World View Perspective: Freedom from our past wounds

If we imagine a thorn going into our arm from a rose bush outside our selves and it buries itself deep into our arm, we can imagine the pain we'd feel.  However, if we don't take immediate action to remove it, that thorn can dig deeper into our arm and we can forget it is there! Perhaps over time, with even greater infection, then it can render our arm useless.  Maybe we don't want to remember it went into our arm, maybe we don't want to remember where it came from or maybe even consider why it might be there.  We might just want to forget about it even existing.

Yet, gone untreated, that nasty torn can become our own undoing because we denied it ever existed.  We might feel like it is our own fault it is even there.  However, if it goes unchecked, the long term havoc that it can ensue is tremendous!

The thorn can be likened to people's attitudes towards us in terms of their anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, bias, a need to get ahead or just plain rudeness but it can have the affect of puncturing our sense of self, at any age.  This is particularly difficult if the 'attacks' happen when we are young and the thorns enter vulnerable places in our system, without our conscious awareness this has even happened.

The negative affect of any 'piercing' like that is the site of that wound can become toxic over time if not truthfully attended to.  We can spend a lifetime trying to deny we were ever affected because we don't want anyone to know we may have once been that open and that vulnerable.  Yet, the falsehood 'thorns into our system' can create can affect our entire life in ways we wouldn't have ever predicted.  Not to mention hurt our health and well being over time.

Some children are sadly written off too early in their families as not being seen as capable of being brought up to speed for what the family wants.  They are not seen as a good match to support what the family has decided it is best defined as being.  So they are, at best, discarded from being considered as quality assets in the family.  However, as most people do, we can grow, develop, evolve and expand our thinking over time and literally grow into the people we were supposed to be all along.  That then completely over-hauls the family's old perception of us and therefore, changes where we honestly fit.

The secret is about going into our system consciously, like a miner with a lit miner's helmet as the miner descends underground, with the Highest Light we can possibly imagine to clean out and clear out the old thorn or thorns that may have had a negative impact on us.  We might not even have to know where they came from or why they are there but maybe we do so we protect ourselves from it ever happening again.  Once we see or feel the thorns, we can also pluck them out and release their negative energy and impact on us.  Let them go up in bubbles of Light or golden nets, whatever creative vision that comes to you.  Just get them out of there!  Then, consciously, actively fill the now empty holes with white or gold light to fill in the space.

Trust that, along with your Highest Light, you can heal the past 'thorns'.  That is the best perspective to have in any case of healing any aspect of our selves.  We may have been too young, too open or too vulnerable when it happened, but we can always go back and clear out that old, old wound and free it up, even the memory of it.  We can shine new Light and Love right where it stood, blasting it out for once and for good.  Forgiveness is key!  Forgive yourself for receiving it and forgive who sent it and why they may have sent it.  Truly feel that release and once you do, it and you will fill with peace.  Your body, emotions and mind will feel lighter and brighter, too.  It will also have an energetically positive affect on any other people involved, consciously or otherwise, which is the key to forgiveness as a practice anyway.

The Light that we are wants us happy and healthy and as such, is willing to help us attain that state of being.  That is our most natural state.  It just takes our conscious, active willingness to let the past thorns be released off of both parties and thereby, let the past affect and impact go that was so harmful or hurtful.  It will elevate our human system to a Higher vibration which will attract what we most need in our lives next.  Even the 'thorns' act as teachers just as healing them does as well.  Forgiveness is a powerful tool and it is always Loving available to us to uplift, inspire and evolve to greater Love and greater Light . . . ALWAYS and ALWAYS it is GOOD!


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