
Showing posts from 2020

World View Perspective: Truth at our core

  There are so many aspects to us.  Ones we are born with and those that development.  Our system and our selves have been influenced, impacted, affected, effected and infected by all the factors that hit, hurt, harm and hinder our human growth and development as we go through all the many ages and stages throughout our lifetime!  It is truly amazing that we continue to thrive and survive like we do! Yet, we are carried along by our very Spirit, our Heart and our Soul, which resides in the very core of our being/Being self/Self.  It is our source/Source of life!  It is the reason we're here!  Finding it is our purpose here!  Knowing it is our right action!  Union with our Spirit and collaboration with our Spirit is essential!  It creates and generates WHOLENESS, HARMONY AND BALANCE WITHIN US AND TRANSLATES TO OUTSIDE US, TOO!! We are, after all, one world, one earth, one mankind all vibrating as ONE.  In Truth, nothing, no thing, is...

World View Perspective:. When our personal self forgives all and trusts Spirit

  At our very core, our personal sense always stands at the ready to defend itself against all enemies, even it's self!!  It holds onto all the pain, regrets, disappointments, past punishments and angry defenses, real or imagined!  It is like a heavy tainted pond that only grows heavier and more toxic with time! Yet within that pond, lies a golden opportunity for transformation, shift and change for our self!  Personal emotions are like river currents as they ebb and flow!!  Positivity and negativity go hand in hand and move in a pattern of highs and lows throughout our day, our life and our lifetimes!  We can't always move through them, identify them or resist them.  Forgiving the negative ones is always possible and forgiving ourselves, too, is key to a very happy, healthy life!! Forgiving our selves and and others, our Spirit, which is at the core of our life's vitality, direction and purpose!  Our Spirit that shines Love, Light and Life into u...

World View Perspective: When we wise up, we rise up

When we access our wisest self, we begin to rise up from a point of Higher Inner Grace.  We remember our Inner Light and we experience what it feels like to be in Union with that Higher Light of Understanding, Compassion and Love.  We know from that point of Inner View, that we are, in fact, all connected and part of that unseen field of endless Grace! Our inherent wisdom tells us that all of life is essentially ONE and even Earth is an alive and living entity, too.  The ONE FORCE and ONE SOURCE that exists in the Cosmic and Universal planes, is not separate from us because that simply cannot be the case.  It is life and we are life, it is LIGHT and we are LIGHT!  It is the ego that sees the separation and believes it.  Yes, the art of discernment must come in.   You can witness a monkey climbing on a tree and feel the ONENESS between you but if that monkey climbs down the tree and grabs your keys, you'd react because you'll need them to drive hom...

World View Perspective: As the Heart descends

In all the current confusion, unrest and disarray, a clearing is occurring.  A dusting off of the way the old structure was working.  A removal of over-burdened excess, like someone clearing off furniture and moving it around to eliminate the build-up of dust under the old tattered and torn couch!  After the work is done, a new era, a new space, a greater room can be ushered in. Yes, there is loss, pain, worry and stress about why this is all happening and affecting so many people, families and groups of human beings around the globe.  In the clouds of confusion, despair, sadness and fear, we also have the opportunity to heal and transform and begin anew! As if the Queen herself is arriving for afternoon tea, the whole space and place must be cleaned, aired out and fresh new bold changes must have taken place!  Then once that has happened, the improved area is perfect for the Queen to arrive, thrive and survive the time and space, right on time! If, in fact, the...

World View Perspective: Eliminating punishments from the past

Without being particularly aware of it, we carrying the remnants of old punishments around, hidden away inside of us.  We learn how to swallow our experiences of being punished because they are painful experiences to have and they are even more painful to hold. Again, if we see our inner sense of self like a pond that was full of golden Light when we were born, it is easy to see how that 'pond' might have been affected and impacted throughout the course of our life to date. When we are young and innocent, we have no idea who could hurt us or why.  We don't yet have the consciousness to see negative things that might impact us come from others who could have issues and past unresolved pain that is still impacting them in negative, old ways.  It could be young people our same age that are jealous, fearful, envious or angry that they aren't us.  We don't know and we don't know why they or their words would hurt us!  Because of our not knowing, we can take their hur...

