World View Perspective: The human vortex of need

When fear eats a way at us, pulling us deeper into a vortex of human need, we lose our inner way and instead look outwardly, holding onto anything that looks like it will hold us upright.

We want to think we have found it in this and that, when in fact, that may not be the case at all.  What we want to think about other people, what we want to think about ourselves and what we want to think about the bigger world can be a far cry from the Truth.

When we are first programmed by our parents, we will strive to copy and emulate what they have showed us.  We will align our loyalties with where they put theirs.  We will copy what they think or thought or told us to think until life shows us we can no longer go down that road.

It is quite the rude awakening to realize it or to wake up to our own realities, far from what were their realities.  Remaining grateful for all they taught us, mirrored to us, guided us to see for ourselves or even showed us what not to do, helps us grow and feel gratitude for their efforts, even the ones that didn't pay off.  The lessons from our parents are usually worthwhile, even if we are to learn from them and then move on.

When we attempt to live so many things out, based on our parents and their expectations of us we can deal ourselves a terrible blow!  Maybe we just set ourselves up to follow their successes, efforts or privileges and we fail because that was not our life, it was only their lives! At that point, we can go down such a path of negativity, strife, frustration and fear, only because it isn't the right direction for us.

When our basic human needs aren't met, we can become a human vortex of need that cannot discern what is really right for us and what is not correct for us.

The more we grab onto, the more it doesn't work, the more frustrated we become and the less we want to try.  Going further down into our own dungeon into despair, confusion, depression and distress until anything and anyone looks like a positive. helpful answer when it might be just the opposite.

Sometimes, it is there in the realization of that darkness that we see and find our own inner light again.  We remember our Truth once more.  We are reminded that all our answers lie within us and they always have.  When we see that, know that and can keep that thought, we can use it to climb back up from where we have fallen.  We can stop the neediness and embrace ourselves again, from our very core.

Our Spirit wants to collaborate with us, guide us, help transform us and teach us.  We just have to remember it is within us always.  It wants to show us the way back from all we have thought we were to who we really are within.  We aren't the needs we feel must be fulfilled, we aren't the anger we have held onto, we aren't the fear we swallowed.

We are our own Inner Light and when we surrender all that is dark within us to it, we see the clear path ahead.  It becomes illuminated!

Our human needs distract us from our own Inner Truth, if we let them.  When we add discernment and clarity to our daily attitude, we begin to see our greater and greater potential emerging.

Trust your own INNER TRUTH to show you the way.  Trust your own INNER LIGHT to guide you.  TRUST you don't need to go down the vortex of human need.  Build yourself a golden ladder of HOPE, LOVE and GRACE and use it each and every time you want to aim higher.  See it, feel it and know that it will not fail you . . . it never does!  Follow your own INNER TRUTH and see where it takes you, maybe it will only lead you back to your Self!  


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