World View Perspective: Our greatest Faith answers our greatest fear
When we know in our core that we are not separate from the Great Cosmic Soul that is existence Itself, then that level and layer of FAITH is all we need to offset any fears that have been lodged into our human systems. The world around us can be cruel and full of confusion, as we grow and develop our ideas about our selves. To cope, handle it and survive our lives, we might end up developing ideas about ourselves that are false, misinformed, negative or self-depreciating, filling us with self-doubt and fear to be ourselves. That self-doubt can become our shadow self, or our sabotaging self, that cuts us down internally at every turn. This pattern of thought can literally work against us then and we never get ahead. It means we have internalized any and all negative ideas about ourselves from others, unintentionally.
Instead, when we look within ourselves for answers, through prayer, contemplation, meditation or spiritual study, for example, we begin to feel an inner sense of LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH that not only comforts us but it guides us as well. That guidance is coming from our Higher sense of Self and it has our very best interests at Heart.
When we learn to recognize it as our own INNER LIGHT, or SPIRIT or SOURCE, we find we can collaborate with it and we both win. Our INNER LIGHT wins because we are here to remember our TRUE NATURE and we win because we become it.
This recognition and UNION of our INNER SELF with our outer self enables us to go deep within ourselves and find any and all old stuffed in fears and eliminate them, release them, let go of them through LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH. 'The Truth Shall Set You Free' is true. The Truth of WHO WE ARE sets us free of fear, which is not (knot) who we are.
Our unconscious/subconscious fear can knot us up inside and then all of life seems fearful. Fear then runs us and continues to reinforce itself. It isn't an easy task to recognize fears and to see how much they can hold us back in life. It isn't an easy task to clear them or clean them out of our systems. The only truly successful way is to surrender them to your own INNER LIGHT.
Light of day helps us see what is really there versus the dark of night. If we hear a tapping at the window at night, our fear can get the better of us. By day light, with that same tapping, we can lift the curtain and see for certain! Perhaps it is just a bird is pecking at it's reflection in the window. What made the difference? The light.
Fear is the same within us. It is often hidden deep within us, either found in our physical, emotional, mental, psychological, intellectual or psychic realms and, when it has been hidden, it can wreck havoc when and if it goes unchecked. It can also have lodged itself in more than one realm. Fears gone undetected for too long, can manifest as disease or illness. Yet, with conscious active FAITH, guiding us to go within ourselves, we can find the source of our fear and have our TRUE SOURCE within, flush it out. Once our fears have been released, more FAITH in our INNER and OUTER LIGHT fills that space, instead of more fear.
Our system and our self gains in happiness, health and JOY, which brings us back to ourselves, realizing we are the LIGHT within, not the darkness we feared we were!
As it has been said, 'Fear knocked at the door and FAITH answered and no one was there'!
Let FAITH in your own INNER LIGHT flush out your fears and bring you and your system back to LIFE, LOVE and TRUTH! The JOY of that awareness will fill your full life, now and always.
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