World View Perspective: One forest, many trees

We all carry Infinite Light and Energy of the Cosmic Soul because we cannot be separate.  Our existence is not different from the existence of the Great Cosmic Soul. The ONENESS that we are is LIFE!  Unity with that Light is why we are here!  When our consciousness is just coming from our ego or our physical body, social arenas, connections to others who share our perspective only, we can forget there is just one forest but within it, there are many trees. The shape, color, style, height, age, name of each tree isn't what's important.  What's important is that it is there!  It matters and it counts because it is alive and living right where it is located in the one big forest.  It matters because it exists. The space it occupies matters, the place where it needs to grow matters, how long it has taken for it to be full, matters, too.  Yet, that one tree among many doesn't fight for it's space, place or the right to be where it is. It has a natural right...

World View Perspective: Remembering who we are

We are BEINGS of INFINITE POSSIBILITIES AND POTENTIAL.  We are connected to a much greater field of existence.   When we are brought up within our families, we are taught and shown many, many things about life, love, survival and connection to family!  They are useful, needed, wanted, desired and necessary skills and experiences, whether they are painful, difficult, challenging, wonderful, loving or fulfilling! Our families are usually our first exposure to lessons and experiences regarding life. Yet, not all aspects of life we can possibly learn or want to learn are just found within our limited structured frame work of the past!  Often, it is relatively one dimensional thinking, feeling and an acceptable way of life, rich with needed and necessary skills, development and understanding but lacking visions and development of the bigger picture.  We learn about how our bodies function and what they need, we learn our names, our gender, our schooling, our...

World View Perspective: When the world is led through HEART

In changing times, when there is such a 'great pause' in our daily lives, it gives us a chance to view the world and ourselves in a new way.  How best to proceed when all we have counted on gives way.  How do we see ourselves and our lives when all is changing around us.  When our stability is threatened, our established ways are altering, our way forward is currently blocked, what do we now have to turn to? The first thing to realize is we must allow our self image to shift and change and give ourselves time to develop into a new self, ready to adapt to changes.  We need to do so gently and without judgement.  Digging down deep, we can accept changes of courage, boldness and access a deeper truth within us.  See it as a well that has been on our property that has now gone dry.  Do you dig down deeper to access water again?  Do you move your drilling site further out by your property line, do you borrow your neighbors's well or do you pull up yo...

World View Perspective: Freedom from fear

When fear settles into any part of us at any age and stage in our lives, it is useful to understand it, feel it and consider why it is there.  It is also useful to fish it out and begin each day with a new and renewed sense of self. To move through life with a certain degree of caution is wise but to carry forward with us a very old, outmoded, unnecessary amount of stagnant fear is to rob ourselves of a current 'now' presence. We cherish our lives, our existence, our connection to other people and the people we love.  So we fear the loss of what we know to be that.  Yet, in light of ongoing gratitude, a state of mind we can always welcome in, we can be present with all we love all the time, despite any and all fears that arise within us about the loss of what we cherish. Let go of all we fear to lose, as Yoda said in Star Wars.  It is through our attachments that we experience a great deal of fear!  We fear to lose what we have that fulfills us and makes u...

World View Perspective: Allowing a new spring to come

When all that has flowed on in your life is currently dammed up, apparently immovable, possibly the only way forward is to allow a new spring to come.  To halt the known, cherished, trusted and followed in order to give way to a new undiscovered spring to bubble up and reveal itself can be what is now necessary to lead us on! It is so easy to cling to the past understanding, the long known path we have been on in order to not invite in what may have been waiting for us all along.  It is in the process of inviting it in that opens the only way to embark on something new and brave!  We must use our own discernment, of course, but if a new spring calls to us, it may be quite wise to hear it. Perhaps you become lost in the forest and cannot find your way home.  Now you must survive on what you find to eat and drink.  As you seek to find it, suddenly you hear a stream and find berries!  It has literally bubbled up near you and found you in need.  It ans...

