World View Perspective: The voice of the HEART must become louder than the mind

For the world to change, our hearts must be louder than our minds.  Deep in our hearts lies the truth.  The truth that LOVE is the most important FORCE in the world.  We are all gifted with love, even when we doubt it the most.  LOVE is the HIGHEST FORCE because that is what brought the world into being/BEING.

LOVE is found everywhere.  Watch a young child play, a flower grow, the sunlight sparkle on the water, see young people falling in love, and observe an older couple holding hands in a state of knowing the durability of their love.  Those are demonstrations of love and LOVE throughout the Cosmic realm exists, too.  Our HEART'S INTELLIGENCE reflects the HIGHEST LOVE there is in the Highest Reality.

Before life existed, the power of LOVE brought the world and all living creatures into existence.  Abundance exists, too, in the cycle of life and love.  LOVE and GRATITUDE lift up our HEARTS and we fill with a greater sense of purpose, desire to reach for a higher attainment, and we feel a greater hope for all of life and all living things!

The collective mind has held the current world structure for a long time.  There has been a purpose for it and yet, all things evolve, and now the world is preparing itself for a greater, more expanded collective HEART opening to touch us all.

It cannot help but cycle on, on towards a greater expanded Consciousness for Mankind.  

All aspects of our life experiences need to be awakened, discovered, matured, expanded and expressed in order for us to learn to grow, discern, learn and continue to become who we are meant to be.  Our HEART is a faculty that contains a great deal of intelligence.  It can know, through feelings and emotional awareness, what is happening with people and how their feelings are affecting them.  The intelligence of the Heart, allows us to perceive what is possible, to envision the very best in people, to know our Highest and Greatest Good as people.

Our Highest HEART knows LOVE because it is LOVE.  It also tells us we are not separate from LOVE ITSELF, in Truth.

The idea we are separate comes from our own mind, a mind that believes in separation and division.  We see someone with a different skin color than ours and our mind can see division; whereas, our HEART would just see another HEART.  A HEART that is having a different experience than we might be having but still ONE HEART sees another HEART.

When we can hear the voice of our own HEART, we can learn our best path possible.  We can follow where it is trying to take us, where things are better for us on our overall journey.

We can communicate with our own HEART like talking to a friend.  We can express ourselves and listen to the answer.  We can sit in the beauty of nature and feel the peace in our HEART.  We can turn the day over to our HEART and see what appears in it.  We can share our expanded HEART into existence itself.

Imagine the night sky right before bed.  See the stars shining.  Imagine each star as a megaphone that can broadcast a message to the whole of Mankind and all living things, just from your own voice and your own intention to do so.  Imagine you sharing your HEART out at night for the whole world to hear; a message of LOVE, JOY, Positive Energy.  Imagine it going out and touching all of life in some magical way to help transform everything into something that much HIGHER in vibration.  Now imagine the next day, where everything you see is that much brighter than before.  On some level, your message about LOVE was heard, fostered, held onto and cherished, vibrating out more and more LOVE to have a positive affect on us all!

Would that not send the right signal; one of hope, love, joy into the world?  Only our HEART can do that, can feel that and can create that as LOVINGLY as possible.

Cherish your HEART of Hearts, and see what can positively affect you and your world.  Know it as LOVE on the HIGHEST order and trust that that LOVE is truly what makes the world go around!  It is worth having, knowing and remembering each and every day.  It is ultimately WHO WE ARE and so our HEART should always have a voice and have a voice we can always hear!  Why the word 'hear' even lives in the word 'HEART' itself.  Such a profound clue for hearing our own True Heart of HEARTS!


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