow, develop and evolve until we find our True Purpose and PLACE for BEING here!
No matter how heavy a set of burdens has been or for how long we have carried them, when we consciously, actively seek to integrate our heart, body, mind and soul, we can release the past and become more PRESENT now. This is the Highest goal we can seek. This aligns us with our True Purpose here, which is to become the best version and Highest Vibration of us we can be. It serves our system to do so, all we love and it serves all living things around us, as well as the Earth we live on and in.
We all come here to learn to discern who we are from who we aren't. That takes experience, knowledge and awareness as well as developed CONSCIOUSNESS along with sincere aspiration and application. Mistakes, errors, wrong turns, confusion are all a part of it. No need to beat ourselves up for that or actions and decisions in the past, just continue to learn to discern and forgive yourself once the lesson is learned and focus on the NOW MOMENT. Our souls will guide us to and through those experiences that lead to greater learning and advanced consciousness. We just need an open mind and a willingness to keep going and growing through learning, loving and living!
We are here in a human body to experience human life and also to experience our Highest Potential and Purpose. Seeking out teachers, Yogis, yoga, meditation, contemplation or any other advanced knowledge, wisdom or greater understanding is all worth the ride on your path. Just trust what is yours will come to you at the right and perfect time for your own soul's growth and understanding.
Your path is your path alone so trust that and do not compare your path to others. Their path is their path. Learn from all you meet but keep going where life takes YOU!
Strive for your own best happiness and health through integrating your heart, mind, body and soul. This is INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY and the longest day of the sun, the Summer Solstice. May we collaborate with our Highest Inner Sun and find the happy, healthy balance we all seek to become our happiest, healthiest TRUE and most wonderful WHOLE SELVES! And, it all of it on our journey is GREAT! Love, Light and Life . . . ALWAYS!
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