World View Perspective: Choosing Faith versus fear

When the world around us highlights fear, we have a choice.  We can openly, actively choose to accept, believe, take in the fear or recognize we have a choice.  We have another choice and that choice is faith. When we look at energy, one can see opposites.  We can look at lust and let it go to Love, we can experience greed or turn it over to Grace, we can feel fear and instead, turn it into Faith and we can take pain and change it to Peace.    These are active, conscious choices we can all make.  These choices make a difference! In any day, we can allow fear to take over and let it grow like a weed, taking over all our thinking, feeling and action.  We can become it, inviting it in to define us.  Yet, when we trust in a Higher Power to release the claws of fear, gripping us, and we're willing to let go of fear, the most amazing thing can happen!   Our Faith expands, we feel an inner strength, walking with us, talking to us, we feel...

World View Perspective: A new breath of life

When life as we know it so openly, obviously changes, taking in a fresh breath of air is not only useful, it is necessary.  A new era is being ushered in through the old ways coming to a stop!  Being halted in life gives us pause and offers a new purpose to access our best path forward.   Being grateful for what has been and what has taken us to where we are now is essential.  This road we have been on has had it's merits, it's plan and it's grand purpose.  Have the courage to let what must shift and change to go now!  As these things occur , a new, fresh perspective is going to be on offer. Trusting the Universe and the Infinite Being of Pure Love and Pure Energy  allows us and invites us to surrender our collective fear, stress, a sense of loss of control and embrace instead a new view of what is possible as we begin to open our hearts and souls to a deeper sense of ourselves and our place in the world. It is ONE WORLD and WE ARE all here ...

World View Perspective: Triumph over traumas

Traumas can hide themselves deep within our human systems and memories.  The traumas we experience, sustain and maintain may have happened a long, long time ago.  They may be so hidden we forgot they were there.  In any case, most traumas are most reluctant to come forward. Perhaps it is embarrassment, maybe it is shame, it could be deep fear.  It is possible the trauma makes us feel too vulnerable, too exposed or too weakened.  Therefore, the last thing we want to do is reveal it to anyone, including ourselves. But just like anything or anyone hidden away in the depth of anything, eventually, it wants to seek the Light of day and come out from hiding.  It wants to surface again so that the needed and necessary healing and clarity can come.  Once that happens, the balance can occur because it is time for that to integration towards wholeness to happen. It will take courage and determination to allow the trauma or the traumatic event to begin moving...

World View Perspective: When our personal heart expresses itself

Like a light, illuminating a long standing pond, one can finally see what kinds of rocks, sticks, moss, debris and toxic waste has been sitting there, waiting to be purified out.  If we don't look, if we don't investigate, if we don't remain curious, we might not ever see it.  If we remain blind to it or in denial of it or continue to look the other way, we lose a wonderful opportunity to clear out what is no longer useful, needed or wanted and therefore, what we can now consciously clear, clean and restore. When we are small, we can get our feelings hurt in big ways and small ways and often later, we don't realize we have stuffed them down really, really deep. We also don't realize we can fix and release those hurts and slights.  We don't think about releasing them so they can no longer impact us in negative and harmful ways. When we take and make the time to be bold and focused, we can sit in contemplation and remember what may have impacted us before.  We...

World View Perspective: Our human nature must transform

If we look at animal nature and our own basic human nature, we see similar patterns.  The instinct to survive is strong and when it is activated, both humans and animals can become brutal.  There is no stronger instinct to life.  The will to live is most pronounced in all living things. Yet, in our human form and nature, we also have a means to recognize and attune to a higher, more expanded consciousness that connects us to the Big Picture of who we really are within us.  Like turning to the Infinite Being's Perspective, which would not allow us to harm any other living thing.  We would see that harming any other living thing is also hurting our self. When we forget that fearing lack only brings that in as a truth versus the Infinite Perspective that there is abundance, we can become so fearful that our more animal like tendencies begin to surface.  Without greater Light, we can fear a lack of love, resources and energy, therefore making it happen. B...